F1: The Car Feels Absolutely Great At The Start, I Am The Car God!

058: Paddock Brawl? ! (Please Give Me Flowers! Please Give Me Monthly Votes! Please Give Me Rewards!

The Hungarian Grand Prix has a total of 41 laps, and it has now reached the 27th lap, with only 14 laps left to finish.

Chen Jingshu has also caught up to the second place, 8.9 seconds behind Mickey, who ranks first.

Although he only needs to finish in second place to win the f3 annual championship, Chen Jingshu still wants to give it a try.

After all, who doesn’t want to add to their resume?

Pit stop on the next lap!

Change to soft tires and sprint with all your strength!

Compete for the championship!

The instructions from team leader Binotto came over the radio.


Chen Jingshu replied and immediately prepared to enter the station!

At this time, other teams also called the drivers into the pit to change tires. It seemed that the temperature today was too high and everyone's tire wear was quite serious.

On lap 28, Chen Jingshu once again rushed out of the corner at high speed, cut into the straight, then downshifted and slowed down to enter the pit channel.

Racing cars from Toyota, Renault, and Ford teams also entered the pit lane.

"Brother cute! Focus! Chen Jingshu is about to enter the station!"

Binotto reminded many tire changers.

A group of tire changers wearing red fire-proof suits were waiting in the tire changing area.

Everyone looked like they were on a battlefield, staring intently at the maintenance tunnel.


The No. 5 red Ferrari race car rushed over from the pit lane and stopped accurately in the tire changing area.




The tire changers were in a hurry, doing everything at once!

Sign up! Green light!

Chen Jingshu rushed out instantly.

This tire change took 2.6 seconds!

"Holy crap! 2.6 seconds?! Did the tire changers take steroids today? Did they actually get within three seconds?"

"It's incredible!"

When looking at the tire change instructions uploaded from the communicator on the steering wheel, Chen Jingshu couldn't believe his eyes.

"I'm not dreaming! I..."


"Fuck! Red light!"

Before Chen Jingshu finished speaking, he saw the red light at the exit of the maintenance area suddenly turned on and stepped on the brakes quickly!

The car slowed down instantly and then stopped!


"Bang bang bang!"

As soon as Chen Jingshu stopped the car, the Toyota racing car behind him didn't react in time and directly kissed his butt!

Then Renault and Ford racing cars rushed forward!

It's like two sperm-like men rushing towards the Toyota racing car's ass...

At this time, at the exit of the pit area, four racing cars collided together, and the scene was extremely chaotic.

The yellow flag was immediately shown at the meeting!

The entrance to the pit area is then closed!

"hen.tai (pervert)! What are you doing! Don't you have eyes?"

Nohara Shuichi was extremely depressed at the moment. Someone rushed into the butt of his car, and the rear wing was directly broken off.

He immediately realized that this Grand Prix would probably not be completed.

"Fake! Can you drive? Why did you brake suddenly? It's very dangerous!"

The front wing of the Renault was also broken off. Cammy David was so angry that he stood up from the cockpit and cursed Chen Jingshu in the Ferrari cockpit.

"Holy shit!"

"Red light! Didn't you see the red light? No need for your eyes?!"

Chen Jingshu was extremely depressed at this time. His rear wheel suspension was directly broken by Toyota, and he was probably going to retire from the race.

"Faq! Damn it! Damn it! Damn it! Damn it! Damn it!"

Ford driver Thomas came out of the cockpit, threw the steering wheel to the ground, and stamped his feet in anger.


In order to ensure the safety of drivers, FIA has set up traffic lights at the exit of the pit lane since the 2009 season to avoid collisions between outbound cars and cars on the main track, resulting in casualties.

Although this measure ensures the safety of riders to a large extent, it also has disadvantages.

For example, today's maintenance tunnel accident is a typical example, and it happens several times every year.

However, the speed limit in the pit lane and pit area is 50km/h and the speed limit in the buffer zone is 80km/h.

Therefore, even if a track accident occurs, it will not be too serious and will not cause casualties.

The accident here quickly attracted the attention of various teams. Binotto and Dalton, as well as the Toyota team leader and Ford team leader, all rushed over.

"What's going on? How fat!"

When Binotto saw that the car was smashed, he came to the cockpit and helped Chen Jingshu out.

"Chen Jingshu, are you okay?"

"I'm fine, but I might have to retire." Chen Jingshu said with regret in his tone.

Afterwards, Chen Jingshu communicated with Binotto about the situation at that time. Binotto understood what happened and patted Chen Jingshu on the shoulder.

"This is a normal track accident and I don't blame you."

"What? Chen Jingshu suddenly braked and caused an accident on the track, and you actually said you don't care about him?"

Dalton couldn't help but feel angry when he saw that Binotto wanted to abdicate responsibility with just one sentence.

"But that's a red light, brother, a red light! Are you color blind?" Binotto argued.

"Even if the light is red, he must slow down in advance to give others room to react!"

"I now suspect that Chen Jingshu has committed an unsafe release, and I will file a complaint against you to the tournament!" Dalton said righteously.

"Go, go! Go quickly."

Binotto ignored Dalton's words of complaint against him and even waved him to go quickly.

Complain against me?

In recent years, we have received thousands of complaint letters alone.

Now I just need to meet someone who wants to complain about me.

I just want to scream (laughs)!

Dalton saw that Binotto was so calm and realized that Binotto was not panicking at all and even the race meeting ignored him.

"Damn Italians!"

"What did you say? You better wipe your (mouth) butt clean! Italians are all your dads!"


Upon hearing this, Dalton's blood immediately surged, and he shouted and rushed towards Binotto!

"Ah! Mr. Dalton! What are you going to do?"

Binotto screamed and was instantly subdued by Dalton and fell to the ground. The two then struggled with each other.

At this time, the team members had already rushed over.

Seeing Binotto and Dalton fighting, he immediately pulled them apart.

But as soon as they pulled away, the two rushed towards each other again.

"Ah! Who hit me on the head just now? How brave!"

A red-coated Ferrari employee looked around to find the prisoner who had knocked him on the head.

"Ah! Farke, who kicked me?"

Another Renault team member was also kicked.

At this time, many people were blocked at the maintenance tunnel exit, and no one knew who was plotting against them!

"It must be someone from the Renault team who is plotting against me."

With this idea in mind, Ferrari staff began to harass everyone, including anyone wearing yellow clothes!

"The one who just kicked me must be a Ferrari!"

Similarly, Renault also started to attack those wearing red clothes!

Suddenly, the originally chaotic scene became more complicated, and the yellow and red teams began to attack each other crazily.

Good guys, paddock brawl!

I saw a tire changer from the red team pick up the front wing of the Ferrari, thinking that the people from the yellow team would slap it away.

Not to be outdone, the staff of the yellow team pulled out the spoiler of the Renault car and threw it at the red team!

"Stupid Frenchman!"

“Fuck you Italians!”

"French guy, do you really think we Italians have good tempers?"

"Fuck you, give me a screw!"

"Faq! Today I'm going to show you the power of our Ferrari's hood!"


Chen Jingshu stood aside and stared at the scene in front of him, dumbfounded....

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