F1: The Car Feels Absolutely Great At The Start, I Am The Car God!

006: The Hope Of The Whole Family (Please Give Me Flowers, Please Collect, And Please Give Me Evalua

"You're too happy too soon! It's easy to upgrade the absolute car feel in the early stage, but in the later stage, the experience required for each level up is beyond your imagination."

"Is it hard to go to heaven with bare hands? Let me tell you! Upgrading in the later stage is even harder than going to heaven!"

"If you want to become a formula racing driver, you are still far away! Stop daydreaming! Keep your feet on the ground and work hard, Sao Nian!"

At this moment, Zhang Da Miao on the side swayed his lazy little body and walked over in a blink of an eye.

"Can you speak? Can you say something nice? It's really uncomfortable."

Zhang Damiao ruthlessly undermined Chen Jingshu's enthusiasm, which made Chen Jingshu very unhappy.

"Hmph, human beings always like to hear nice words, but don't like to hear useful words. This problem is the reason why most people are useless!"

"Remember! Comfort is reserved for the dead!"

When Chen Jingshu saw this short-haired cat speaking so arrogantly, he almost had the word "arrogant" written on his face! With a rage in his mind, he pounced on him.

"Eh? What are you doing? Do you want to attack me? I'm warning you, don't mess around."

When Zhang Damiao saw Chen Jingshu, he rushed over to him. He covered the cat's chest with his paws and looked at Chen Jingshu warily.

"Seeing how arrogant you are in speaking, I want to see if you are a male or a female today!"

Chen Jingshu said harsh words while grabbing the cat's neck and spreading its legs.

The action was rough and the scene was unsightly.

"You beast, get out of here!"


As night fell, Chen Libin finally returned home after a busy day at the driving school.

Throughout the whole day today, Chen Libin had no thoughts at all about teaching his students to practice driving. His mind was filled with images of Chen Jingshu drifting, over and over again, and he couldn't get rid of them.

Maybe Shu really has the potential to become a professional driver, and I can't delay him!

Chen Libin had already made up his mind!

After dinner, as a parent, Chen Libin held an emergency family meeting.

Chen Jingshu, mother Luo Xue, and sister Chen Dingdang were gathered around a small square dining table.

Chen Libin first told everything that happened in the driving school today, which caused his mother and sister to exclaim. Then, Chen Libin said what was in his heart.

"I decided to let Shu go to the magic city to try! He has dreams and potential! We can't delay his talent, and we can't force him to be a useless car mechanic!"

"This is the salary overdraft between me and the driving school, which is 10,000 yuan."

As Chen Libin spoke, he took out a stack of RMB wrapped in paper and handed it to Chen Jingshu.

"You take it first and save some flowers. If it's not enough, I'll think of something else."

Chen Jingshu took the wad of money tremblingly, feeling extremely heavy in his heart.

He knew that this was the hard-earned money his father earned from teaching driving in the driving school under the scorching sun every day. His family was not wealthy, and his sister was in high school and needed money.

Giving him 10,000 yuan at this time can be said to have emptied the entire family's savings.

"Don't worry about money. I drove a delivery last month and Lao Li hasn't paid me the bill yet. I'll go find him in two days."

His father saw the worry on Chen Jingshu's face and comforted him.


Hearing this, Chen Jingshu lowered his head and his voice became choked.

I must become a professional driver so that my family will no longer have a financial burden!

At this moment, Chen Jingshu silently made a vow in his heart!

Originally, his mother, Luo Xue, still disagreed with Chen Jingshu dropping out of school and going to Shanghai to participate in driver youth training, but after some ideological work from his father and sister, he silently accepted it.

Afterwards, the family began to discuss and set the departure date for the day after tomorrow, as well as the preparations before departure and the arrangements after arriving in the magic city.

After discussing this, no one spoke anymore.

At this time, everyone around the dinner table has their own thoughts, and everyone also has what they want to say.

But no one spoke first. The four people gathered around the table and fell into silence for a moment...

After taking a shower, it was already 11 o'clock in the night.

Chen Jingshu turned on the computer, clicked on 59.com, and browsed various part-time jobs.

He understands that this ten thousand yuan may not last long in Shanghai, so he must find a part-time job and cannot just rely on his family to support himself.

While Chen Jingshu was staring at the screen and browsing the web, there was a knock on the door.

Chen Jingshu opened the door and saw that it was his mother Luo Xue.

"Mom, what's the matter with you still up so late?"

Luo Xue looked around cautiously, and after finding no one there, she sneakily pulled Chen Jingshu into the room.

"Mom, what are you doing? Why are you acting like a thief in your own home?"

Looking at Luo Xue's sneaky appearance, Chen Jingshu couldn't laugh or cry.

"Son, I have some private money here for you to use in the Magic City. Don't let your father know about it."

After saying that, Luo Xue took out a wad of money from her arms and put it in Chen Jingshu's hand.

"Mom, what are you doing! My dad has already given me 10,000 yuan, how can you give me back the money! I don't want it, you can keep it yourself."

Chen Jingshu saw that Luo Xue actually took out all his private money and immediately refused.

"Shh! Keep your voice down, don't let your dad hear it!"

"Not much, just two thousand yuan. This is the bonus given by the gas station owner during the Chinese New Year last year. Take it, you will definitely need money in Shanghai!"

Seeing that Chen Jingshu refused to accept it, Luo Xue seemed a little anxious, and then forced it into Chen Jingshu's hands.

"Hold it! Don't be so coy, Mom is going to do the laundry."

After Luo Xue finished saying this, she left the room.

Chen Jingshu took the two thousand yuan and didn't know what to say.

He understood that his mother was unwilling to let him go racing because she was worried about his safety. After all, racing is one of the most dangerous sports in the world.

But for the sake of Chen Jingshu's future, she still gave up her position.

Chen Jingshu took the money and knew that his mother still supported him.

At this moment, Chen Jingshu was once again filled with motivation to become a driver!

After collecting the two thousand yuan, Chen Jingshu returned to the computer and continued browsing the web.

After a while.

Bang bang bang...

The knock on the door rang again.

"Onii-chan (brother), are you sleeping?"

Chen Dingdang's voice sounded like a silver bell outside the door.

"I'm not asleep yet, come in."

Chen Dingdang opened the door and walked in.

"What are you doing?"

Chen Jingshu turned his head and looked at his sister with a doting smile on his face.

Chen Dingdang is only 1.6 meters tall. He is wearing pajamas with bear patterns on them, bear slippers on his feet, and a hat with bear ears hanging down.

There is a playful smile on the fair face, with two pear-like dimples appearing, very lively and cute.

"Onii-chan, let me show you something good!"


Chen Jingshu looked at Chen Dingdang in confusion.

"Dang-dang-dang-dang~dang! This is it!"

As Chen Dingdang spoke, he took out a thousand yuan from the bear's mouth on his belly.

"This is the New Year's money I saved, and I give it to you today."


"Isn't this money your lifeblood? You can't even grab it at ordinary times, so why are you willing to give it to me today?"

Chen Jingshu looked at Chen Dingdang in astonishment, a little at a loss.

"Yeah!~ You are right, but from today on, they will be your lifeblood."

After speaking, Chen Dingdang placed the thousand yuan on the table.

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