The dead body was buried, and the dead body was buried.


Half an hour passed in a flash.

In this half an hour.

Qin Zheng's parents got their revenge.

All those who had a relationship with Lai Fu, Wang Xuan, and Lin Yu were killed by Qin Zheng.

Those who helped Lai Fu control the Qin family's wealth were also found out by Qin Zheng and all killed.

Among them, it is worth mentioning that Lai Fu's five new concubines and the children in their bellies are worth mentioning.

In some novels that Qin Zheng had read in his previous life, some saintly protagonists insisted on not letting their wives and children suffer.

Especially since the children in the bellies of these five concubines were not born yet, basically, they would let these five concubines go in the end.

But Qin Zheng is different.

Qin Zheng's revenge is definitely a thorough revenge.

He wanted Lai Fu to die in the most painful and desperate way.

The unborn children of the five concubines were good props.

He imitated the methods of King Zhou of Shang in the film and television dramas.

He had people cut open the stomachs of the five concubines in front of Lai Fu, took out the three sons and two daughters who had just developed, and then threw them to death one by one in front of him.

Every time one was thrown to death.

Lai Fu howled in pain.

But that was just the end.

After throwing Lai Fu's five concubines' children to death, Qin Zheng made Lai Fu suffer the torture of being cut into pieces.

In order to prevent Lai Fu from dying in the middle of the process, Qin Zheng also asked Zhao Yuying to perform a Confucian technique to keep Lai Fu alive.

In the end, all the flesh on Lai Fu's body was cut off and turned into bones.

Lai Fu died in agony.

Lai Fu, the initiator of his parents' great hatred, died miserably.

Lin Yu and Wang Xuan, the accomplices, were treated similarly.

Almost all of them were executed by slow slicing.

Only those who did not participate in the revenge of Qin Zheng's parents and only helped Lai Fu plunder the Qin family's wealth died more comfortably.

It was just a simple killing of the whole family.


After all those who were related to the revenge of his parents died.

Qin Zheng brought his little maid and the little courtesan to the Qin family, which was renamed Lai Mansion.

After arriving at the ancestral hall, the maid was puzzled when she saw that all the ancestral tablets of the Qin family were there. "Would Lai Fu, that bastard, be so kind? He left all the ancestral tablets of the Qin family?"

"I've heard a story about a cuckoo occupying a magpie's nest."

"It's similar to what happened to you, the wicked slave bullied his master and occupied his master's wealth."

"The wicked slaves were all born as slaves, so they didn't have any ancestors at all."

"So they kept the ancestral tablets of their masters for worship. After a period of time, they changed their names to the masters' surnames. From then on, the ancestors of the master's family became the ancestors of the wicked slaves, and the glory of the ancestors of the master's family became the glory of the wicked slaves."

"If I guess correctly, this Lai Fu might have had this idea."

The little courtesan heard what the maid said and said in a deep voice.

"Is it not enough to seize the family property? Do you want to seize the ancestors?"

"Fortunately, you have achieved success, otherwise, this bastard would have succeeded."

The maid said angrily.

"Master, Madam."

"Ancestors of the Qin family."

"Your revenge has been taken."

"The young master has also achieved success and fame, and has been granted a title and land."

"You can rest in peace."

After being angry, the little maid stood beside Qin Zheng and respectfully reported Qin Zheng's situation to the Qin family's ancestral tablet.

The little courtesan was not idle while the little maid was reporting to the Qin family's tablet.

She found a lot of incense and lit it to offer to the tablets.


"Everything is fate, and nothing can be decided by man."

"If I had awakened to my past life's wisdom earlier, maybe you wouldn't have gotten into trouble."

"But unfortunately, there is no if."

"The only thing I can do now is to avenge you by cutting Lai Fu, who killed you, and the people related to him into pieces."

"But don't worry, we will have a chance to meet again in the future."

"I will definitely ascend to the highest level in the future. At that time, the long river of time will be my toy. I will cross the long river of time and revive you."

Qin Zheng stood in front of his parents' spirit tablets and made a solemn promise in his heart.


"Bang bang."

Just when Qin Zheng was thinking about ascending to the highest level to revive his parents in the future, two footsteps were heard outside the ancestral hall.

"Qin Zheng, can we come in?"

As the footsteps approached, Zhao Yuying's voice appeared outside the door.

"Please come in."

Qin Zheng nodded when he heard Zhao Yuying's voice.

"Qin Zheng, I went to the county government office,

I found the treasure that killed your parents. "

Qin Zheng finished speaking, Zhao Yuying brought Ruyu to Qin Zheng and said in a deep voice.

"That's it."

"Second-grade rare item, the three-legged golden toad."

"The three-legged golden toad has the function of swallowing gold and spitting out spiritual money."

"The spiritual money it spits out can help people break through the realm, and can break through to the fourth grade without any obstacles. Finally, kill the golden toad, swallow its flesh and blood, and you can enter the third grade."

"It can be said that as long as there is enough wealth, the three-legged golden toad almost represents the supreme treasure that can break through the third grade 100%. "

Zhao Yuying flipped his hand and took out a palm-sized golden toad with three legs.

"I'm sorry to trouble the mountain master with the matter of my parents' revenge. This three-legged golden toad will be my thank you gift. Please accept it. "

Qin Zheng said in a deep voice while looking at the three-legged golden toad in Zhao Yuying's hand.

Qin Zheng's words were a test.

The three-legged golden toad is 100% effective in creating a third-grade warrior.

Third-grade warriors are among the top warriors in the entire Tianxuan Continent.

Qin Zheng asked himself, if he were Zhao Yuying, he would not be able to accept such a temptation.

Investing in a genius, the return in the future may not be as much as the three-legged golden toad.

Qin Zheng estimated that Zhao Yuying took out the three-legged golden toad and never thought of giving it to him.

It was even testing his attitude, whether he knew what was interesting or not.

If he knew what was interesting, he would just keep it in his hand as a return on investment.

If he didn't know what was interesting, he would force him to know what was interesting.

Qin Zheng was actually not very interested in the three-legged golden toad.

He has the Great Devouring Technique, and can easily refine a third-grade 100% gold-level Heaven and Earth Great Pill.

He doesn't even look down on the three-legged golden toad.

Zhao Yuying is testing him.

Why doesn't he take this opportunity to test Zhao Yuying and see how high his position is in Zhao Yuying's heart.

If Zhao Yuying takes the three-legged golden toad.

Then Qin Zheng will treat this three-legged golden toad as a return for Zhao Yuying's previous investment and repay Zhao Yuying's favor.

After he becomes invincible, Zhao Yuying can't expect to get any benefits from him.

If Zhao Yuying doesn't take it and returns the three-legged golden toad to him.

That means his position in Zhao Yuying's heart is higher than the three-legged golden toad.

In the future, he can also let Zhao Yuying ascend with him when he becomes invincible.


"Qin Zheng."

"This three-legged golden toad is a treasure found by your parents. In other words, it is the last relic your parents left for you."

"How can I accept it? ”

“Return the favor? I said, I invested in you because I see your future.”

“If I really want a return, I want you to return it in the future. What’s the point of returning it now?”

“Take it quickly.”

Zhao Yuying took Qin Zheng’s hand without any explanation, put the three-legged golden toad in her hand and said.

“Hmph, how can you hide this little trick of testing from me?”

“Do you really think that I, a reborn person, have been here for nothing?”

“Big devil, big devil, you want to use a small three-legged golden toad to repay the favor I invested in you, how is that possible?”

“A single hair of yours in the future is hundreds of billions of times better than the three-legged golden toad, how can I lose the big picture for the small?”

After forcibly returning the three-legged golden toad to Qin Zheng, Zhao Yuying thought secretly in her heart.

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