Chapter 115 A Paradise Belonging to One Person Alone

“What? Why is that guy so rampant?”

Looking at the disappeared Laxus, Lucy couldn’t help but frowned.

Obviously, for this guy who looks extremely arrogant

Lucy didn’t have any feelings.

This is the first time in Fairy Tail

In the past, although everyone had various problems

However, the heart that cares for companions cannot be fake.

But today, Lucy didn’t feel that from Laxus.

“Ignore him, Lucy.” Erza walked to Lucy’s side.

“That’s just a really stinky guy.”

Lucy nodded and turned to look at Erza.

Before the words came out of his mouth, they turned into exclamations.

“Eh? What are you wearing?”

Lucy pointed at Erza, who was wearing a bikini, flip-flops, a swimming ring around her waist, and a sun hat, and exclaimed

“This? Of course he’s going on vacation. Didn’t Loki tell her?” Erza asked in confusion.

“Loki?” Lucy was a little confused.

“Didn’t you help Loki return to the Celestial Realm a few days ago? Actually, we didn’t realize that Loki was actually a Celestial Realm. It was all thanks to you, otherwise Loki would have disappeared.”

Erza said with emotion

After Erza’s reminder, Lucy suddenly remembered

Just the day before yesterday

I was watching the live broadcast when I suddenly heard the news that Loki wanted to quit the guild.

This made Lucy think of her previous guess.

As a celestial wizard, Lucy naturally has an understanding of the celestial spirits that ordinary people cannot match.

Therefore, I had doubts the first time I saw Loki.

Until the last few events, Lucy’s guess was further confirmed.

Loki is a star spirit

After asking the most knowledgeable Southern Cross Star Spirit about this, Lucy also understood everything.

The cause was two years ago, in the Blue Pegasus Guild

There is an extremely famous celestial wizard named Kallen.

At that time, Loki was her star spirit

However, Kallen was very cruel to the Protoss, and once thought that the Protoss were just tools.

Therefore, Loki, who could not stand what Kallen did to the Celestial Spirit, exploded.

When Kallen punished the Celestial Spirits again

Loki used his magic to show up and stop Kallen.

Then he told her that if she didn’t cancel the contract with the stars

Then I won’t go back.

In this case, since Kallen cannot open the door twice, that is, summon two celestial spirits at the same time,

As long as Loki is in the real world, Kallen will not be able to use magic.

Loki wants to use this to threaten Kallen

And indeed it did so.

During this period, Kallen also kept asking Loki for mercy.

But Loki was determined and still asked Kallen to cancel the contract with the stars.

This stalemate lasted for three months.

Kallen couldn’t stand not being able to use magic to work.

Without telling the Blue Pegasus’s president Bob, he secretly carried out the mission.

In the end, Kallen failed to complete the double door opening.

Died on mission

And this sin was also borne by Loki.

Even though Loki did nothing and was still suffering because the Star Spirits forced him to stay in the world

However, it still happened, and the sin still rests on him.

As a result, Loki was exiled from the Celestial Realm.

After that, Loki joined Fairy Tail and has been with the team until now.

After three years alone in the human world, Loki has become extremely weak.

He had to face death

So he chose to quit Fairy Tail and went to Kallen’s grave alone to repent.

Lucy, who learned all this, found Loki in front of Kallen’s tomb with the help of the members of the Blue Pegasus.

Perhaps it was Lucy’s determination not to give up her companions.

Or maybe it was the words she blurted out:”If there is a problem with the law, then I will change the rule.”

For various reasons, Lucy even attracted the king of the star spirit world.

The Celestial King

After a conversation, Lucy convinced the Celestial King to pardon Loki’s crime.

And allowed Loki to return to the Astral World

The price is that Loki will become Lucy’s strength and fight for her.

“So it was that matter.……”Lucy showed a look of understanding

“So, this is a thank you to you, tickets to the resort of Fiore Kingdom, Arcagne Resort Paradise, where you can enjoy a few days”

At this moment, Luo appeared

And handed Lucy a ticket

“In addition, to thank everyone for their care before, I just gave Natsu and Gray a ticket. Enjoy your vacation.”

After saying this with a smile, Loki turned into the key of Leo and appeared in Lucy’s hand.

Loki, who had just been allowed to return to the Astral World, still needed a good rest.

“Arkane Holiday Paradise?” Lucy looked at the ticket in her hand, her eyes sparkling.

“This, I wanted to go before but never had the chance, but Loki can get it!”

“Why are you still dawdling? Do you want to be left behind by us?”

Not far away, Gray’s shout came

Lucy turned her head and looked carefully.

Oh my goodness, Gray, Natsu and Happy are all ready and are about to set off.

“By the way…Natsu, weren’t you still lying on the ground just now?”

Seems to feel���Somewhat surprised, Lucy turned her head and looked at the chair bench that was smashed by Natsu not far away.

“Don’t worry about the details, hurry up, you won’t be able to catch up later.” Erza patted Lucy’s shoulder.

Then he pulled the mountain of carts and caught up with Natsu and the others.

Lucy didn’t hesitate and quickly followed

“Come back soon!” Behind him, Mirajane waved goodbye with a smile.

Watching Erza and her group gradually go away



Magic Council

Watching the sky gradually darken

Zikurein took a deep breath.

He stood up from his seat and left.

“Qi Ku? We have a meeting next to discuss this.”

Crawford reprimanded with some dissatisfaction

“I don’t think it’s necessary.”Zikurein left and waved his hand to everyone.

“Based on the information just now, can you analyze anything?”

“It’s just a waste of time. If you have any ideas, you might as well prepare yourself and wait for the next abnormality to come.”


As soon as Zikurein finished speaking, the sound of the door closing was heard.


Zikurein stood at the gate

He slowly raised his head:”Boring… Really boring!”

He made a sound of dissatisfaction

“With so many anomalous and huge treasures at their disposal, the Foundation is still able to pull off such a touching drama.”

“It would be a waste to give them the anomaly. If I had it,……”

Zikurein narrowed his eyes.

“Abel’s pitch-black blade and Cain’s absolute counterattack, aren’t these worth studying?”

“They are simply wasting resources!” but……

Zikurein clenched his fist tightly, as if he had thought of something.

A sudden change in attitude

“But fortunately, it is already ready.”

“The world needs a wiser leader, and the ignorant should die.”

“And the so-called anomalies should be left to those who know how to use them better!”

Under the lights of the corridor

Zikurein’s face was distorted with excitement.

“It’s started! This world will become my own paradise!”

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