Chapter 141 You Are About to Die

Team member B’s words fell

Countless people were stunned

Perhaps during the previous conversation between Director A and D-4325, many people had some guesses.

However, when this matter was bluntly stated by Team Member B

Everyone still felt a bit cruel.

According to Team Member B, the purpose of D-class personnel’s existence is to die.

To perform some extremely dangerous tasks

Faced with some unknown anomalies, use your life to experiment with ways to combat anomalies

This bloody fact is still hard to accept.

After all, it’s a human life.

But on second thought, is this really cruel?

The Twelve Shields of the Albares Empire do not think so.

If sacrificing some lives can win the battle against the anomaly,

Then they will not even hesitate to send others to do it

Even, I won’t care whether this person really deserves to die.

However, the Foundation will use some extremely heinous death row prisoners to do this.���matter

Honestly, that’s very kind.

As Team B said, they should have died long ago.

It was the Foundation that saved them and gave them more chances to live.

As for human rights?

The moment he became a death row inmate, they had completely lost their human rights.

Being alive is the greatest gift.

There are many people who can see through this, even the Wizard Guild

In Fairy Tail, Makarov, who is known for his kindness, also has the same view.

Some even admire the foundation’s system.



In the sky screen

“Well, don’t worry about it, we don’t have much supplies, so we need to act quickly.”Team member B interrupted the conversation.

Then he sighed helplessly at Erza and the others:”As for you, I’m sorry to involve you.”

“But no one knew that the ghost thing would actively absorb people.……”

“It’s okay.” Erza shook her head and interrupted Team B.

Then he said:”No one knows what will happen next. After all, this is an abnormal”


At this point, Erza narrowed her eyes slightly.

“We still have people to look for, maybe she is in this space right now?”

“That’s right, let’s search the area.” Simon said

He seems to have gotten used to the injuries.

Although the wound is affected by rapid movement, it is no longer as painful as before.

He pointed to the right and said,”I just looked around and the wall seems to be a little distorted. It looks a bit like… a border?”

“Is it possible to get out of this space?”

Simon’s words also attracted everyone’s attention to the right.

Indeed, the wall there seems to have obvious spatial distortion.

A boundary similar to a barrier

“Let’s go and have a look.”Chief A came over.

Everyone nodded.

They took steps and moved closer to the wall.

For some reason, the closer she got to the twisted area, the more uneasy Erza felt.

Frowning tightly

Just as Erza was constantly thinking about why this was happening,

Simon was the first to reach the edge of the wall

The continuous wall seems to have a break here, and the distorted space can vaguely see the scenery outside

Simon’s breathing became rapid.

Could it be… this is the exit?

A thought filled Simon’s mind.

Before everyone could react, Simon involuntarily reached out his hand and touched the twisted part.


A strange sound awakened Erza who was lost in thought.

She raised her head suddenly, but saw an extremely horrifying scene!

Pupils dilate momentarily

An unbelievable voice rang out:”Simon!!~!”

At this moment, even the audience in the sky opened their mouths in shock.

That twisted part is not the exit to the outside world

But… the entrance to hell

When Simon’s hand touched the twisted wall

Unimaginable pain instantly spread throughout Simon’s body.

Then, Simon’s tall body began to melt strangely. right!

That’s right, it melts!

Like SCP-1983-2 after being killed by a silver bullet

The whole person is like an ice cream in the sun

Begins to melt strangely

Black liquid began to gush out of Simon’s mouth, blocking Simon’s screams.

Next, there are two nostrils and two eyes.

And two ears

Thick black liquid continued to burst out from Simon’s body.

The stench is overwhelming

Lucy’s eyes widened and she covered her mouth with her hands involuntarily.

Suppressing my own screams of fear

Erza wanted to reach out and pull Simon back.

But he was immediately stopped by the quick-witted Chief A.

“Are you dying? Get back quickly!!”

Captain A forcibly dragged Erza back to the rear.

Team B and two D-class personnel also began to retreat.

Watching all this with horror

Ten seconds!

In less than ten seconds, Simon’s tall body completely turned into a pool of thick black liquid, piling up on the ground.

Such a horrific scene

It was presented directly in front of Erza and others, and in front of all the audience.

Once again, everyone in this world clearly realizes……

Extremely terrifying!

“Damn…it seems like SCP-1983 has more than just SCP-1983-2 as a means of attack.……”

Captain A murmured as he stared at the black liquid on the ground.

Boom… Boom… Boom……

Misfortunes never come singly

Right at this moment! (To read the exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

There was a loud knocking sound coming from the closed door behind me.

Everyone could even see the door shaking.

There is no time to grieve for the people and remember the dead.

Captain A immediately grabbed the assault rifle in his hand and yelled,”No, run!!!””

“Be sure to avoid anything that looks like a border, RUN!!!”


The closed door shattered

Under the candlelight, everyone could clearly see

Behind the gate, pairs of scarlet eyes

Like a red ocean, countless

“Hiss!!!” Outside the sky, countless people couldn’t help but take a breath of cold air.

“So many?”

“These…are all SCP-1983-2?”

“What a joke, is this the number of monsters they just encountered?”

“No wonder there is no time to study and the business is closed. It’s a blessing that they can get away, right?”

“To be honest, just seeing this scene on the sky, my legs started to go weak. Really…isn’t this too horrifying?”

Countless people looked at the sky in horror and talked about it.

In the sky screen

The only choice Erza and the others have is to run!

Run like crazy!

It seems that how long they can live depends on how long they can run.

The roar of the monster

The roar of gunfire and the spurting of blood were all before everyone’s eyes.

Erza and the others fled frantically, passing the palace and coming to a classroom.

We passed the classroom and came to a bathhouse.

During their escape, Erza and the others even passed through dozens of rooms.

These rooms are completely different, as if they were made up of various buildings.

Even on the run

Lost two companions again.

Yes, they were all forcibly pulled back by the dark monster.

Only the guns they threw out were left.

Erza and Lucy held their assault rifles tightly

Gritting his teeth, he stared at Captain A and Team Member B being dragged into the darkness.

The anger in my heart is like a volcano

But they know they can’t stop.

Once they stop, then… maybe they will be wiped out.

Suppress the anger inside

Erza, Lucy and two D-class personnel fled again



The picture continues

Erza and the others were running away, trying to shake off the monsters behind them.

This is SCP-1983’s lair.

They blended into the darkness and chased the crowd

The overwhelming monster wave will overwhelm even the members of the Mobile Task Force.

Finally, I don’t know how long I ran.

The voice behind them finally disappeared, and they came to an older room.


D-4325 fell to the ground helplessly

Constantly panting

“.I can’t run anymore……”He said

Erza looked around and breathed a sigh of relief after confirming that there were no monsters around.

He relaxed against the wall and said,”Let’s take a break.……”

They are too tired now.

After running for a long time, when the energy dissipates, a feeling of fatigue like a tide surges into my heart.

All four of them collapsed on the ground as if relieved.

Greedily breathing the air of this moment

“How long have we been running?” Lucy asked after a while.

“(How long has it been? Maybe a few hours?” Erza rubbed her head and said.

“Where are we now?”D-14134 Inquiry��

Erza raised her head and looked around.

There was chaos above my head. There was no roof. Or rather, this space had no upper half.

In the chaos, there is a distorted space visible to the naked eye.

The wooden floor under my feet is like the one in the farmhouse

The walls were covered with the dense, twisted characters I had seen before in front of the black door.

“I don’t know, it seems like every room here is different.”

Erza murmured

If I must say, this space feels like a distorted kaleidoscope of space, constantly devouring every outsider.

There is no entrance and no exit

There is only endless chaos and despair.

Erza took a deep breath and then took out a piece of paper from her pocket.

Or should it be a page of notes?

The handwriting on it is sloppy

This is the paper Erza found in a room just now.

Brought back

Out of curiosity, Erza opened the note page.

The words above come into view

【Project number: Waiting for number】

【Object Class: Keter. God bless you】

【Special Containment Procedures: You’re about to be, you unlucky bastard】

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