Chapter 48 The first containment mission is about to begin

Site-17Inside the base

Three angels with nothing to do are walking together in the activity area of ​​the base.

Considering that even some paranoid people cannot work in the laboratory 24 hours a day

Therefore, the interior of this base is also built with entertainment areas.

Even though it is underground, it still tries to imitate the surface scene.

Three angels are walking in a man-made garden.

Quietly enjoying the faint fragrance in the air

This kind of environment is still very friendly to creatures like angels.

In addition, due to its own biological characteristics,

Therefore, the live broadcast of Tianmu can also appear in their sight.

The day they were summoned, the angels became very interested in the anomalies that invaded this world.

However, at present, the two rare objects in the base are

A tickle monster and an immortal evil lizard

The former rarely appears in the base. Most of the time, they are in Qin Tiandao’s office.

Therefore, even if you like them very much, it is not easy to see angels once.

The latter, not to mention

There is a very strict hierarchy within the Foundation.

Although the three angels listed as mobile task forces have high authority, they have no right to approach a Keter-level anomaly like 682.

Currently, only a few researchers in the entire foundation have the authority to

Regarding the current appearance of SCP-096

Although it seems very strange, the three angels don’t care much.

After all, where is the super strength?

They are not afraid of SCP-096

They are ahead by too much. In their own universe, they were the strongest civilizations in the first tier of combat power.

Three generations of guardian angels,

It often only takes one person to forcibly suppress a pre-nuclear civilization.

As for 096 who is still using the beast-like killing method, the angels naturally look down on him.

Too far behind

Therefore, at first, I just watched it with a curious attitude.

However, as time goes by

The expressions on their faces kept changing.

Until now, the smile has completely disappeared

Instead… there was a serious look on his face!

Because SCP-096 exhibits some strange characteristics that even angels cannot recognize.

“What on earth is going on? It has been completely destroyed, so why… can it be refreshed again?”Zhi Xin scratched his head.

A puzzled look on his face, as an angel famous for his research

Zhixin can better understand the absurdity of 096

“And the one that can ignore obstacles but does not cause any fluctuations in space… This is completely inconsistent with the principle of space transmission.”Yan’s brows were also tightly furrowed.

In their original universe, there is also technology that can penetrate space.

Microwormhole transport technology

But, after all, it is also a scientific application of space.

However, 096’s ability to cross barriers, or in other words, the ability to not be blocked by any obstacles, completely violates the angels’ concept of”scientific’

“”Use the eye of insight to take a look?” Leng suggested

“”Okay!” Yan nodded.

Then he stood up straight, and his bright eyes turned silver-white.

Eye of Insight

This is a special ability that only angels can use.

All data attributes of the target can be parsed in an instant

Even, one can read a person’s past through the traces they left in the dark plane.

Moreover, with the strength of Angel Yan

It is almost possible to read most of the information in this world, or people and objects, in an instant!

But… something strange happened again

SCP-096 is not too far from here

Therefore, Angel Yan was extremely sure that he had scanned 096, but he could not read any of its attribute information.

Yan’s frown deepened

After a while, the silvery white eyes gradually recovered.

Under the gaze of Zhixin and Leng, Angel Yan shook his head helplessly.

“Can’t read, very strange……”Angel Yan tilted his head

“What kind of creature is this?”

Although the strength shown is not strong, and even the destructive power is not as good as some powerful wizards in this world.

For example, the previous Saint Ten Mage named Makarov, the destructive power he showed was stronger than 096

However, it is immune to the angel’s information reading, can also achieve a strange rebirth like a bug, and even has the ability to ignore any obstacles.……

Plus the strange killing rule that if you see your face you will be hunted down

This feeling is very confusing.

It’s like… an attack from the rules level

Once seen, they will be hunted down by 096. As for 682, no matter how serious the damage is, they will not die and may even evolve again.

All of this is so unreasonable, unscientific, and even unlawful.

It is so domineering.

As long as you see 096, you must die

As long as 682 is hurt, it will evolve.

Simple and crude! But it makes people helpless

Yan’s face became more and more ugly.

“Abnormal…are they all like this?” After pondering for a long time, she couldn’t help but ask

“I don’t know, but to be honest, I think… we seem to be a little too arrogant.”Zhi Xin murmured.

Leng frowned and was about to retort

However, he glanced at the sky, and the words of rebuttal on his lips could not be uttered.

Arrogant? Maybe.

But what really leads to arrogance may be ignorance.

The angels don’t understand anomalies, but judging from the overall combat power of this world

They do have the capital to be proud.

I thought that the opponents summoned would be no different from the natives of this world.

Angels naturally have overwhelming capital

However, the facts gave them all a loud slap in the face.

Since joining the Foundation, their enemies have never been the native inhabitants of the Fairy Tail world.

It comes from that completely unreasonable, weird…… abnormal!

“But how can we contain this guy?”

Leng listened to the analysis of the two people beside him and scratched his head, his tone full of frustration.

“This guy is impossible to kill. Does he still need to rely on the Tickle Monster?”

Yes, even the arrogant Leng, after learning about the characteristics of SCP-096,

I became somewhat at a loss.

She really couldn’t think of any way to contain 096

Those characteristics are so weird.

Just imagine, when you are faced with such a monster, how would you contain it?

The immortality of the creature means that you can’t completely destroy it.

And just a casual glance

Then, the monster will stare at you all the time and attack you at any time.

You don’t know if you can withstand its relentless attack.

Can’t bear it, GG

Even if you can resist, how long can you resist?

It’s like that monster doesn’t need any energy to move.

It will keep attacking you until you are completely dead.

Who can bear this?

Even if you don’t look at it, can you guarantee that no one else will accidentally see it?

As long as you see it, SCP-096’s killing mechanism will be triggered

You can’t even stop it.

Because…it also has the ability to ignore any obstacles

“It’s probably impossible to get the Itch Monster. Not to mention whether the Itch Monster is useful for an abnormality that doesn’t even know if it has intelligence.”

“It is impossible for the Foundation to send out the Itch Monster for every abnormality. It is said that the Foundation takes the Itch Monster very seriously.”Yan said

“So, this task is probably ours.”

Zhi Xin also nodded:”Get ready, I guess our first battle with ‘Abnormal’ is about to come.”

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