The snow leopard opened its blood basin and bit on Delliora’s head fiercely.


The demon’s hard skin was like tofu, easily bitten, and muscles, blood vessels, and the hardest bones were crushed by sharp teeth.

“Roar, roar, roar!!!”

Half of Diliora’s cheeks were torn apart, and he looked even more hideous.

I have to say that the demon’s vitality is really tenacious, and after this, Daliorah can even let out a deafening roar.


The snow leopard chewed the demon’s flesh and bones, looked at Dalyora with cold eyes, and the corners of his mouth dripped blood from time to time, dripping on the ground and hissing.


At this moment, Motoyanagisai’s pupils suddenly contracted as he felt a throbbing in his body.

This throbbing came from the collapsed jade in the body, which seemed to reveal a longing.

“Bangyu actually reacted?!!”

This is the first time that Yuan Yanagizai has felt a reaction from Honyu since then.

Over the years, no matter what method Yuan Yanagisai tried, he could not communicate with Bangyu.

Although the jade was in his body, it was like a proud iceberg snow lotus, and there had never been any movement.

“Bangyu is thinking…. Devil’s soul? ”

Looking at Diliola, who was bleeding nonstop and was being knocked down again and again by the snow leopard, and eating at it, Yuan Liuzhai’s eyes were fiery.

Motoyanagisai couldn’t help but walk forward, wanting to collect Diliora’s soul.




Finally, as the snow leopard pounced on Dailiora again, biting his neck in one bite.

The tall demon struggled twice, then lost its motion, and its scarlet pupils lost their radiance.

Daliora’s body shattered little by little, turned into flying ash and began to dissipate, and the huge body disappeared in the blink of an eye.

As for why the body dissipates after the demon dies, no one knows what the principle is.

Is this true of all demons, or is it just the demons created by Jelf?

Then I don’t know even more!


Motoyanagisai appeared at the head of Dailiora, which turned into ash, and a spiritual pressure covered the surroundings.

An energy that only Yuan Yanagisai could see was sucked into his body and then absorbed by Honyu.

Motoryuzai could feel that his Hongyu seemed to be a little different…

It’s like it is…. The broken parts have been patched up a little!

Yuan Liuzai secretly scolded himself for being stupid, and he knew it in his heart.

The blue dye in the comics, in order to create and feed Bangyu, but used the soul of the flowing soul street with the talent of the god of death, the soul of the god of death, and even the soul of the void.

But Yuan Liuzhai has only fed the soul of the Warcraft and the soul of the Dark Guild Demon Guide over the years.

Could it be that the repair of Broken Jade requires a different soul?

Motoryuzai had a new conjecture in his heart.

But it’s not right, isn’t Lalabai also a demon?

Why didn’t Hongyu react after absorption?

Thinking of this, Yuan Liuzhai had another headache.

Bangyu seems to have become a picky eater, and since the first two years, generally weak souls, Bangyu is unwilling to devour.

Yuan Liuzhai still can’t figure out how Bangyu feeds.

“If only there was another Urahara Kisuke.” Yuan Yanagizai secretly shook his head and sighed.

Life is not easy, Zhai Zhai sighs ~~

It can only be said that there is a specialization in the art industry, and the general captain of the Yuan Liu Zhai inheritance, although the strength is strong, slashing, fisting, walking, ghost, the four death skills have also reached the peak.

But in the study of souls, it is not good.

Although Yuan Liuzhai knows the role of Hongyu, how to use it and how to feed it can only be slowly explored by himself.

Just like we play games, we know how to put skills, but the programming and code of this skill, then only the designer and the code writer know.

Just like this time, what is the principle by which Yachukas was created? Motoyanagisai didn’t know.

Why didn’t Bangyu react to Lalabai and throb at Diliora’s soul? Motoyanagisai is also not clear.

However, Motoyanagi Zhai at least understood one thing, that is, Hongyu needs different souls, such as: devil’s, or…. Dragon?


Yuan (bhfj) Liu Zhai, who was thinking, suddenly felt a chill all over his body, as if he was targeted by something terrifying.

Looking up, he met the cold and bloodthirsty eyes of Yachukas.

“Oh? Do you think I robbed you of your food? ”

“Or do you say…. Treat me like food? (Read violent novels, go on Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Yuan Liuzhai’s pupils narrowed, and he said lightly.


Yachukas roared angrily at Motoryuzai, and the furious spiritual pressure raged on.

“Gray, Naz, you guys get out of here first.”

“The farther the better.”

The void of the Yachuka level is not something that the current Natsu people can face.

“Got it.”

Natsu felt the pressure emanating from Yachukas’s body, did not stubbornly, and nodded and said.

Lucy was also afraid and said: “Yuan Liuzai, then you are careful. ”

Harpy: “We’ll withdraw first, hi~~”

Gray’s face was tangled, his fists were clenched and loose, loose and clenched, and the moment he turned around, he said to Yuan Liuzhai: “Yuan Liuzhai, please, don’t hurt Ulu.” ”

Motoyanagisai didn’t answer, and Gray didn’t wait for Motoyanagisai to speak, closed his eyes, gritted his teeth, and left here with Natsu and Lucy.

Yachukas’s beastly intuition seemed to feel the pressure from Motoyanagisai.

Not like attacking Déliora, directly pounced and tore and bit.

Instead, his limbs circled Yuan Liuzhai, constantly walking, and his scarlet eyes stared at Yuan Liuzhai.


However, the bloodthirsty instinct still overcame the intuition of the beast.

The snow leopard opened its blood basin and mouth, condensing white energy-virtual flash.

“The proud son of heaven, the iron wall, the dragon walks, the lion roars, the tiger roars, the wolf runs, truncates the heavens and the earth before collapsing.”

“Eighty-one of the Bound Dao!”

Motoryuzai didn’t dodge, he wanted to feel the power of this void.

Of course, it will not be careless, in the original comics, the virtual of the Yachucas level has the spiritual pressure of the captain level.

Yuan Liuzhai’s current spiritual pressure is not much stronger than Yachukas.

Other words…… He created a terrifying monster!


It should be that Bangyu created a terrible monster!!

“Bangyu, what an incredible thing.”



“Boom !!!”

White virtual flashes burst out, and the ground along the way was plowed into a long ravine, and the terrifying energy wiped out everything in front of it.

The white energy collided with the black barrier, and the powerful shock wave quickly swept towards the perimeter centered on the collision point.

The earth cracked, rocks turned to powder, and waves of terrifying energy raged around.

The sound of explosions resounded through the cave, and the entire underground collapsed.


Rocks fell and rubble rained down.

“Boom、、、 boom、、、、”

After a while, the entire building above shattered and collapsed.

The flames of the explosion and the smoke and dust stirred up by the collapse of the building rushed into the sky, and then fell in all directions like fireworks.

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