Fairy, Please Take Care of Yourself

Chapter 517: Shock the world

Today, there are four main forces. The Central Plains, based on the former Sima Qing and the young emperor inherited by Li Wuxian, have gone straight to the East China Sea.

In the past few years, the mob warriors have changed from the only Gyeonggi prefecture to a behemoth, basically inheriting the main area of ​​the original Dagan.

In the southeast, southwest, and northwest, each has a strong separatist force. Among them, the southeast is relatively safe, which has not hindered the overall situation. The two northwest and southwest are relatively strong and have been tug at each other.

This Anling King is the southwestern power.

In the other corners, there are still many small forces, basically belonging to the soy sauce industry. Most of them are wait-and-see attitude, depending on who has the upper hand and wait for the price to sell.

From the Fire Army, it was the capital of King Anling.

King Anling's main army had been tugging for more than a year with a strong army and cadres called Tianyuguan, always watching the hope to break the barrier, so King Anling continued to increase troops, resulting in an even more empty rear.

No one could think of it. In the middle of tug-of-war, in the past, the south detached army who felt there was no sense of existence across the poor mountains and rivers actually crossed the mountains and mountains like a sky fall and appeared in such a distant hinterland of Dagan.

There are only ten thousand soldiers in the south, but it is enough.

A bit of Deng Ai's taste of exterminating Shu. Exaggeratedly, this is not a Yinping trail, but the poor mountain water from the southernmost tip of the mainland suddenly appeared in the southwestern hinterland of Dagan. The analogy is that from Jiao Zhi to Shu, Deng Ai came and caught blindness ...

What is even more outrageous is the large-scale siege equipment. Lightning broke several cities along the way before reaching the capital. I really do n’t know how these extremely difficult equipment came out.

Qin Yi felt that this should be done by using some fairy tactics, and Li Wuxian, who had the full support of Qianlongguan, could achieve this kind of military relocation, but it was also more difficult.

This kind of army is not capable of being transported at one time at the level of Qianlongguan. It is necessary to take it slowly in batches. It may be normal for more than half a year. Such a long time, such a big movement, it is not easy to hide the news, and how the supply continues is a mystery. Even after the fact, he didn't even know what to do, and the fat man, King Anling, would not be wronged.

Maybe there is Tiananguan Pass, and King Anling constantly feels that there is hope of breaking the barrier there, which leads to continuous adjustment of his abdominal strength and combat power, which may be set up. Like a patient hunter, step by step was arranged for more than a year, and at the most correct time, the soldiers came to heaven.

In short, Qin Yi did not know how the apprentice did it, and did not specifically ask Xie Yuan.

He is not proficient in politics and wars in the world, and asks for nothing.

The capture of King Anling was born, and the entire separatist forces in the west depended on it. Originally, the army of King Anling, who had previously fought with the Tianganguan army, disarmed and surrendered.

Everyone was a major civil war. When the capital was broken, the family and the gentry class opened their doors to welcome the Lord. The change from top to bottom was logical. There are no other officials in the outside army who are desperate to fight. The leader will receive the family's intention to surrender. When the flag is changed, it is the army. They can directly pull away to fight with other forces ...

So within a few days, the largest separatist warlord in the southwest was wiped out, and the fertile soil in the southwest changed.

Until this time, the news came to the ears of other separatist forces.

Really ... shock the world!

Almost all forces can be caught off guard.

Because no one has ever thought of it, the forces that have been away from the high emperor in the south for a thousand years and have no connection with Middle-earth in the battle against Middle-earth will actually fall into the sky and become the sharpest knife to break the deadlock.

This is the dead end of thinking. It can also be said that empiricism kills people.

It was not until this time that people remembered the thirteen-year-old "King of the South" on the throne. It was not just a title, but a real king of the kingdom that had been a nation for thousands of years.

She has an elite army that is truly loyal to herself, and even the people of a country are behind it. There is no such puppet, and no one dares to let such a puppet really move her army.

The actions of the South Leaving Army proved that all these were Li Wuxian's own arrangements. From beginning to end, the world round was centered around her.

This little girl lurking in the deep dry palace, finally revealed her fangs.

Not to mention how shocked others are, even Qin Yi, who is her master, has only a ellipsis in her belly, so she doesn't know how to say it.


Qin Yi did not stay in the southwest.

Xie Yuan was busy stabilizing the southwestern region, spreading the world, and solidifying the situation, Qin Yi left directly and flew directly to Longyuan City.

He flew all the way north, paying attention to the lower part, browsing slowly like watching a slide.

The original large and small warlords in this direction have long been destroyed, and they are all within Li Wuxian's sphere of influence. It can be seen that production is being resumed everywhere, and peasants are advised. The earth has restored peace and tranquility, and it is no longer the soldiers and horses that were seen when the Rift Valley was out last time.

In the fall, golden rice can be seen everywhere, and some people are harvesting in the autumn. It can be seen that this production has been stable for a long time, not just the beginning.

Occasionally, bandits and bandits can be seen and scattered.

It is obvious that Dagan is showing the trend of big governance, which is a necessity of rule by chaos.

From the chaos in Dahuanxi Temple, the chaos in Dagan has been going on for ten years. The minds of the people are determined, and the cycle law that must be separated for a long time should come.

After the annihilation of the southwest, Li Wuxian has two thirds in the world, and the trend of unification is unstoppable.

As Xie Yuan said, this is a general trend, and it is no longer reversible.

Unless the fairy family intervenes.

Now Qin Yi naturally knows that the so-called Xianjia is not omnipotent, unless you have no way to understand these Xianjia shots that you currently cannot understand. Otherwise, judging from the ability of the Xianjia that he currently understands, Qianyuan could not reverse the world's fortunes, cast magic and change the national fortune, and affect hundreds of millions of lives. Qianyuan does not have such a level.

What can be done is violent means, such as killing Li Wuxian, leveling Longyuan City, or directly killing the army. The general situation has naturally changed. This is a violent means, not a magical trick.

In this game, the real magical use of the fairy family, instead, the Meng Qingying's predatory national transportation was 傀 ~ www.readwn.com ~, and it was distributed to Li Wuxian. After this, Li Wuxian gathered himself in the mountains and rivers, and has become an adult. It is no longer possible for Xianfa to be shaken.

Attempting to shake with art, that's Xi Wei, maybe back bitten.

Even the violent means are afraid to use them.

If this kind of earthly revival is to be forcibly removed at this time, and then the variables will be changed again, I am afraid that no one can handle the terrible cause and effect of karma. This is the imperial fortune of man, not something that is indistinguishable, but a rule of fact based on the wishes of all beings.

Qin Yi is looking north to Longyuan.

Even if he hadn't learned the qi of qi, he could faintly see that there was a dragon image bigger than the star dragon received by Meng Qingying at the beginning, hovering in the sky, flying across the sky and guarding the mountains and rivers.


ps: Sorry, Carvin, I ca n’t figure out a word all night. I ’m going to add more today, so let me take it easy and arrange my ideas tomorrow. In addition, 344 chapters who have been in jail for a long time have been released from prison.

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