If I hadn't been obsessed with ghosts, how could I have you?

The corner of Jiang Qiao's mouth couldn't help twitching a few times, co-authoring his appearance was purely an accident?

You two quarreled? Jiang Tiancheng tapped the table lightly with his fingers, his tone suddenly changed.

Didn't you hear anything? Jiang Qiao asked back.

Jiang Tiancheng blushed and coughed lightly: I didn't hear it, I'll just ask.


The truth?



Jiang Tiancheng raised his palm and gestured to fight: Hurry up.

Jiang Qiao smiled: Didn't you just ask casually, and I'll talk about it casually.

Forget it, whether there is a quarrel or not, it's your own business. When you have a girlfriend, you have to think about how to live a good life. Being a father, you can't take care of you for the rest of your life.

Jiang Qiao nodded: That makes sense.

As soon as the two fathers finished talking, Xia Qinghe and Bai Yueling walked out of the guest room. The four of them looked at each other with four pairs of eyes, and Jiang Qiao winked at her.

【nailed it? 】

Fairy White also blinked.

【nailed it. 】

Jiang Qiao's right eye blinked twice in a row.

【Are you right? 】

After Fairy Bai blinked, she quickly blinked twice.

【should not. 】

Xia Qinghe looked at the small movements of the two and glared at his son: Does your eyes feel uncomfortable? Would you like me to give you some eye drops?


This tone is the same as his father, worthy of being a mother.

The next time, Xia Qinghe went back to the study to prepare lessons, Jiang Tiancheng followed behind him, Jiang Qiao patted the sofa beside him, and Fairy Bai hesitated and sat down beside him.

Fu Lu took two glances, and immediately got up from Jiang Qiao's legs. After stretching his lazy waist, he lay down again in Fairy Bai's leg sockets.

Jiang Qiao was very unconvinced. He was clearly shoveling and feeding the two of them every day, so why was he not as good as her?

He took Fu Lu's neck again and pressed it against his lap, but he jumped over with a little careless swearing.

Bai Yueling scratched Fu Lu's chin gently, and said slowly, Auntie asked me a question just now, and asked me what my plans are in the future.

What did you say?

I said that the tour guide's work should be done first, and I don't know if that's the answer, right?

Jiang Qiao thought for a moment: No big problem, is she going to introduce you to the job next sentence?

How do you know? Bai Yueling was slightly surprised.

Because from the parents' point of view, the job of a tour guide is unstable and has no future. It is not suitable for a girl like you. Jiang Qiao explained slowly.

Auntie asked me to take a test for a teacher's qualification certificate or something. I shied away on the grounds that my grades were not good.

Jiang Qiao gave a thumbs up: Nice job.

Is your life always arranged like this since you were a child? Fairy Bai showed a pitiful look.

It is a normal phenomenon in this era. Adults have rich experience and sufficient experience, and naturally hope that their children will avoid detours. In addition, they are all iron rice bowls, the wages are not high, but the treatment is very good, so I also hope that the two of us will follow their old ways, in this case, I have been hearing calluses since I was a child.

Jiang Qiao smiled and continued: But I'm different. I've been rebellious since I was a child, so I obviously have good family resources, but I'm willing to lie down on the mountain.

Bai Yueling nodded and did not comment on his actions.

Facts have proved that many people grow up and realize that what their parents said was correct.

But there is no regret medicine in this world, so there are so many people who dream of rebirth all day long.

Do you want to play games?

Jiang Qiao looked bored at her left and right: The computer is in my room. If you want to kill someone in the canyon, you can play by yourself. The password is my mobile phone number.

Bai Yueling shook her head, no matter how stupid she was, she knew that she had to pay attention to her image in front of outsiders. Too many people were said to be frustrated because of computer games, and she didn't know why. Anyway, she just didn't want to leave a bad impression on Aunt Xia.

Jiang Qiao said that if you pretend to be a girlfriend, you should pretend to be a little bit like.

Then...let's do the problem. You finished elementary school math in the bookstore this afternoon, right?

Well, I also read some exercise books. There is an Olympic competition. It seems to be a little more difficult than the content of the textbook, but it is not too difficult. After thinking about it for two seconds, I will almost come to the correct answer.

Jiang Qiao: ...

Thinking that when he was in elementary school, he had a headache when he saw the Olympiad questions given by the teacher. She would be better off doing mental calculations directly?

What the hell is this learning speed, is this the god of learning? Afraid that you will be able to graduate directly from university in one year?

Then the exam, no matter how much you say, it is better to do it again. As long as you can score more than 60 points in the end, you will pass.

Jiang Qiao took out a Huanggang dense scroll from the bag and handed it to her: Hand in half an hour later, can you do it?

Bai Yueling nodded seriously.

For the next time, Jiang Qiao stared at her like an invigilator, and finally experienced the feeling of being a teacher, while Fairy Bai was sitting on the table honestly for the exam, and the picture was unexpectedly harmonious.


On the other side, in the study.

Xia Qinghe kicked Jiang Tiancheng's foot while preparing lessons for tomorrow's content.

Did you ask anything?

Jiang Tiancheng thought for a while and said, The kid said that the two are just an ordinary couple for the time being, and they haven't made any overstepping moves, let's not worry.

Xia Qinghe nodded: This should be true, my son is willing to quit smoking for her, he must like it very much in his heart, the more he likes it, the more he cherishes it, don't bite your ears when they are all right, they probably haven't held hands yet. .

Where are you? What's the situation?

Orphan, grew up in a welfare center. I met my son because of work. Except for the low education, everything else is very good. The important thing is that I like this girl and it is very comfortable to live with. A smile appeared on Xia Qinghe's face. .

It doesn't matter if you have a culture or not. Now, there are too many people in this society. Some so-called stars have not even graduated from junior high school. When they are with Jiang Qiao, the important thing is their character. At least from the current point of view, their speech and behavior , well dressed.

I think so too. Xia Qinghe nodded in agreement.

By the way, you just said she was an orphan?


Orphans are good. Compared with those messy families, the two of them don't have too much burden together, and they don't have too many troubles. They belong to one person who is full and the whole family is not hungry.

Xia Qinghe glanced at him: Are you afraid that your son will not give you old age?

Jiang Tiancheng was stunned for a moment, and his face suddenly darkened.

I'm afraid I'm not going to starve to death when he gives me old age.


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