In the evening, Jiang Qiao's parents had gone to bed early.

He took a change of clothes and went to take a shower. Bai Yueling sat cross-legged on the sofa alone, with soft overhead chandeliers, and the air conditioner in the living room was blowing heat. Come to Jiang Tiancheng's snoring.

A faint thought lingered in Bai Yueling's heart.

This kind of atmosphere is probably the so-called warm, right?

The days of cultivating immortals are mostly hard, especially when the master is gone. She has indeed not experienced it for a long time.

Fairy Bai watched Little Black and Little White hide and seek for a while, then took out her phone and skillfully opened her V-blog.

In addition to games, her favorite thing is to surf the Internet. The world is so big, and there are countless interesting things happening every second. Even just watching people share their cats and dogs, it is more interesting than peeping at others with fairy sense.

After a while, Jiang Qiao came out of the shower, he took a blow dryer to blow his hair, and Bai Yueling looked up and asked him softly while brushing the short video.

Why do some people rent their girlfriends home for Chinese New Year?

He thought for a while and said, When people reach a certain age, if they don't have male (female) friends, their parents will be very anxious. Some people don't want to listen to their parents' nagging, and they don't want to be forced to go on a blind date, so they think of a way. If you rent your girlfriend home, it doesn't matter if you will be found out in the second year, anyway, you can be stable for a whole year.

Just like you are now?

Jiang Qiao secretly glanced at the master bedroom, listening to the regular snoring, and nodded reassuringly: Ah yes, almost.

It's a lot worse, you didn't say give me money. Bai Yueling looked serious.

Jiang Qiao: ???

Do you think I don't understand these bullies, so you feel at ease withholding my due salary?

Jiang Qiao hesitated for a long time: No, how can you think like this, aren't we helping each other?

Bai Yueling is a little proud: What you said, one yard is one yard. Now you are asking me, and you didn't tell me at first, that is deception!

Jiang Qiao was speechless, fooling the fairy all day long, but he didn't expect that he would fall into the pit today.

When he was taking a bath, what did this woman look at and start catching him for wool?

Should it be said that she is worthy of being a fairy? Can you find business opportunities to make money just by taking a bath?

Jiang Qiao was silent for a long time, then muttered, much do you think is appropriate.

A day... how about one hundred yuan? The tone of discussion.

In Bai Yueling's eyes, 100 yuan is already a lot. Jiang Qiao said that ordinary mortals only work 8 yuan per hour, and some are even less than that.

No, it's too expensive.

Jiang Qiao refused without thinking about it.

In his heart, he felt that he had to lower the price, otherwise Fairy Bai would not be able to find a reason to search for his poor savings in the future?

If you live with me, you are already getting a part of the payment. Fifty yuan a day, no more.

it is good.

Bai Yueling nodded, and there was even a hint of joy in her heart. She was just trying to talk about it, and she really agreed without Jiang Qiao. Although the price was half lower, it was better than nothing.

Seeing her neat and tidy energy, Jiang Qiao suddenly felt that the price he gave was still too high, and he should cut it a little more.

He coughed lightly.

Fifty a day is a short-term price. That is to say, you have to play the role of a good girlfriend when you go out to see your friends and when you go home to meet your elders. But the shortcomings are also obvious. You can't make a lot of money in those few days.

Bai Yueling nodded and said pertinently, What about the long term?

It's cheaper in the long run, 30 a day, playing my girlfriend anytime, anywhere. The advantage is that the water lasts for a long time, 365 days a year, every holiday I have a gift, I see my mood and give a red envelope, no need to do anything, a year It's a lot easier to come down.

Bai Yueling hesitated.

She is very good at math in elementary school, and it must be a long-term cost-effective calculation. In addition to the income from giving him massages, she can save tens of thousands a year, which is a step closer to moving out.


It's fine for a long time, but I don't sleep with me! She narrowed her eyes.

Of course, it's fake after all. Jiang Qiao laughed.

When you find a girlfriend, our agreement will be voided naturally.

Totally agree. Jiang Qiao nodded like a chicken pecking at rice.

When the fake becomes real, it will be invalidated naturally.

Then...then I promise. She whispered like a mosquito.

Jiang Qiao blinked excitedly, was this successful?

As we all know, habit is a very scary thing, even if it is a fairy, when she is used to it, she will be inseparable from him at that time.

Cough, since you agreed, let's talk about some precautions for girlfriends now.

Anything else to pay attention to? Fairy Bai widened her eyes.

Sure, you think it's true when you say it's my girlfriend? Others have to look at the actual relationship between the two of us, or I'll spend money to buy only one title? I'm not a fool.

Bai Yueling nodded in a daze, what she said made sense, and Jiang Qiao was indeed not a fool, he was a thief.

What shall we do then?

Have you seen a TV series? Some people who are not directly related in real life play roles such as husband, wife, father, son, etc. in the drama, and they are deeply in love and cry for a second. This kind of acting is often the most touching. It is also called immersive acting. The two are husband and wife in the scene, and friends outside the scene, and they do not interfere with each other. Jiang Qiao said as an example.

Well, then what?

So, it's the same when we pretend to be couples. We have to play our roles well when we get money to do things. Don't my parents think that we are quarreling today? This shows that the relationship is not in place. , the reason for being in the run-in period, but it is impossible that after a few months and a year, it will still be like this, so it is easy to make people suspect.

I see. You mean it's hard to tell if it's true or false. Others think we're true, but it's actually false. Bai Yueling was stunned.

As expected of a fairy, she is smart. Jiang Qiao smiled slightly, and did not hesitate to praise him at this opportunity to gain his favor.

Then how exactly?

Specifically, real couples usually kiss...

As soon as she heard the kiss, Fairy Bai's face immediately flashed a trace of embarrassment.

This money is too dirty, I won't earn it!

Hey, don't worry, I haven't finished speaking yet. Only real couples kiss. We are fake.

Fairy Bai snorted softly, That's about the same, continue talking.

To put it bluntly, it's actually a relationship above a friend. It's more intimate in speech and behavior than a friend, but it's not as ambiguous as a lover. At most...

Jiang Qiao glanced at her secretly: Hold hands at most.

Tethered you like this afternoon?

No no no no!

In the afternoon, it was a dog. He was just a game player, not a dog.

I'm talking about interlocking fingers. Jiang Qiao blinked and put his hands together in a pretentious manner.

No. Fairy Bai didn't even think about rejecting it directly. After all, this guy still wanted to take advantage of her.

Then Gogo Littlefinger Head Office, right? At least it has to give people the feeling that we are really in love. Of course, this is a high-end consumption outside of the service content. I pay double the price, so that it will not be too ambiguous. , no one else will be suspicious, you still earn money, so do I... He suddenly got stuck.

What are you? Fairy Bai was suspicious.

I also saved the trouble of being urged to marry and have a blind date, and I can do four things with one stone. Jiang Qiao blurted out, as expected of himself, and his mind turned fast.

Fairy Bai thought for a while, generally speaking, they only pull the hook when they make an agreement with each other. This move is really not ambiguous.

Okay. She nodded in agreement.

But I've never been in a relationship, what if someone finds out at a glance? Fairy Bai said weakly.

Jiang Qiao skillfully pulled up her little hand, hooked her little finger lightly, and said slowly, It's alright, I haven't talked about it, but we can try to talk. Learning, there is a process.

Fairy Bai froze all over, and immediately pulled out her fingers, looking at him and revealing a warning.

what are you doing!

Practice, didn't we agree just now?


I'll add more money, and I'll double it today. Jiang Qiao looked serious.


Bai Yueling stretched out her little finger and hooked him like a lock. I don't know why it always felt different from before, and my heart was always pounding.

It's awkward and weird.

The two were pulling and pulling for a while, and Bai Yueling found that her Taoism couldn't calm down. She stood up in a panic and walked to her bedroom.

I went back to my room to rest!

Jiang Qiao held back a smile: Good night, my fairy, see you tomorrow.

Night...good night,

Your what?

My dog! Bai Yueling glared at him.

Bai Yueling gently closed the door, and after a few seconds, he quietly opened a small slit, and saw that Jiang Qiao was giving milk to Fu Lu Shou.

She hesitated and said, Jiang Qiao, is our relationship fake?

Of course, I paid for it. Jiang Qiao looked back at her.

Bai Yueling finally breathed a sigh of relief, the payment was fake, and the two were in an employment relationship, so they shouldn't be real.

The door to the room closed again.


(When the novel was turned into an autobiography, I found that the inspiration was exhausted. In reality, there are so many things that happen every day. You have to let time fly for a while. Don’t rush, don’t rush, and beautify the daily life, don’t you? Say a question In a foreign language, the fun thing every day is to lie to my wife and kiss~)

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