Forget it, I won't tease you anymore. Anyway, I have the handle on you. Whether or not I will do that depends on my mood~ Bai Yueling smiled, the threat is self-evident.

depend on mood?

Bai Yueling nodded with a relaxed tone.

Yeah, as long as you are willing to cooperate with me, if things go well, then she will never know about the lingering things between you and me, and I also promise you that I will give you a perfect white fairy, otherwise, I will have to let you She's gone.

Jiang Qiao fell into silence. He had rejected this deal before, but now there seems to be no room for manoeuvre.

Let me think.

He turned his back and even lifted the quilt to face the cold wind blowing in from the window, so as to make himself more awake, and to make deals with the inner demon, he would slip into the abyss if he was not careful.

Jiang Lang, it's so cold in the air, I'll warm you up~

Then I felt a warm body leaning against my back.

Jiang Qiao was always thinking about Fairy Bai, and was not moved at all.

Don't move your hands.

Bai Yueling hugged his waist lightly and buried her head in his neck.

I just want to hold you and sleep peacefully for a while. Without you, the slave family can't sleep.

Jiang Qiao didn't want to listen to such a lie that he knew immediately.

Master, can you hold my hand? After a while, Bai Yueling said coldly, her voice soft and pitiful.

Holding hands is not an outrageous request. Jiang Qiao didn't think much of it at all. He pulled her little hand into his hand, soft and tender, like holding a little girl.

Bai Yueling subconsciously held his hand tighter.

A well-proportioned breathing sound came from behind him, Jiang Qiao turned his head slightly, is she asleep?

He immediately became nervous, and if it wasn't the demon but Fairy Bai who woke up and saw that the two of them actually shared the same bed, it would be over.

Hey, wake up, don't fall asleep! Jiang Qiao gently pushed her arm.

Father, I miss you so much.

Bai Yueling murmured in a vague dream, because Jiang Qiao could hear it clearly beside his ear.

His face was very complicated, and he didn't know whether it was Fairy Bai or a demon who said this. It seemed that even the Immortal Emperor had an unforgettable experience.

The teacher in her mouth must be very important to her. Being a teacher for one day and a father for life is a relationship that is as heavy as a mountain.

Jiang Qiao turned sideways to see how she was sleeping peacefully. She didn't know if she had dreamed of her master. There was a thin tear in the corner of her eyes. She looked weak, pitiful, and poignant.

He suddenly didn't want to wake her up.

Jiang Qiao wanted to quietly pull out his hand, but found that she was holding her tightly.

never mind.

He sighed and looked at her beautiful sleeping face quietly.

Until the sky showed a tinge of fish belly white, the dog in the community did not know which house barked twice.

Bai Yueling suddenly opened her eyes and glanced at him, she stretched contentedly, she hadn't slept so peacefully for a long time.

Jiang Qiao was suddenly very nervous. He didn't know who the awakened personality would be. If it was Fairy Bai, she would have been stabbed to death by a sword, or she would have been electrocuted into a ball of coke.

You...why are you here? Bai Yueling's eyes showed a look of panic, then immediately cold face, let out a murderous low drink.

Rogue, scoundrel, disciple! Go to hell!

Jiang Qiao replied in a panic, Yueling, it's not what you think, listen to my explanation! I swear, I didn't do anything.

I didn't do anything? Didn't you kiss me on the mouth? Jiang Lang, dare you to admit it? This is not a good man. Only then did Bai Yueling reveal a wicked smile. it you?!

Jiang Qiao's eyes widened, and he immediately realized that he had been tricked by her.

This woman pretended to be too similar, with a frown and a smile, and her tone and demeanor were like Fairy White. If she didn't admit it, she wouldn't be able to tell the difference.

Isn't it me? still hope she's lying on your bed? I can call her out now.

Don't! No...I don't want to. Jiang Qiao's face turned red, and he looked like a scumbag who hid his mistress and was afraid of being caught by his wife.

Tsk tsk tsk.

Bai Yueling took a few glances at him, the sarcasm was self-evident.

Jiang Lang, you haven't slept for a few hours?

The corners of his mouth twitched fiercely. In this case, if he fell asleep, he might have done something. How dare he, the God of Crab is staring at him.

Can't sleep.

Are you unable to sleep, or are you afraid to sleep?


Bai Yueling slowly stroked his face.

Jiang Lang, I look so good-looking, you didn't take advantage of me when I fell asleep, did you?


No! He almost popped these two words between his teeth.

You keep looking at me?


Forget it, even if you touch or kiss it, I don't know. After all, I fell asleep. Bai Yueling yawned as he spoke, and the Lanxiang he exhaled sprayed on his face.

Jiang Qiao suddenly felt that she still fell asleep better, and his blood pressure rose instantly when he opened his mouth.

It's almost dawn, are you still not going back? he said with a deep breath.

Well, you hold the slave family's hand so tightly, the slave family can't walk even if they want to leave~ Bai Yueling blinked, raised her arm and pulled Jiang Qiao's palm up.

It was clear just now... it was clearly that you were holding on tightly! Jiang Qiao faltered in his sophistry.

Well... I didn't take the opportunity to throw my hand away. I did a good job. I slept well just now. I will continue tomorrow.

Are you coming tomorrow?

Bai Yueling asked blankly, Did I not climb your bed one day?

Jiang Qiao: ...

Why is this woman so proud? Don't you blush when you say this? The whole girl looks like a hooligan.

Then I'm going home.

Let's go quickly. If I don't leave, my parents will get up. I don't want to be misunderstood by them.

Did you forget something? she pouted.

Jiang Qiao stared at her red lips, and quickly kissed her lips. As a result, Xiang Ruan quickly pried open his teeth, and after sweeping around, he immediately retracted.

Okay, I deceived another delicious kiss.

... Damn hooligan!

Bai Yueling opened the quilt and got up from the bed. Jiang Qiao glanced at her. It was not that she had no clothes on, but a red dress with an open crotch, which was very attractive.

By the way, help me close the window before going out. I have to sleep back in the time I wasted on you. I'm sleepy.

Bai Yueling closed the window in a good mood, and suddenly turned around and said when she walked out of the door.

By the way, let me tell you one thing. The fact that you lied to her to be your girlfriend has already made her heart start to shake. You did a good job. Keep going.


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Thank you [Book Friends 20200330233024963] [Wandering Stars Will Cry] [Dream Meow] for the 1800 reward, [Rogues in Weird Town] [A Bai's Bai 439] for the 1700 reward, and thank you for the 500 reward of [Why not read the book] Rewards, thanks for the 300 reward of [Dalang taking medicine], thanks to the 200 reward of [I am the most free and easy to put on my pants], and thanks to the 100 reward of [Su Yueli],

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