Fairy, Stop Making Trouble

Chapter 110 109. Do you want to shoot me to death?

Leading his daughter-in-law home, Jiang Qiao touched his pocket, and suddenly froze, watching Fairy Bai scratching her head with an embarrassed smile on her face.

What's wrong? she asked.

I received your call just now. I didn't change my pants. I ran away with my shoes on. I was in a hurry to go out. As a result, I forgot my keys.

So it's my fault? Fairy Bai raised her brows, and forgot if she forgot, she had to get involved with her and said a lot of things, what's the point?

Blame me, blame me...

Jiang Qiao stood helplessly at the door: There are two ways now, one is to wait for my dad to get off work, and the other is to wait for my mother to get off work. Counting the time, there is still about half an hour. If you are lucky, you can wait until they get off work together. .”

Bai Yueling rolled her eyes, there are two ways to do it, if you say this, it means you don't say it.

Get out of the way.

Jiang Qiao looked at her vigilantly: What do you want? Don't mess around, this door is not cheap.

I'm afraid that she can't help kicking out with a kick as lightly as possible, and the door will be fine by then, and the whole building will collapse.

Am I like the kind of person who will tear down the house if there is a disagreement? She said angrily.

Isn't all of you cultivators like this? If you can do it, you will never BB.

Fairy Bai didn't want to care about this idiot, she put her fingers close to the door lock, and pure white spiritual power visible to the naked eye poured into the lock cylinder, and then lightly twisted it, the door opened, and she took out the spiritual key, which disappeared into her body in an instant.

Jiang Qiao blinked his eyes, and almost forgot about the skill of making molds with spiritual power. The demon used this method to sneak into his house every night. As a victim, he had a deep understanding.

Back home, Bai Yueling suddenly felt relaxed physically and mentally. She didn't need to care about other people's eyes, and could lie and sit freely. Maybe this is home, a harbor of her own.

Oh, I was wrong, I don't have a home, I just live by the river bridge temporarily.

Thinking of this, Fairy Bai was immediately unhappy. With the salary she received from Jiang Qiao every month, she didn't know how long it would take before she could move out and have her own home.

She's really stingy, don't you know how to raise her salary a bit?

Fairy Bai cast a glance at Jiang Qiao who was changing his shoes, secretly stretched out her finger, and shocked him severely while he was not paying attention.

Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh... Jiang Qiao suddenly slumped on the ground and trembled with convulsions all over his body.

After a while he came to his senses, and said in an angry tone, Immortal Emperor Tangtang actually made a sneak attack, you don't talk about martial arts!

Really? The karma of not telling me the health code is over, and the karma of you scolding me for breaking my brain is left. This time, I will call in front of you?

She raised the corner of her mouth with a half-smile, and Jiang Qiao turned and ran away in fright.

Seeing him rushing back to the bedroom in a panic, Bai Yueling pursed his mouth. He is such a coward, why don't you just scare him into being so scared? This electric current is not even a billionth of the power of the Heavenly Tribulation. .

Fu Lu Shou Xi came out of the nest, meowing and rubbing against her ankle.

She stroked the cat's heads, then picked them up and put them on her lap, took out her mobile phone to browse Xiaopozhan, and watched videos when she didn't want to study, and the time passed quickly.

The home page recommended to her a batch of videos about lack of firepower phobia, which is also Fairy Bai's favorite type of video to watch.

Those powerful weapons and equipment represent the most cutting-edge science and technology in the world. If you can understand the principles thoroughly, you will benefit from it for life.

Think about it, a mortal can easily kill a little monk who has just set foot on the road with just a pistol, and a few Dongfeng express delivery, I am afraid that the mountain guards in many holy places will not be able to handle it.

And the horror of this thing is that it can be mass-produced indefinitely. As for the more terrifying hydrogen mushroom, there is no upper limit to its power in theory.

Although some powerful immortal spells can also achieve that level, they are based on massive spiritual power. Simply put, if an ordinary monk is handed an immortal artifact, he will not be able to activate it at all.

But nuclear fission, nuclear fusion, and even the most advanced annihilation reaction of mushroom eggs can detonate huge energy at the cost of a small amount of matter.

This kind of mass-energy conversion efficiency is too terrifying, but I don't know whether the spiritual power follows this physical law. If you can rub the spiritual power nuclear bomb with your hands, it will be exciting to think about it.

After a while, Jiang Qiao secretly opened the door, glanced at Fairy Bai who was sitting cross-legged on the sofa, and coughed lightly.

Bai Yueling double-tapped the screen with her fingers to pause the playback, and looked back at him: What is the Zhanhu Bureau?

The War Ignorance Bureau is a mysterious organization in our country. Its full name is the Strategic Fudge Bureau. Its purpose is to confuse the attention of all parties, cover our strategic intentions, and secretly grow bigger and stronger.

Play pig eat tiger?


Jiang Qiao gave her a strange look: Why are you asking this?

I just watched the video and saw a group of sand sculpture netizens posting bullet screens such as 'War Suju's Wrath' and 'A Hundred Years of Fudge is Destroyed Once'. If you don't understand it, just ask. Bai Yueling said casually.

She suddenly realized that she had become a little lazy after being with Jiang Qiao for a long time. In the past, if she saw a term she didn't understand, her first reaction was to ask Du Niang, now...

After watching this video, ask again, wow, the next video is also good, watch another one.

Jiang Qiao heard the steel torrent march coming from her mobile phone, and subconsciously asked, Are you watching PLA?

What is PLA?

It's the abbreviation of War Terror Bureau.

Fairy Bai made inferences: Is the full name the Bureau of Strategic Intimidation?

Yes, the purpose is to scare other countries with its strong military strength. It can be said that it is the enemy of war and neglect.

Bai Yue was overjoyed, these two mysterious organizations sound very interesting, one flickers and the other threatens, they control people's hearts to death.

Where are you from? She asked curiously.

Of course it's the war. Every rabbit has a serious lack of firepower phobia. This disease is born and there is no law to cure it. Unless when you can kill aliens like you with one shot, you can almost feel at ease. That's it. Jiang Qiao said with a smile.

Bai Yueling: ...

This guy really dares to think that it took her nearly 10,000 years to have the current cultivation base and realm, and she is still the most amazingly talented person in ten thousand years. 99% of the monks have turned into dry bones on the immortal road.

If we really develop a super weapon that can kill the Immortal Emperor in one shot, will we still let them live?

She turned over at once, grabbed Jiang Qiao's collar and pressed him on the sofa, and said sternly, Aren't you unable to speak without using me as an example?

Wuuuu, Fairy, I was wronged. Jiang Qiao was pressed on the sofa and couldn't move, and he struggled to speak out.

Bai Yueling sneered: Oh, wronged? I think that's what you think in your heart! Being shocked by me every day, you must be full of resentment in your heart, so you take me as an imaginary enemy for granted, and let you get this kind of weapon in time, right? Want to shoot me to death?

Jiang Qiao shook his head vigorously: I'm not, I haven't, it's absolutely impossible!

Fairy Bai pressed him down and gave another shock: You're already firing a cannon, yet you still say no!

Jiang Qiao yelled in pain.

Fairy, please spare me, this cannon is not that cannon, this one is not that other's ...

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