Fairy, Stop Making Trouble

Chapter 113 112. Come Fairy, I'll Show You a Baby

Well, the example I just gave was made up in the novel, so it doesn't count. Jiang Qiao quickly explained.

I guessed it. Bai Yueling nodded slightly.

But if you have a chance, you can read it. It's very well written. It feels similar to your world. The so-called stones from other mountains can be used to make jade. What if it is useful to you?

She nodded slightly, hesitated for a few seconds, and then said slowly: Actually, the patching you mentioned is not impossible.

How do you say it? Jiang Qiao's face brightened.

Some people have turned from the path of ruthlessness to the path of affection, and there are also people who have been wiped out and then risen from the ruins, but this is also a helpless move after the collapse of the heart. Such people often shoulder great luck besides their own great perseverance. Most of the cultivators, after the collapse of their Dao heart, either fell into a slump, or died and disappeared.

Jiang Qiao: ...

Saying this is the same as not saying it. Wouldn't it be enough to just say that the heart is broken and the death is close to death?

So can you patch yourself in time now?

Fairy Bai shook her head: My back road has been cut off. There is no other way but to go to the end. I have to look for my own way and keep going.

But you failed to cross the tribulation. Jiang Qiao reminded her.

That's right, my seven emotions and six desires have not been eliminated, and my six roots are impure, otherwise how could I have come to this place. Fairy Bai shook her head and smiled wryly.

In order to practice the supreme way of forgetting love, she suppressed her emotions, and turned into a demon in the end. She suffered the worst backlash when she was crossing the catastrophe. Although she did not fall, she lost her cultivation base.


Dao heart collapsed, but not completely collapsed.

Fairy Bai used to be cold and arrogant, ruthless and desireless, and only focused on cultivating the Dao, but now she often shows the attitude of a little girl. I have to say that the inner demons have had a lot of influence on her.

If this continues, the foundation of the avenue will probably collapse sooner or later.

What about your master? Since he taught you the way of forgetting your feelings, is there any solution?

He fell in love with someone who shouldn't be loved. He failed in seeking immortality, and died. Bai Yueling's expression was cold, and he kept silent after saying a few words, obviously not wanting to say more about this matter.

Jiang Qiao: ...

Because you fell in love with someone, you died? The impact of this collapse of Dao heart is too terrifying.

My own fairy wife won't be gone after talking, right?

Jiang Qiao suddenly became frightened.

Have you heard of 'Love is infinite'? As long as there is love in the heart, there is no problem that cannot be solved. Love can encompass everything. What if the end of ruthlessness is sentient beings? He tried to say.

Bai Yueling shook her head: In the face of endless time, love is too superficial. Only the great way is eternal.

What if you pursue the status quo, settle down in a corner, and give up voluntarily?

Then why are you still cultivating immortals, and what kind of Tao are you seeking? Even if the road ahead is cut off, I would like to become a pathfinder and prove myself. She looked serious and her tone was firm.

Jiang Qiao was inexplicably annoyed. She had practiced immortality for thousands of years, and had already condensed the imprint of her thoughts deep in her heart. It was impossible for her to persuade her with these few words.

Think about it too, who is willing to give up the Taoism and supernatural powers that they have worked so hard to cultivate? Never give up until the last moment, everyone is, and he is no exception.

In other words, the only way at present is to solve the inner demons.

But this is too difficult. Abandon the emotions and desires, and then have no desires and desires. Can it really be achieved by external forces? Even if Shakyamuni became a spirit bead, he still wanted to hit it back.

Fairy Bai glanced at him indifferently: You don't have to worry, even if I die, it's still my choice. What I do, I have a clear conscience and have nothing to do with you.

Seeing that the fairy wife I got is about to fly, why does it have nothing to do with me?

Jiang Qiao was too angry to speak.

He threw Shouxi away, stood up and walked into his bedroom, and shouted at her: Come in, I'll show you a baby.

Fairy Bai had a puzzled look on his face, what could sneak into his bedroom, why can't he take it out now?

The room was filled with a very unpleasant smell of greasy fried chicken. She looked at the computer desk in front of her and frowned slightly.

——On the table are cold French fries, half-eaten chicken legs, and a small bite of the burger.

You had this for lunch?

Bai Yueling looked at him expressionlessly: You may not know that the oil is gutter oil, the chicken is not fresh, and the tomato sauce is out of date.

Jiang Qiao's face was weird. No wonder he felt a stomachache shortly after eating it. Is this how he cheated consumers? Call 12315 to report him later!

It doesn't smell any better.

Jiang Qiao, it looks like you're getting hungry when you're with me, right? I'll be away for a while, and you're going to eat rubbish without hesitation? Just now you kept telling your aunt that you've started to eat light food recently, aren't you? Are you lying to me, or are you lying to yourself?

Jiang Qiao immediately raised three fingers and swore to the sky: Listening to what you say is better than studying for ten years. Don't eat it, and never eat it again. I lied to you like a puppy.

You're a disheveled dog! Fairy Bai looked disgusted.

Where's the baby you want to show me?

Here, on the computer, the power-on password is my mobile phone number.

Jiang Qiao immediately cleaned up the table, throwing all the scraps of chicken legs, French fries, and hamburgers into the trash can, and then ran downstairs with the trash bag to throw them away.

When he returned to his room, he saw Bai Yueling looking at him with a frosty face, his fingers bursting with electricity, showing his murderous intent.

The background of the computer desktop is a two-dimensional beautiful girl with revealing clothes and most of her buttocks exposed. The key is the dynamic desktop, which not only makes a pose, but also makes a provocative panting sound, which is very eye-catching.

Is this the baby you said?

Fairy Bai sneered, Alright, Jiang Qiao, you've already learned how to set traps for me. If I didn't have a clear mind, I would almost lose my mind!

no no……

Jiang Qiao wanted to cry but had no tears. How could he forget this?

He bent his legs and knelt on the ground: Woo, fairy, listen to my explanation!

I saw it with my own eyes, what else can I explain? I knew you were a rascal, a pervert, but I didn't expect you to be so dissolute! Putting such a shameful thing on the table in a majestic manner, your behavior, and Acacia What's the difference between Zong's demon way!

This is my previous desktop...

You used to be so dissolute? How old are you? The Hehuan Sect's demon way is not as harsh as yours!


It's over, this time he was deeply misunderstood, Jiang Qiao opened his mouth, and suddenly found himself speechless.

Fairy Bai was trembling with anger, and slammed the door out with shame and indignation.

You should give up on this idea, I... I will definitely not double cultivate with you!


(The above plot comes from Nanfeng's personal experience, woo woo woo, Setu is harmful! I hope those who have girlfriends will cherish it, no matter how deep they are hidden, they will be found.)

Thanks to [Mu Liu] for the 2000 coins, thanks to [Salted Fish Crazy Bai] [Sifan] for the reward of 1800 coins, thanks to [book friend 20211224101954131] for the reward of 500 coins, and thanks to [Dust Before the Wind] for the 400 coins Coins, thanks to [Flying Cicada] for the 233 coins, and thanks to [Book Friends 20220113135012890] for the reward of 100 coins.

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