Fairy, Stop Making Trouble

Chapter 119 118. Master~

Master~ Don't move~ Bai Yueling gently blew into Jiang Qiao's ear.

Jiang Qiao looked at the wardrobe in the dark speechlessly: Then can you stop pushing so hard? My waist is about to break.

Okay. Bai Yueling relaxed a little obediently, just buried his head in the nape of his neck, and sniffed carefully.

I'm really sleepy after walking outside with her. Can you leave me alone and let me sleep for a while? Please go out after a while. Jiang Qiao yawned.

Master, I had a lot of fun outside with her tonight~ New Year's Eve together, we set off fireworks together, and ate candied haws together.

For some reason, Jiang Qiao always felt that Bai Yueling's tone was a bit sour.

Can't you feel it all? Why are you envious?

Jiang Qiao closed his eyes, thinking of Fairy Bai's shy red face reflected in the fireworks, he couldn't help feeling a little sweet in his heart, even a cold fairy would be shy.

I just can't feel it. Do you know how enviable it is to just watch you play? The more she spoke, the more resentful she became.

Master, I also want to eat candied haws, can you buy them for me tomorrow? Bai Yueling shook his arm lightly, as if acting like a spoiled child.

Huh...huh... Jiang Qiao breathed evenly.

I know you are not asleep, even if you reject me in your heart, it is impossible to turn a blind eye to the fairies around you.

Bai Yueling stretched out his hand quietly and pinched it, and Jiang Qiao immediately bowed into a shrimp on conditioned reflex.

Buy it or not? she said with a smile.

He sighed speechlessly: Buy, buy, buy.

This woman is really going too far! Can that place be pinched casually?

Why are you eating that stuff?

Jiang Qiao muttered, wondering if the heart demon still has a childlike innocence?

She can eat but I can't?

Bai Yueling snorted softly, and gently stroked his back: Jiang Lang, you can't favor one person over another, she calls you every day, and even loses her temper with you, isn't it just seeing a dirty picture, what's the big deal? Yes, even if you show me 1 T of study materials in your computer, I am willing, and I can read and study with you, and warm your bed every day in case you are cold. See how much I love you?

Jiang Qiao fell into deep thought, so it seems that the inner demon is better for him? But why did he focus all his attention on Fairy Bai?

He shuddered immediately, it was so dangerous, he almost gave in to the temptation of the inner demon.

Although Fairy Bai was strict with him, she was really doing it for his own good, but the heart demon, these so-called care and love, were just playing tricks on occasion, in order to monopolize Fairy Bai's body!

Do whatever it takes to achieve your goals, what a shame!

But you are a heart demon. I don't believe a word you say. No matter what methods you use to deceive people, I will not be fooled.

Jiang Qiao said righteously, he never thought that he had such a serious side.

Bai Yueling suddenly sighed softly in his ear: Master, you believe me when she says I'm a demon? Does it mean that modern people have the ability to independently judge right from wrong?

Yue Ling is a fairy. I don't believe her, but do I believe you? Jiang Qiao remained unmoved.

Bai Yueling smiled indifferently: Well, let's just think so for the time being. Who in the world knows what the truth is?

Jiang Qiao frowned, wondering what charade she was playing again.

Is there anything else you want to eat besides candied haws? I'll go and buy them for you tomorrow.

Bai Yueling blinked: Osmanthus cake.

Aren't you a demon? Why do you always like to eat something that children eat? He asked puzzled.

Because my master bought it for me back then, I can't believe it's been so long. Bai Yueling said sadly, with an indescribably lonely tone.

Jiang Qiao was taken aback. Where did the demon come from, or is he digging traps for him to jump into?

Bai Yueling grabbed his hand and slowly inserted ten fingers together. Behind Jiang Qiao's invisible back, a faint satisfaction appeared on her face.

Jiang Lang, have you ever thought that you are the reincarnation of a fairy?

Jiang Qiao let the back of his hand hold tightly. It was funny to say that what he longed for from Fairy Bai, he didn't need to move his mouth when it was the demon's turn, she would take the initiative to give it for free.

But there was never that nervous, flustered feeling.

Jiang Qiao's face was stern: After the founding of the People's Republic of China, animals and plants are not allowed to become spirits, and any monsters, monsters, ghosts and sprites will be smashed to pieces with the iron fist of socialism! Staunch materialists only believe in this life, not in the afterlife, nor in the past.

I mean, what if?

If I were the reincarnation of a fairy, I would suppress you on the spot!

Bai Yueling covered her mouth and smiled lightly: Coincidentally, my master also said that back then. But what he said is, if you dare to make trouble, I will be the first to spare you!

It seems that you also made your master worry a lot back then?

Bai Yueling recalled his previous memories, and nodded in agreement: Yeah, he's troubled, but what can I do? I can't bear to beat me, and I can't bear to scold me. Who made my brother feel like this? Pretty and cute?

Jiang Qiao pulled his face hard: Can you show some face as a human being?

Bai Yueling immediately turned over and pressed against him. She stuck out her tongue and licked her lips with an extremely charming expression: Look into my eyes and say it again, am I not beautiful or cute?

Jiang Qiao: ...

She leaned down little by little, approaching little by little, and she was about to touch Jiang Qiao's mouth.

Master, please tell me~

She twisted and acted coquettishly, her breath was hot and humid, with a special fragrance, and even the heartbeats of the two could be clearly heard in this dark environment.

It looks good. Jiang Qiao said with great difficulty, he really couldn't stand such a scene.


Bai Yueling quickly kissed him on the lips, winking like silk: For your reward, does this disciple's mouth smell good?

Jiang Qiao: ...

This question is really difficult to answer, he closed his eyes, and quickly skipped over: Are you and Fairy Bai's master the same person?

Guess? Bai Yueling's mouth twitched slightly, with an intriguing expression.

Jiang Qiao: ...

If you want to know, the old rules, give me a serious kiss, and I'll tell you, there is only one chance. She pointed to her pouty lips, her voice becoming more and more charming.

I want to eat the kind of Shetou~

Then I don't want to know, I'm not very interested.

Jiang Qiao pursed his lips. He was loyal to Fairy Bai, how could he be so gullible? Even with a beauty in his arms, he wouldn't move at all!

Master, you missed the best chance to know the truth.

Thanks to [Dream of Dreams] [Book Friends 160514135753395] for the 1600 rewards, [Book Friends 20211224101954131] for the 1200 rewards, and [Colorful Purple Lotus] for the 300 rewards, and thanks to [Dust Before the Wind] [137710*6.qdcn] [Book friend 20210807221620400] 100 rewards.

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