In the end, what worried Fairy Bai still did not happen.

Although Jiang Qiao is an LSP, he is still a gentleman on certain issues. Except when holding her hand, that abominable thumb will sneakily rub against her. Do you really think she doesn't know about such an obvious thing?

When she gets her body back, she must... must give him a good shock!

Jiang Qiao took Bai Yueling to the amusement park, saying that she wanted to let her experience the entertainment place that modern girls like.

Bai Yueling looked at the big pendulum in front of him and fell into contemplation for a while. The men and women sitting on it kept screaming and screaming during the high-speed fall and rotation.


Why not the Ferris wheel? Do you think I'll be scared and hug you when I get off it?

Bai Yueling happened to see a couple coming down from there. The slightly petite girl was so frightened that she sat on the ground with soft legs and couldn't stand up. Then she threw herself into the boy's arms and cried. Crying and questioning why he took her to experience the big pendulum.

Then the boy hugged her tightly, gently comforted his girlfriend's back, and kept apologizing. The two of them even kissed furtively. After the kiss, they blushed and looked around to see if anyone noticed.

Well, it's all a trick.

But...the relationship between the two seems to have heated up like this.

I have absolutely no intention of this! Jiang Qiao shook his head decisively in denial, The Ferris wheel is too slow, isn't this to make you feel the feeling of Yujian flying again?

I want to take a romantic Ferris wheel! Bai Yueling said, looking at the slowly spinning Ferris wheel not far away.

Jiang Qiao was stunned. Does this icy cold woman know what romance is? No, the Ferris wheel is usually used by couples on dates. Isn't Fairy Bai implying that he is dating her?

He suddenly became excited, and it really was the right decision to come to the amusement park!

You seem to be familiar with playgrounds.

Bai Yueling lowered her head and replied with a cool and cold look, That's what Du Niang said.

Jiang Qiao's cheeks twitched a few times. She didn't watch all kinds of technology videos to learn, and asked what to do with these messy things.

He looked down at the two tickets in his hand, and said sullenly, What about the big pendulum? You can't go back and you can't go back. If you don't sit, it's a waste.

If that's the case, then sit down...

The big pendulum slowly stopped, and under the guidance of the staff, the two sat up and put on safety equipment.

Jiang Qiao's heart was pounding nervously, and Bai Yueling glanced at him: Are you afraid?

I... I am... this is also the first time I have sat.

Jiang Qiao was trembling when he spoke. He just saw the people in the previous round cry and spit after they got off the big pendulum. At worst, they turned pale. I heard that this thing is more exciting than a roller coaster.

Bai Yueling squirmed his lips twice and didn't say anything, just reached out and held his hand tightly.

[Master, my apprentice brother has always been there. 】

Jiang Qiao looked at her gratefully.

Driven by the motor, the big pendulum spun into the sky, but Bai Yueling didn't feel anything. Jiang Qiao's face suddenly turned white, and the environment in front of him quickly revolved. was lifted. He felt that his heart was in his throat, and all the negative emotions were turned into screams at this moment.

Under the double torture of dizziness and weightlessness, Jiang Qiao stumbled to the ground after a few minutes. Even if he stepped on the ground, his legs were still soft, so Bai Yueling had to help him walk.

She couldn't help laughing in her heart, this guy is so timid and wants to see her make a fool of himself? No prospects!

This kind of stimulation is far worse than jumping down from a 10,000-foot peak. Even monks who have just established a foundation can do all kinds of difficult movements with their swords.

Jiang Qiao: ...

Damn, forget about this, she is a cultivator, and it is estimated that she can bungee jump without bungling or jumping, and the plan has failed.

After he sat on the chair and completely calmed down, he naturally took Bai Yueling's hand.

Come on, let's take the Ferris wheel.

Passing by a small shop in an amusement park, Bai Yueling saw a lot of people gathered there, holding a gun in his hand and shooting at the balloons hanging on the wall.

Places like this are generally outsourced projects of amusement parks. The excess vacant land is rented out, and investors borrow the popularity of the amusement park to make money from their own projects. In general, it is not much different from opening a store in the scenic spot.

What is that doing?

Blow up the balloons.

Didn't you say that this society breaks the law with guns? Why aren't they caught by the police?

Uh...that's a fake gun, the bullets are plastic, and it's for entertainment. Even if it hits people, it won't cause much damage. Jiang Qiao explained patiently.

In the past, during the Chinese New Year, boys played with guns. After dinner, they would have a shootout together. As long as they accidentally hit someone, as long as it wasn't in the eyes, it was generally fine.

He glanced at the store, and there was a heart made of big red balloons at the target, and the center was filled with small red, green, red and green balloons.

There is a small blackboard next to it with the rules of the game written.

10 rounds for 5 bucks.

1. Any 10 bullets can break 5 small balloons of the same color in a row to get a doll worth 20 yuan.

2. Break all the balloons of the same color to get a life-size doll worth 300 yuan.

3. Break all the balloons at one time to get a laptop worth 5,000 yuan.

With a thought, he turned his head and asked in a low voice, Want to play? According to the rules of the game, if you win, you can take home the computer on the top of the cabinet.

Bai Yueling glanced at her, she had no interest at all. She is a cultivator, and she can be hit by casually throwing stones with her eyes closed. Isn't it bullying to play such a low-level game?

As for the computer...

Fairy Bai's soul shouted madly in the sea of ​​​​consciousness.

Promise him! You don't want me to have a computer!

She had to work hard to massage Jiang Qiao to earn 3,000 yuan a month, and now she can get a computer by breaking all the balloons, which is simply a waste of money.

Even if a computer is placed on Ziweixing, it is still a sacred object. Since it is a sacred object, it is the place for the capable!

If you want, then play by yourself, I don't play anyway.

Then give me your body back!

Fairy Bai was mad, she was clearly the body, why was she so helpless.

Well, just let you play for 5 minutes.

The corners of Bai Yueling's mouth lifted slightly, and in the next moment, it was a new soul, but Jiang Qiao didn't notice it.

Fairy Bai looked down at Jiang Qiao holding her dog's paw, and subconsciously wanted to withdraw, and by the way, gave him a savage shock.

But when she thought that she only had 5 minutes of free time, she chose the latter without hesitation between Dian Jiangqiao and Ying Computer. For the time being... let this guy lead her for the time being.

How is it? You just need a computer. If you win it back, you can play in your bedroom every day, as long as you want, and you can play all night. He continued to ask.

It's mine to win back?

Yes, it's yours to win it back. Jiang Qiao laughed.

But I can't use a gun.

Small question, let's ask later, can you throw bullets with your bare hands? You should be fine with that, right?

Yeah! Fairy Bai nodded heavily.

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