Fairy, Stop Making Trouble

Chapter 131 130. It's over, it's over, I'm tempted by Jiang Qiao (two in

Jiang Qiao nodded heavily, his mind suddenly became a little tired, he would be electrocuted to death if he kissed her, how about kissing her on the mouth next time to kill her?

Anyway, the poisonous oath made by the heart demon to him, it should be...he can't die, right?

The two of them almost ate all the raw and cooked food on the counter. The plates on the table were tired, and even the paper on the baking tray was changed four times.

Jiang Qiao never thought that the two of them could eat so much, although most of the food went into Fairy Bai's stomach.

Why didn't I see you have such a good appetite before, do you like barbecue? He asked in a low voice.

Fairy Bai calmly fed Jiangqiao's peeled shrimp into her mouth, and said, The taste is average, but didn't you say that you should eat as much as possible so as not to waste money?

...Then the money for the buffet has been eaten back now.

Oh. Fairy Bai put down her chopsticks, took a piece of toilet paper and wiped her mouth gracefully.

Where do you want to go next? Modern people have a lot of entertainment, such as game centers, KTV, and movie theaters, you can just spend an afternoon casually. Jiang Qiao said.

Fairy Bai couldn't help pursing her mouth. It's the devil's intention to come out to play. Well, it has nothing to do with her. It's better to play games and watch videos at home.

But now that it's all out, the most suitable place is of course the bookstore, there's nothing more interesting than learning new knowledge!

She was about to speak when the demon took over her body and threw her into the small dark room.

Go to the haunted house. Bai Yueling said with a smile.

Jiang Qiao's expression froze: You don't think you want to see what the ghosts in this world look like? I can tell you first that they are all pretended by ordinary people. I'm afraid that you will give me a serious punch in a hurry. , beat people's heads to pieces, that's called terror.


Bai Yueling took a deep breath, resisting the urge to blow his head off with a punch.

I'm a law-abiding citizen now, and I will never take action unless I have to, unless I can't help it.

For example?

It's time to call you.


The two took a taxi directly to the haunted house, which was called the Horror Hospital. It was said that it was an old abandoned hospital remodeled. There were many supernatural events in those years, which was very scary.

When I arrived at the place, I just saw a group of people coming out of the blood-stained hospital gate in shock. It seemed that they were frightened by the NPC in the haunted house.

Jiang Qiao squeezed his hands and glanced at her: This haunted house seems really scary, are you sure you want to play?

Are you scared? Bai Yueling asked back.

I...how could I be afraid!?

Then why don't you buy tickets?

Jiang Qiao: ...

There was a blood-red sign at the ticket office, which said [Under the age of 18, patients with heart disease are not allowed to enter].

Two tickets.

The ticket seller looked at Jiang Qiao, then at the beautiful woman waiting for him not far away, and asked with a smile, Brother, are you going to the haunted house with your girlfriend?

It is.

Then you're at the right place. Many men and women who haven't confirmed their relationship have successfully held hands on the same day after playing. Girls are like this. They are afraid of ghosts and like excitement. For a while, you just need to be brave, and girls just need to be a little frightened. I can't wait to get into your arms, I'm used to cuddling and kissing during this time, it depends on whether you can seize the opportunity.

Jiang Qiao's eyes lit up, and what he said made sense, but fairies have practiced Taoism for a long time, and they have seen a lot of ghosts and monsters. They have even killed extraterrestrial demons, so they should not be afraid of ghosts.

Can this scare you? My family, cough, may be very courageous.

Just take her in. I'll say hello to the master controller later, and ask the NPC to take care of you. I'm sure I'll make you a beautiful woman. The ticket seller patted his chest confidently.


Bai Yueling listened to the conversation between the two, a slight smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, this idiot is not considered a fool.

Jiang Qiao took out his mobile phone to scan the QR code to pay, and then led Bai Yueling in through the hospital gate. After they stepped in, the blood-stained gate slowly closed, and the haunted house escape game officially began.

Jiang Qiao subconsciously looked at the surrounding environment. There were blood-stained medical records everywhere on the ground, old stairs, bloody handprints everywhere on the walls, the chandelier in the hall was flickering and flickering, gusts of cold wind poured in from the ventilation ducts, The atmosphere is full.

Jiang Qiao's heart trembled. It's no wonder that the last wave of people came out of here in shock just now, and they did it so realistically. He panicked too.

He subconsciously grasped Fairy Bai's hand tightly, and would not let go of anything, the real fairy was by his side, and the ghosts and goblins walked away.

Feeling the slight tremor of his arm muscles, Bai Yue couldn't help but want to laugh, why is this person so timid.

Are you scared?

Fart! It's all fake, how could I be afraid! Jiang Qiao retorted righteously.

If you're not afraid, why are you grabbing my hand?

I'm afraid that you will be frightened. It will be terrible if you hit a serious punch.

I feel a very strong yin energy, this abandoned hospital may have really died. She said quietly.

Jiang Qiao panicked, pretending to be calm on the surface: Aren't you talking nonsense, there is no hospital where people don't die.

I mean, what if... there's something dirty?

Fuck, I'm timid, don't scare me!

The speaker has no intention, but the listener does. After all, there is a haunted house owner surnamed Chen Carrying Sledgehammer who likes to scare people with real ghosts.

As soon as he finished speaking, the lights in the hall suddenly went out, and at the same time, there was a scalp-numbing laughter, and it started to flicker again after a few seconds, but there was already standing in front of him a person with disheveled hair and his face wearing a hospital gown .

Jiang Qiao is numb, this damn is a human or a ghost.

He pulled Bai Yueling and ran upstairs to the marked safe passage, running very fast.

Jiang... Bridge...

While running along, Bai Yueling frightened him with a long and intermittent voice. The ghost that suddenly appeared just now was full of yang energy, and it was obvious at first glance that it was someone pretending to be.

Tch, what a coward.

Running and running, Jiang Qiao suddenly realized that something was wrong. The wall in front of him was written crookedly with blood that there was no way. He panicked and dragged Bai Yueling into the next ward.

The two hospital beds were covered with white cloth, with blood on them, and it was unclear whether the person lying on them was a prop dummy or an NPC who was always ready to wake up and scare them.

He pulled Bai Yueling as close to the wall as possible, when a piece of white cloth suddenly moved. When a headless female corpse came out, Jiang Qiao was so scared that he hugged Fairy Bai on the spot and pinned her against the wall.

Bai Yueling: ...

She hadn't even started pretending yet, so she couldn't figure out why she was so frightened, but at least she hugged it, and from the results, it seemed right?

She yawned and knocked on the door of the little black room.

I'm tired from playing, it's your turn.

Fairy Bai was startled, did she regain control of her body? What's more, this shameless guy was still hugging him so hard that he almost put his legs around her waist.

Hey, well, there are no ghosts at all, that female corpse is fake.

Don't try to lie to me!

Jiang Qiao blinked, buried his head deeply in her loose hair, and took a deep breath, it was so fragrant. He hated himself for wearing a thick and heavy down jacket, otherwise he could still feel the softness when he sticks with the fairy...

In fact, he made up his mind from the very beginning that if he couldn't scare the fairy, he would pretend to be scared, and then he would have various reasons to hug the fairy.

As a result, as soon as I walked into the haunted house, I was frightened by the realistic atmosphere. Now I don’t need to pretend, I just show my true feelings.

He shivered and almost cried out.

Fairy Bai couldn't help but blushed. Feeling Jiang Qiao's aura at such a close distance, her heart was also pounding. Although she knew it was the work of a demon, but when they ate barbecue today, he The kiss to myself is still vivid.

This guy can always tug at her heartstrings at certain times.

It's true. If you don't believe me, look for yourself. The corpse hasn't moved. It should be a prop. She took a deep breath, and Jiang Qiao hugged her tightly, thinking whether to push him away.



I do not believe!

Jiang Qiao's righteous refusal proved that the fairy is not afraid of the haunted house at all. He showed bravery and fearlessness, so he might as well pretend to be timid and rub against the fairy.

Fairy Bai was furious, why is this guy so timid, how dare he let her come to the haunted house? It's funny!

Jiang Qiao was hanging on her body like a koala. Fairy Bai walked over with a blank expression, and shook the corpse prop: Look, I'll just say it's fake.

Ugh, fairies are brave!

Then you still don't get off me?


Jiang Qiao babbled, and answered very simply, he had earned money by hugging him for so long.

When the two of them walked out of the ward, Fairy Bai looked down at the pair of dog paws. He used to talk about Gogou fingers, but now he is getting more and more proficient at holding hands.

Can you let go of my hand?

No, I'm worried that you will run away in a panic.

Fairy Bai couldn't help but rolled her eyes, isn't it you talking about yourself?

As the two walked, the hanged ghost hanging in the middle of the corridor suddenly fell in front of them. Fairy Bai's expression changed, and she punched without hesitation, directly piercing the hanged ghost's chest.

Jiang Qiao was really taken aback.

He took a serious look, but there was no blood, and it was a dummy that Fairy Bai killed.

Do you know that if this is a staff member pretending to be, you're killing someone! Jiang Qiao felt terrified.

Fairy Bai was left speechless, and knew that she was in a hurry, so she faltered and said: I just shot because I didn't feel the breath of a living person. If it's a dead thing...how about a dead thing? Maybe it will move, in case there are really dirty things that can't be seen...

Jiang Qiao couldn't help covering his face: Dead objects are also triggered by mechanisms, Sister Fairy, to put it more bluntly, we are vandalizing public property, and we might have to pay for it later.

Fairy Bai stopped talking for a moment when she heard that she was about to lose money. She hasn't earned much money so far, and she still keeps all of it in Jiangqiao.

In short, you are not allowed to take any action when you encounter anything next! Do you understand?


I don't want you, well, I want you to promise me.

Fairy Bai bit her lip. It was the first time she had seen Jiang Qiao treat her so fiercely. The dog Jiang Qiao was afraid and hid on her just now, before he shocked her, he started to teach her a lesson.

Vegetable dog, vegetable dog, vegetable dog!


With this scene, Jiang Qiao didn't dare to pretend to be timid anymore, otherwise, if she swung her serious fist, he was afraid that the building would collapse.

On the third floor of the hospital, I saw a bloody ghost with a missing leg, chasing them with a bleeding scalpel in his hand.

Jiang Qiao pulled Fairy Bai around and ran away. The door of the operating room in front suddenly opened, and the sign on the wall gave off a strange green light.

He didn't have time to think about it, he pulled Fairy Bai and hid inside.

The ghost in the back is a person in disguise. Fairy Bai said in a low voice.

I know, but even if he's pretending to be, you should still be afraid!

Fairy Bai was speechless for a moment, knowing that it was fake, why were she still afraid? The cemetery on Ziwei Star, the sea of ​​blood, is much more terrifying than this.

There was only one operating table and a metal cabinet in the operating room. On the operating table was a corpse whose stomach had been cut open. All the intestines and internal organs were exposed. It was unknown whether it was a human or a ghost.

Jiang Qiao hid in a corner, staring intently at whether the operating table would be a fraud.

There was a sharp sound of fingernails scratching suddenly from the metal cabinet next to him, his face changed, the door of the metal cabinet suddenly opened, and a strange species with all four limbs lying on the ground came out from inside.

At this time, the door of the operating room also opened, and the evil ghost with one leg missing just now broke in with a scalpel and a deep smile, and the two ghosts surrounded him, one on the left and the other on the right.

Jiang Qiao was paralyzed. He hid in a blind spot and couldn't run away, but for the safety of the NPC in the haunted house, he subconsciously turned around and hugged Fairy Bai, saying that he couldn't let her do anything.

In case of death...

Fairy Bai was stunned, her clenched hands clenched and then loosened. For some reason, she seemed to be able to clearly feel Jiang Qiao's desire to protect her.

She was held tightly in his arms, and Jiang Qiao used his back to resist the darkness. This feeling made people blush even more than Jiang Qiao kissed her hand today.

It's over, is it over, did she really fall in love with Jiang Qiao as the demon said?

Her mind is in a mess, and her heart is also in a mess. These ghosts are fake, and he also knows that these ghosts are fake.

But when he was in a dangerous situation, his conditioned reflex wanted to protect her, but it was true.

Jiang Qiao suddenly slammed back hard, took her hand at the same time, and pushed Fairy Bai out of the operating room door.

Go, I'll stop them!!

Jiang Qiao shouted and opened his arms to stop the two ghosts.

The door of the operating room closed gradually, like the gate of hell that separated Yin and Yang. At the last moment, Fairy Bai saw the evil ghost with a distorted face grinning and stabbing him fiercely with the knife in his hand...

Fairy Bai was stunned for a moment, and her heart was shrouded in fear for no reason.

Jiang Qiao! Jiang Qiao!!

Thank you [Little Scholar of the Tang Dynasty] for the 10,000 rewards, thank you [Scheinen] [the veteran cadres of the people] for the 2,000 rewards, thank you [The whole name is really difficult] for the 1,600 rewards, and thank you [Escape before sunset] [DNA9527] [This time it’s true I won’t change my name anymore] for the 1500 rewards, thank you [book friend 20200411234928852] for the 100 rewards, thank you.

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