Fairy, Stop Making Trouble

Chapter 134 133. Responsibilities of Guardians

Fairy Bai was flustered when she heard that, she raised her eyes to look at Jiang Qiao with a serious face, held back her words for a long time, and said sullenly, Then I'll shock you 101 times, until you're sad, shock you. Until you don't like me.

Jiang Qiao: ???

What kind of operation is this, should it be said that it is a fairy? It's so hard-core that people stop thinking about it.

You are a mortal, I am a fairy, even if you just gave so many examples, the relationship between a fairy and a mortal will not have a good result. Yaoji was suppressed in Taoshan, Sanshengmu was suppressed in Huashan, even Cowherd and Weaver Girl were suppressed. Forcibly separated, we can only meet once a year.

Jiang Qiao was confused: You even know this?

Fairy Bai nodded: When I first came to this world, the first thing I learned about were all kinds of fairy tales and weird legends in this world. It was only later that I discovered that they were really just legends.

I see. Are you afraid that in a few decades, I will be old and you are still young. When I turn into a pile of loess, you will be left alone?

Fairy Bai bit her lips and said nothing.

The fact is that the lifespan of a mortal is too short. Once a monk retreats, it will be a hundred years at the flick of a finger. Even if she cherishes the days when the two of them are together, the day of parting will eventually come.

Instead of suffering a hundred years later, it is better to cut off all thoughts now.


She took a deep breath, not sure if it was to convince herself, her tone suddenly turned cold.

Jiang Qiao, give it up. I have been seeking immortality since I was a child, and I have given everything to my cultivation. As for the love between men and women, and the affair between children, I have long ignored it. Although I am in the world, my heart is detached. When dealing with everything, one should follow the supreme way of no joy, no sorrow, no emotion, no emotion, and practice oneself in the world of mortals, only then can one truly transcend oneself.”

Jiang Qiao smiled. He had expected Fairy Bai's attitude. If she was persuaded by a few words of his own, she would no longer be the Fairy Bai who had been pure and ascetic for 10,000 years.

I'm afraid there is another reason, is your demon?

Fairy Bai was startled, she didn't expect him to see it so thoroughly.

I have never cultivated immortality, and I don't understand the way of the Supreme, but you always talk about forgetting love. You must know that you must have love before you can forget love. Why do you have so many demons that you can't resolve? Have you ever thought that it is you Did you go the wrong way at the beginning? Forgetfulness is not forgetting, nor is it cutting passion and desire, but seeing through, you don’t know what is affection, what is love, how can you see through?”

Jiang Qiao took her hand and said in a low voice, the two walked hand in hand like lovers.

If you think it makes sense, I am willing to be the last love catastrophe on your road to immortality. We will stay together for a hundred years. When I die in old age, you will also experience all kinds of human states, complete Taoism, and transcend eternity. In the boundless and immeasurable years, I occasionally think back to the years on the earth, even if I can’t remember my name, I have no regrets.”

Jiang Qiao stopped and smiled at her, As a guardian, this is my responsibility, isn't it?

Fairy Bai bowed her head and hesitated, but if what Jiang Qiao said was right, after falling in love, she needed to forget to escape, could she still do it at that time? Are you really willing to forget everything for the sake of detachment, and to prove the supreme way?

She didn't know, just thinking of that day, she couldn't help but panic in her heart.

As for the other result, if what he said was wrong and she no longer suppressed her emotions, wouldn't she just fall into the tricks of the demon?

At that time, she will be completely enchanted like her master, and the people in this world will be devastated, and there will be no peace.

No matter what the result is, she cannot accept it. Perhaps it is the best result for the two to maintain their current relationship.

Caigou, you don't need to say any more, I have made up my mind, even if the road ahead is broken, I will never look back!

Jiang Qiao smiled nonchalantly: Anyway, liking you is my business. You have the right to refuse my confession, but you have no right to refuse my liking for you. According to the regulations of our country, as long as you don't use indiscriminate means, you can like it openly. Alone, it's not against the law.

Shameless! Fairy Bai said angrily, she knew this guy would not give up easily.

Jiang Qiao was amused: Do you know that my behavior is, in today's words, Yueling, I am your licking dog.

I know you're a picky dog, why are you licking a dog again? Fairy Bai was confused, these new words were still a little strange to her.


Could it be... She turned pale, thinking of the literal meaning.

The vegetable dog is a dog he got from playing games. To be her licking dog, does he want to lick her like a dog?

Jiang Qiao nodded solemnly: That's right, from today onwards, I will lick you recklessly until you feel comfortable all over and fall in love with me!

Fairy Bai subconsciously squeezed Jiang Qiao's palm tightly, and immediately there were several bone cracking sounds.

Ah, aches, aches, what are you doing pinching me again, my bones...the bones are going to shatter!

Bai Xianzi looked ashamed and angry: The pervert! How dare you be so vulgar under the eyes of everyone!

How vulgar is it? It's normal to be a dog licker in this era.

She was stunned for a moment, she thought this world was a place of progress, advanced and civilized can be seen everywhere, but she didn't expect that the people here are so ignorant in their bones, that they even think the behavior of animals is normal.

Jiang Qiao glanced at her and continued, There is a saying on our side that says to lick a dog until the end.

When Fairy Bai thought of licking her body, she subconsciously felt disgusted, and she threateningly threatened.

No! You are not allowed to lick. If you dare to touch me, believe it or not, I will electrocute you to ashes?

Hearing this, Jiang Qiao's face suddenly became strange. No wonder the woman reacted so suddenly.

You don't think I meant licking literally?

The fairy looked confused: No...isn't it?

Of course not! Although some people do like it, could it be that you also...

I don't like it! Fairy Bai interrupted the casting ferociously, and clenched her hand once again, So, what exactly is dog licking?

Jiang Qiao yelled in pain, It's just... just... can you let go first?

Say it!

It is in the relationship between a man and a woman, even if you know that the other party doesn't like you, you will continue to please the other party with a hot face and a cold ass.

Fairy Bai stared at him with wide eyes and shouted, What? You still want to lick my ass?!

Jiang Qiao: ...

The pedestrians around stopped and stared at the two of them for a moment.

Jiang Qiao went numb, and Fairy Bai realized that the content was wrong, and the two of them fled the scene with blushing faces.

Sister Fairy, can you think through your head before you speak? I'm just a metaphor, I don't mean to really lick your ass!

Who told you not to speak clearly at the beginning!

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