Fairy, Stop Making Trouble

Chapter 136 135. Belonging

What are you doing touching my hand again!

Fairy Bai glared at him angrily, this apprentice, she had already rejected him, not only did she not feel ashamed, she even got worse!

Yue Ling, of course I am helping you in your cultivation!

Jiang Qiao held onto her hand righteously, and it was a showdown anyway, so he simply broke the pot and threw it.

If you want to refine your mind in the world of mortals, I will be your whetstone. The most direct form of expression is not to be happy with things and not to be sad with yourself. When you don't have the slightest mood swings for my soft-heartedness, I don't like it. is you.

Fairy Bai gave him a serious look: You said it!

Yes, I said so. Jiang Qiao squeezed her fingers and smiled slightly.

She pursed her mouth, don't think that she can do whatever she wants when she looks handsome and smiles. She is not considered rich, and she doesn't bring her own BGM. She is just a hateful lecherous dog who likes to take advantage of her.

Huh, Bai Yueling can't be angry, can't get angry, if he continues to feel restless, he's being fooled.

Resisting the urge to pull her hand out of his palm, Fairy Bai took a deep breath, put on the 3D glasses and concentrated on watching the movie.

The background of the movie is a flower grower decades ago. The country has just been established and is impoverished, but is forced to fight under the threat of imperialism...

That vegetable dog is not honest at all, it keeps playing with her hands, touching the back of her hands, rubbing her fingers, and rubbing her palms with her fingertips, how can she...how could she have mood swings with this kind of itching? !

It's just that being held by him in the same way, the two of them go shopping holding hands in broad daylight, and being held by him in the dark room now, the feeling seems to be completely different.

Reason told her that Jiang Qiao was just taking advantage of the opportunity to play tricks. The atmosphere was so beautiful that no one could see him, and he was stealthily taking advantage of her.

The heartbeat is still very fast, hey, he keeps saying that he has to be shocked a hundred times to like her, and now his heart rate doubles when he touches his hand. Wasn't it very exciting to watch the pictures secretly in the room, and this is the result?

After the complaint in her heart was over, Fairy Bai acted as if her hand was touched by a dog. Could it be that she had to touch it back?

After a while, in the intense plot of gunfire and gunfire, the lawless hand in the dark became more and more rampant. Fairy Bai was completely annoyed, and she stared at Jiang Qiao.

Don't you even watch movies?!

I've read it a long time ago. It's okay. You don't have to worry about me at all. You watch yours. I play mine. You're a world of mortals. I pursue true love. Let's not disturb each other. Jiang Qiao said brazenly.

You touch around, what do I think!?

Fairy Bai looked at him through gritted teeth, how could this person say such shameless words.

Fairy, you can't blame me for this, it just shows that your concentration is not enough.

Shut up! If you dare to move again, I will cripple your hand.

Her slender hands were clenched immediately, and Jiang Qiao uttered an extremely suppressed scream in pain, and immediately sat down obediently to watch a movie with her.

In order to avoid enemy planes, the Volunteers had to lie in the pile of rocks and were shot wildly by the bullets falling from the sky. Many soldiers were bloody and bloody, but they could only endure the anger and could not shoot, otherwise they would expose the whereabouts of the entire team.

Fairy Bai suddenly fell silent. The difference in firepower between the two sides was huge, but none of the young soldiers were timid, which was enough to see the backbone of this country.

No wonder you love your motherland so much, and love this hard-won era of peace so much. Your ancestors really paid too much for it.

Of course. Although he died nine times, he still has no regrets. The interests of the party and the people are above all else, which is a true portrayal of this country. The phrase circulating on the Internet, I have no regrets in this life, and I wish to be a flower grower in the next life is not just talk.

Jiang Qiao sighed, looking at the brave fighters on the screen, tears filled his eyes.

He said softly: You have watched so many videos on the Xiaopo website. This is when you contracted the lack of firepower phobia. When we were weak, no one could bully us. Now that we are strong, no one can bully us.

Fairy Bai nodded, deeply convinced.

The planes, tanks, and cannons on the opposite side had no worries about logistics. Our army only had infantry outflanking and logistics. Even she didn't know how the rabbits won in such a disparity in national power. It was incredible.

How did you win this battle for nation-building?

There was a five-star general eager to end the battle before Christmas Eve and go back for Christmas, so the rabbits had no choice but to fulfill them and send them to God with all their might.

It's a miracle. Fairy Bai couldn't help but exclaim.

Jiang Qiao pinched her finger lightly, and immediately corrected: It's not a miracle, but an inevitability of the unity of all people!

Fairy Bai looked down at Jiang Qiao's dog's paw, and he touched it quietly. It was obviously a movie that could make people cry, but his mind was full of astringency.

In this environment, are you nervous to touch my hand?

Jiang Qiao looked at her bright red lips. If it was Miss Heart Demon, she should be able to do some more egregious things.

No...not nervous.

Then your hands are full of sweat?

Jiang Qiao's arm froze immediately. He tried his best to wipe off his trousers, then licked his face and touched it quietly.

Bai Xianzi looked disgusted: Don't touch me! I want to drink milk tea!

There was a lot of fire on the screen, Fairy Bai took a spoon and dug a hole in the milk tea cup, while watching, she fed eight-treasure porridge into her mouth spoon by spoon. Yes, it's delicious.

As the plot became more and more tragic, the enemy army was drinking coffee and eating fried chicken in the tent, but the soldiers could only eat frozen potatoes in the snow. The two pictures were in stark contrast, and the entire theater was crying. Even Jiang Qiao, who had always been dishonest, had red eyes.

Although she had feelings in her heart, she couldn't express too many emotions after all because of her cultivation skills, but she could understand why the audience cried.

The two-and-a-half-hour movie finally came to an end, and Jiang Qiao's emotions turned into a deep sigh. He wished he could pick up his machine gun and rush to the battlefield to kill a few eagle cubs.

He came out of the toilet, and Fairy Bai was waiting at the door. He was very envious of Fairy Bai's physique. He obviously ate and drank every day, but he didn't need to go to the toilet, and he didn't sweat. Is this the benefit of a transparent fairy body?

How did the movie feel?

It's good. It just doesn't feel like you do.

Because you haven't fully integrated into it, and we grew up under the red flag. When you get your ID card, you will be considered a part of this big family. At that time, my motherland is also your motherland. The honor or shame we have is closely related to ourselves.

Fairy Bai lowered her head and pondered for a moment, then asked, Is this the so-called sense of belonging?

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