After listening to the first half of the sentence, Jiang Qiao almost jumped up unhappily. After listening to the second half of the sentence, his excited heart instantly cooled.

Then what, aren't you joking with me?

No joke. Fairy Bai looked serious.

Jiang Qiao choked for a moment, then forced a smile:'s not impossible, you don't even need to do it, I'll burp myself in a hundred years.

I can't wait that long, and... since you are my love calamity, then only by killing you and cutting off all cause and effect can my Dao Heart be fulfilled. She shook her head.

Jiang Qiao's expression stiffened, and his facial muscles forced a smile: Can I resist? And, you know, in our country, murder is against the law.

Fairy Bai stared at him for a few times, and her expression finally calmed down. Even though she was thinking about killing him, he was still thinking about herself.

I was just discussing with you. Since you don't want to, then forget it. I'll think of other ways.

eh? Turnaround?

Jiang Qiao was overjoyed, and sneakily took her hand and held it in his palm: If I nodded just now, would you kill me?

Fairy Bai looked at his dog's paw, hesitated for two seconds, nodded slowly, and pulled out her hand without leaving any traces.

Any intimacy with Jiang Qiao must now be avoided as much as possible.

Jiang Qiao saw her reaction and didn't care, he walked to the window alone to look at the night, leaving his back to Fairy Bai with confidence.

You suddenly said these words to me, is it because of your inner demon?


Being with me makes you unstable, so the safest way is to completely solve my unstable factor?


Jiang Qiao felt a toothache, and it was a fortunate thing for Fairy Bai to reveal her true feelings, but in the end she had to be always on guard, and it was really not easy to ask Fairy to be her wife.

Is there no other way? he asked.

Yes. Zhongce, use physical methods to make you lose your memory. As long as you don't pester me, our causal line will naturally become weaker and weaker until it disappears.

Jiang Qiao seriously thought about what the physical method was. Probably he slapped his head with a slap and lost his memory?

No, no, it's too dangerous, what if it breaks like a watermelon.

What's the next step?

I left you to live alone, but with your shameless temper, you will definitely find ways to find me. As a result, the line of karma becomes strong and weak, which is not conducive to cultivation.

Jiang Qiao turned to look at her, with a playful smile on his face: It seems that you understand me very well, as long as you walk in the world, you will definitely leave traces, and now technology is so advanced, even if you hide It won't be too difficult to find you in the ends of the earth.

So, then I'm still sh...

So, if it doesn't work, don't worry about it.

He stepped forward, the two were very close, and Fairy Bai's heart beat slowly for a while for no reason, and a shivering chill spread throughout her body.

Didn't you put your hope of getting rid of your inner demons on me? Can we face difficulties together?

Fairy Bai was so flustered that she took a step back, and the determination she had just made up was shattered by his messing around.

You can't.

There was a hint of bitterness at the corner of her mouth, even she was no match for herself, how could Jiang Qiao be a mortal?

Actually, you just said that you need to kill me in order to perfect the Dao Heart. This is just your guess, right? If you have to witness the death of your loved one in order to awaken the kaleidoscope, it must not be an immortal cultivation technique, but a magic technique.


Cough, the setting of an anime work, since you have a demon, you can take a look at it when you have time.

Fairy Bai whispered, I'm really just guessing.

Since it's guesswork, you're going to kill your loved one, won't your conscience hurt?

He skillfully took Fairy Bai's hand and put it on his chest: You feel it yourself, what beats here is all thoughts of you.

Fairy Bai's face turned red, her heart was beating wildly, and she pulled her hand back in a panic.

Who... Who loves you! I'm just saying maybe, maybe you don't understand? At most... At most, I have a little crush on you.

Jiang Qiao smiled, and then said with a stern face: Then it's even more unreasonable. Friendship is above, but lovers are not full, you are not afraid that you will kill me useless? When the time comes, my blood is on my hands, and what should I do if I regret becoming obsessed? ? Even if I really want to help you prove the Dao, it's useless!

Then why do you say it's useful?! Fairy Bai stared at him.

I have to say that Jiang Qiao still has some truth in what he said. Although she knew very well that she was just looking for a suitable excuse not to kill him.

As the saying goes, if a duck is fat and then kill, we must love each other, then get married, have children, cut off cause and effect when we feel the deepest of each other, turn thoughts and grief into strength, realize the Dao, and achieve transcendence.

Jiang Qiao said nonsense, of course, he didn't dig a hole for himself.

When the two get married and have a child, Fairy Bai will say something like You can't let the child grow up without a father, Bai Yueling, you are so cruel and so on. Can escape.

But... but if I love too deeply, what should I do if I can't do it at that time? Fairy Bai lowered her eyelids and said stuffily.

That's how her master was, so she got the end of Dao Xin's collapse and death.

But she didn't even notice that Jiang Qiao had arranged the rest of her life clearly.

It's okay, I'll take the initiative when the time comes. In ancient times, Buddha cut flesh to feed the eagle. What if I sacrifice myself for my wife?

Who... who is your wife!?

She blushed with embarrassment, the wife meant the wife, Jiang Qiao couldn't hide it from her!

It was actually very interesting to see the fairy being shy, he couldn't help laughing, and he didn't want to tease her anymore.

Yueling, don't think about it, it's actually not that serious, the iron fist of socialism does not allow all kinds of ghosts and ghosts to exist, I think, cultivating immortals is against the sky, but at the same time it is also a process of checking and filling gaps, knowing that the road ahead is dead, Why not change the path? There is no need to stubbornly fight.

She shook her head: You're wrong. Cultivation is not walking. If you go the wrong way, you can go back to the fork and choose another one. It's like a tree. Once it grows crooked, you can only saw off the main trunk and grow again.

That's it, what's the difficulty for you? The trunk is gone, and the tree stump is still there. As far as I know, three great emperors of the human race created their own laws and became the top of the sacrificial way. ,

Fairy Bai gave him an angry look: Which novel is this?

Uh... Covering the Sky Trilogy, you can also watch it when you have time. What if it will help you in your practice?

She nodded, taking the words to heart.

Although I now know that the novels were written by others, many of the descriptions have the flavor of cultivation, and what she lacks most now is a perfect state of mind.

Then we... can we start a serious relationship now? Jiang Qiao licked his lips and looked at the impeccably beautiful fairy in front of him with anticipation in his eyes.

Without blinking, she held her breath subconsciously, her fingers clenched tightly, and her heart was beating wildly. This state lasted for several seconds before Fairy Bai blushed and avoided.

As a result, the Dao Heart, which was finally closed, was split open again.

Jiang Qiao's influence on her was heavier than she imagined.

No... Of course not! Don't think that a few words or two can make me change my practice. Even if I don't kill you for a while, I can still find a way to forget my feelings!

Jiang Qiao blinked happily and smiled without saying a word.

He has successfully entered the heart of a pure-hearted fairy, and if he wants to forget him, it is not so simple, and there is not really a water of forgetfulness in this world.

This wave of fairies is inescapable at the bridge.

You go out, I'm going to rest soon! She urged Jiang Qiao to go back to the house, not wanting to see this hateful face for the time being.

Jiang Qiao walked to the door, suddenly turned around and asked, Well, are we still a fake couple relationship?

No! she said angrily.

Then you won't get any money, and even if you don't, you can't refuse me chasing you.

You are shameless!

Hey, I'm just shameless, and it's not the first day you know me.

Fairy Bai was so angry that she pulled Pikachu and threw it at him fiercely, Jiang Qiao hugged him with both hands and smiled: If you don't want it, then I'll go back to sleep, you'll all discharge anyway, I'm holding Pikachu as if I'm holding you. , um... tastes about the same.

He took a deep breath and hurried away.

The door closed gently, Fairy Bai looked sluggish, how could she still be like this?

Jiang Qiao was definitely the most shameless person she had ever seen, no one, and now he was getting more and more arrogant towards her, and it seemed that he still had less electricity.

She sat cross-legged on the bed, breathing and meditating at a specific rhythm, before soothing her restless heart.

The two became more and more intimate, and she also realized that she had a good impression of Jiang Qiao, otherwise if other men dared to take advantage of him like this, they would have been cut off by a sword.

She was afraid that she would fall deeper and deeper. She also knew about feelings. There was no turning back when she opened the bow, and the threat of demons was right in front of her eyes. At that time she was no longer her.

How to choose, really difficult to choose.

Empty your mind, suppress all distracting thoughts, stop thinking about Jiang Qiao, and continue to recite Huang Ting.

Two hours later, she suddenly opened her eyes, bleeding from the corners of her mouth, and her face was full of disbelief.

As long as she tries to forget the existence of Jiangqiao, her blood will flow backwards, her breath will be chaotic, and she will almost go crazy. Her mind is full of that shameless and innocent face.

She wiped the blood from the corner of her mouth, and suddenly understood Master.

Love is difficult to overcome, she can't forget it, and she can't kill her. If she keeps going, she will definitely end up in the same way.

A wry smile appeared on Fairy Bai's face, could this be the fate of their lineage?

At this time, she remembered the words of the inner demon, her path was wrong from the beginning, she might as well try to fall in love with someone, but this will accelerate the collapse of her Dao heart.

She couldn't help but sighed, and she has never figured out why she came to this world after failing to transcend the calamity.

The mortal world is suffering and weak, and there are constant disturbances. It is easier said than done to eliminate the three principles and five constants, and to eliminate the seven emotions and six desires.

You are lost again. Instead of self-denial and doubt, why don't you believe me? The inner demon's words slowly sounded in her mind.

Shut up! Fairy Bai shouted coldly.

The inner demon ignored it directly, and the light laughter continued to sound: Look at your Dao Heart, now the whole body is cracked, and it is only a step away from the Dao Heart breaking. I understand you, if you don't kill Jiang Qiao Zheng Dao now, It will be difficult to kill him again.

How to cultivate the Tao, I still need to ask you?

Fairy Bai simply covered her head and went to sleep. As for what this demon loves to do, she has a bright mirror in her heart no matter what, and it is impossible for her to be influenced by others.


in the bedroom.

Jiang Qiao was lying on the bed holding Pikachu, tossing and turning, unable to sleep. A lot of things happened in one day today. Fairy Bai had a strange appearance several times. He even thought it was Miss Heart Demon.

Fortunately, I have confessed to her today. Although my life may be in danger at any time, it is worth hearing that she likes me.

To be clear, what he is asking for now is immortal fate, there is no reason for danger.

As for the inner demon lying between him and Fairy Bai, there was really nothing he could do about her for a while.

However, Jiang Qiao could more or less guess that Fairy Bai must have concealed a lot of things from him, otherwise, she would not suddenly want to kill him to keep her Taoism pure, which might be a life-threatening event.

Fortunately, Fairy Bai is still soft-hearted, this is a sign of loving him.

Just when Jiang Qiao was thinking wildly, the door to his bedroom suddenly opened, and looking at the pair of scarlet eyes in the darkness, he raised his hand and turned on the night light by the bed.

The soft light illuminated the red dress, and he knew that the demon was coming.

You're here. Jiang Qiao whispered.

Bai Yueling winked at him: Jiang Lang, you don't seem to be surprised at all~ You haven't slept so late, are you waiting for me on a special trip?

He couldn't help rolling his eyes, you come every night, and he's an unexpected fart.

I think too much, I just can't sleep.

Does that mean I can't sleep?

certainly not!

She slowly closed the door, gently lifted her delicate feet, and the forked skirt fell down at this moment, revealing a smooth and dazzling white, and her voice gradually became charming.

Then now, do you miss me, my Jiang Lang~

Jiang Qiao took a deep breath and scolded the goblin secretly. How could he meet such a sultry witch and seduce him with Fairy White's body? It's shameless!

The most annoying thing is that there is no way to ignore it!

Have you been out during the day? He decisively changed the subject.

She blinked innocently: During the day, you guys went to the amusement park and the haunted house cinema again. It was a lot of fun. I really want to go with Jiang Lang.

Hearing this sentence, Jiang Qiao felt relieved for the time being. It was fine that he didn't date her. He was loyal to Fairy Bai, and he didn't know who the demon was.

wait for me a while.

He got out of bed, went to the living room and opened the refrigerator to get two candied haws of different flavors. When he returned to his room, he saw that the heart demon Yueling had secretly climbed onto his bed, with half of her white thighs exposed. Outside.

Jiang Lang, come and play, I want to see your baby~

Thanks to [Book Friend 20211229225757894] [Iris Zhen] for the 2000 reward, thanks to [Mo Yu Hehehe] [Book Friend 20190523212503598] [Moon Leaf Leaf] [Hikari345] for the 1500 reward, thanks to [Beef Rice Ball] for the 200 reward, thank you [ The 100 rewards of [The Fall of the Lonely Bird] of the colorful purple lotus,

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