Faced with such a rascal, Fairy Bai snorted and ran into her bedroom, closing the door and ignoring him.

Jiang Qiao blinked. Was he angry or shy?

However, he has not been shocked at this point, and the deep meaning needs to be carefully understood.

In any case, the progress of the Raiders Fairy +1.

Jiang Qiao continued to clean, and Fu Lu Shou Xi returned to this familiar home. The two kittens kept fighting in the living room, running around, having a good time.

Back in the room, Fairy Bai angrily threw Pikachu on her bed, and said that she wanted to rebuild her state of mind, neither arrogant nor impetuous, neither sullen nor angry, neither sad nor happy, but that guy was really shameless, as long as he was with him Son, I can't help but want someone to beat him up.

After beating Pikachu hard, Fairy Bai took out her phone, opened her browser and searched: Okamoto 001...

As soon as I entered these words, the almighty Du Niang automatically completed the content of the entry——Is Okamoto 001 really thin?

Think of her as a pure and pure fairy who has been cultivated for thousands of years, and suddenly saw all kinds of tiger and wolf words on the Internet, not only there are diagrams of usage, but also netizens imparting their experience online.

When more than a thousand floors asked about the product experience from the very beginning, she was blushing, and her already cracked heart almost collapsed on the spot.

That guy actually lied to her about what a balloon was. Didn't he buy that thing just because he wanted to do that embarrassing thing with her?

Jiang Qiao's mouth is a deceiving ghost.

Anyway, don't even think about it!

Fairy Bai took a deep breath, Jiang Qiao is really poisonous, and it's never a good thing to be associated with him in anything.

It seems that I can't wait any longer, I must stay away from this guy, the farther away the better.

I closed my eyes and meditated for a while, and found that I couldn't calm down no matter what, and my mind was full of the tiger and wolf words I just saw.

So, she swiped the screen and clicked on the pink profile picture, and decided to chat with Sylvie.

The little girl who had a tragic experience lived in harmony during this period of time, and has already developed a good impression of Fairy Bai. She occasionally buys desserts and clothes for Sylvie, and even opens her heart to her, telling her about her tragic past.

——In the last family, that shameless businessman was a very perverted bastard, who would abuse Sylvie every time he was in a bad mood, and even said that Sylvie couldn’t even eat, drink and other basic living rights have! In this day-to-day torture, Sylvie gradually closed her heart, and became what Fairy Bai had first seen.

It's just that after touching her head today, she suddenly asked to sleep with Fairy Bai, but she clearly refused, but was met by Sylvie...

She has never suffered such a big grievance in her ten thousand years of cultivation!

The Dao Heart with cracks throughout the body cracked a deep gully again, almost splitting the Dao Heart in half.

She subconsciously threw the phone on the bed, and ran out staggeringly, her face pale.

What's the matter? Jiang Qiao felt his back go cold, looked back at her, and asked in confusion.

Fairy Bai was ashamed and angry, how dare this guy ask her the other way around?

What did you do, don't you know? She gritted her teeth and said, with a murderous look on her face, and she couldn't hide the look in her eyes that really wanted to kill someone.


Jiang Qiao was confused by what he said, how did he provoke her? She's obviously been cleaning.

He glanced at the half-open door, and asked tentatively, Is there a mouse inside?

You pervert, rascal, bastard, shameless!

Fairy Bai recalled the scene she saw just now, she was really overwhelmed, she couldn't get rid of the hatred in her heart, so she raised her powder fist and pressed him to the ground and beat him fatly.

Jiang Qiao lay on the ground with his head in his arms, screaming like a pig being slaughtered.

Ouch, what the fuck, be gentle, it's about to kill someone!

Ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah!

I was wrong, I was really wrong, can't I change it?

Fairy, give me a chance, at least let me know where I am wrong before you hit me!

The powder fist stopped abruptly, Fairy Bai said with a cold face, gritted her teeth, Go in and see for yourself!

He bravely walked into the room, and immediately saw the naked Sylvie on the lit phone screen.

Jiang Qiao: ...

No wonder he suddenly got so angry, what the hell is he playing with butter? The pure and ascetic fairy didn't lose her Dao heart on the spot, she was already a profound Daoist.

Looking back, Jiang Qiao handed her the spare phone back then, and forgot to delete those unhealthy pink apps, videos, and pictures. He thought about taking her phone, but all failed.

After so many days, nothing happened. I thought Fairy Bai couldn't find those things, but I didn't expect... the thing he had been worried about for a long time finally happened.

This beating was indeed unjust.

He even felt that Fairy Bai had done him an extrajudicial favor if he didn't kill him with a sword on the spot.

After all, this is also a disguised blasphemy against fairies.

He picked up his phone tremblingly, and walked out tremblingly, his eyes were too ashamed to look up at her.

Did I wrong you?


Tell me, what kind of game is that?! Fairy Bai snapped.

Jiang Qiao was so guilty that he lacked confidence: It's just... just a groping game.

From the moment I knew about Sylvie's life experience, I felt sorry for her. Every day I brushed her favorability and raised her as a daughter, but today suddenly... She was ashamed and angry, thinking of what Sylvie did to her today , suddenly unable to speak.

Jiang Qiao opened his mouth, not knowing what to say for a while.

He suddenly thought of a joke.

A player also raises Sylvie as a daughter, and the popularity level is so high that he doesn't overthrow the heroine, but one day he goes out and forgets to turn off the computer, and when he comes back, he finds that his roommate has overwritten the save file.

It is said that the player's heart has been broken since then, and he no longer believes in love.

He looked up abruptly.

Could Fairy Bai also...


(External update is in progress, ask for a monthly pass!)

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