Bai Yueling didn't expect Jiang Qiao to say such a thing at all. He is the only son in the family, and Uncle Jiang has high hopes for him. If he travels with her, one hundred people in the family will definitely not be willing.

What about this store?

It's closed. Jiang Qiao said casually.


Bai Yueling refused without hesitation. He was disliked by his family when he opened convenience in the scenic spot. If he did not open it, he would be kicked out of the house by his uncle.

Jiang Qiao didn't know whether to laugh or cry, knowing what she was worried about.

The old man is right. Opening a convenience store is not a long-term solution. In fact, I also want to do something else. Now is the information age, and you don't have to go to work and do business to support your family.

Jiang Qiao hooked her finger and said softly, I like you, naturally I can't watch you go, and you know the world too one-sidedly. I don't worry about you going down the mountain alone. Besides, I am you. Isn't it the protector of my god? Wherever my fairy goes, I will naturally go with me. As for my parents, I will explain it clearly.

Bai Yueling bowed her head and said nothing, her little face turned crimson.

She is very clear about Jiang Qiao's thoughts, and she is indeed in love with Jiang Qiao, but she has never been in love, so she doesn't know whether this love is good, or dependent, or just a relationship between a man and a woman.

It just makes me happy to hear this.

The world is impermanent, thinking that her dignified and innocent fairy has been messed up by a mortal in a short period of time. I am afraid that no one will believe it, and she does not believe it herself.

But that's what happened.

Then when do we leave? Bai Yueling asked dully.

Jiang Qiao squeezed her fingers: Don't worry, it's not an overnight thing to go out and travel, and it's almost New Year's Eve, some things have to be planned.

Bai Yueling nodded.

You have a good rest? I'm going to make dinner. What do you want for lunch?

She tilted her head and thought: Yesterday Aunt Xia made the steamed eggs delicious.

Okay, then steam the egg.

He pushed open the door and walked out, suddenly turning around with a bright smile on his face.

Yueling, this is the 100 years since you broke the boat. No matter what, I will accompany you and stay by your side.

Bai Yueling froze in front of the bed, breathless and at a loss.

The door was gently closed.

She climbed into the bed, put the soft pillow upright on her back, and placed the phone Jiang Qiao returned to her beside the bed. She habitually turned on the screen. The desktop wallpaper was New Year's Eve that day, and she held it in one hand. Holding a rose, with one hand, Jiang Qiao made a loving gesture.

Bai Yueling couldn't help showing a smile on her face. At that time, she seemed to be very annoyed, but Jiang Qiao had to make her do that shameful action. Even the little girl who sold flowers helped to take the photos. of.

Thinking back on what happened during this time, it seemed that Jiang Qiao had occupied all her memories, and even when she slept at night, her dreams were filled with his shadow.

Bai Yueling watched her cell phone gradually become fascinated, Jiang Qiaozhi was known to everyone, but what about her? Like it? There should be no liking, only good feelings are currently in the majority.

Logically speaking, it is impossible for her to have such a strong affection for a mortal, but she still can't figure out where the problem is.

She took a long sigh and temporarily suppressed the things she couldn't understand. The most important thing at present was how to restore her state of mind within a hundred years, otherwise, the demons in her heart would replace everything for her.

The question is, is this easier said than done?

If you don't cultivate too much forgetfulness, and return to the pseudo-immortal emperor realm in a hundred years, it is still in this era of the end of the law, and it is impossible to think about it.

But she doesn't want to repeat the same mistakes again, she will die and live again. In this life, she decides to live for herself, act recklessly, live recklessly, without restraint.

There are three thousand avenues, choose one and follow it; three thousand flowing water, take a scoop and drink it.

Just fix your mind.

To put it simply, you can do whatever you want with your body. If you want to fight Jiangqiao, you can't bear it. If you want to love...cough, then you like it, and you can't wrong yourself in everything.

Everything is going well, be happy.

While thinking about it, suddenly there was a knock on the door.


Jiang Qiao took the mop into the room. He glanced at Fairy Bai who was lying on the bed, and coughed softly, You just vomited a lot of blood, and the floor of the room has to be cleaned.


Jiang Qiao carefully cleaned up the dried blood on the ground, and asked at the same time, How is your health now? Do you feel any discomfort? If you are in pain, don't bear it. We can go to the doctor.

Bai Yueling's heart warmed: No. It's just that I'm still not used to the current state.

She clenched her fists, this feeling of weakness was really annoying, and Jiang Qiao, as the initiator of all this, although he cared about her very much, he was still angry and wanted to beat him.

You sit down.

Huh? What's wrong.

Jiang Qiao put the mop on the wall, but just as he sat down, Bai Yueling punched him hard in the chest.

Why are you beating me up! Jiang Qiao rubbed his chest, his voice resentful.

I just want to hit you! Don't agree? Hold on!

Fufufu, if you're in a bad mood and want to vent your anger at me, don't say punch me. Even if you punch me hard, I won't have any complaints.

The corner of Bai Yueling's mouth raised slightly, these few words were quite satisfactory, so just hit him.

She suddenly spoke, her voice soft: Jiang Qiao, I have no strength.

I know, you just didn't have the strength to hit me. The physical quality is like the girls here. To describe it in one sentence, it is not much worse than the strength of a chicken without a hand.

Then you're still pretending? she said angrily.

Jiang Qiao blinked: Fighting is kissing, and scolding is love. The harder the beating, the deeper the love.

Bai Yueling breathed for a while, then reached out and pinched his ear, and said loudly, Who loves you? Who loves you?

I love you! I love you! Ah, it hurts... he shouted.

Bah! Shameless! Fairy Bai cursed and let go.

Jiang Qiao smiled and rubbed his ears indifferently: If you are shameless, you can take you home as a wife, even if you beat and scold you every day, it will be fine.

Get out!

Got it.

She blushed and kicked Jiang Qiao out of the door.

Unexpectedly, after only two minutes, he slipped in again, holding a steaming towel in his hand.

What are you doing again!

Jiang Qiao sat beside the bed, stared at her delicate face, picked up the towel and leaned over, and said softly, You have blood on your face, I'll wipe it for you.

Bai Yueling turned her head subconsciously, and the closest thing she and Jiang Qiao did was just holding hands.

do not move.

As soon as her body stiffened, she really remained motionless and let Jiang Qiao gently lift her drooping hair around her ears.

The warm towel wiped away the blood stains at the corners of her mouth little by little, her held breath gradually quickened, and her heart thumped unsatisfactorily.

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