Listening to Jiang Qiao's tender words, Fairy Bai instantly blushed, this guy is a complete scoundrel, who can always make her heart pound inadvertently.

In Ziwei Xing, the vast majority of immortal cultivators are devoted to the Tao.


She bowed her head and wrinkled her nose, her heart was inexplicably sweet, but she didn't want to admit it: I won't be deceived by you!

I didn't lie to you, what I said is true, this is a promise, as a man's promise to his beloved girl. Jiang Qiao's tone was unprecedentedly serious.

The next time I'm so serious, I think I'll propose to her.

Fairy Bai's little heart beat slowly for half a beat, and the sweet throbbing filled her heart instantly.

It's just... promise at every turn, how can this guy be so annoying, and let people not eat well?

Have you said similar things to many girls? She blushed, and the palm held by Jiang Qiao was slightly wet.

Jiang Qiao thought for a moment, shook his head lightly, then nodded slowly: I won't make promises lightly, when I was in junior high school, I had a crush on a girl in my class, but I don't think it was a love, it was just the beginning of a love affair, just right One of the girls has a good impression. As for now, I can't even remember the other party's appearance.

Then do you still miss her?

Jiang Qiao smiled: What do I want her to do? She is not my first love, but you are my first love. I promised that I would only make a promise to you, just now.

Fairy Bai's breath was stagnant, and a very rare shyness flashed in her eyes: I didn't say I like you! You can only be counted as unrequited love at best!

He blinked: Don't you really like it?

do not like!

Jiang Qiao didn't answer, Fairy Bai pursed her lips inexplicably nervous, thinking that this guy would not be angry, right? He is so cheeky, so he shouldn't be so stingy, maybe he's used to being rejected by himself every day.

Jiang Qiao just scratched Fairy Bai's palm lightly with his fingertips, and suddenly said, Are you nervous? Why are your hands sweaty?

She withdrew her hand in a guilty conscience and replied, You are obviously nervous, the fairy won't sweat!


Jiang Qiao put his hand under his nose with suspicion and sniffed it.

Ah, the smell of fairies is so fragrant.


Fairy Bai blushed and stepped on her foot, scolding him severely.

He also seemed to feel that his behavior was inappropriate, he said embarrassedly: Cough... eat and eat.

After a slow meal, Fairy Bai took the initiative to put on her apron, and brought the tableware and chopsticks into the kitchen to clean up.

Jiang Qiao just leaned on the door to look at her, and he didn't know if it was his own delusion. He always felt that Fairy Bai who had lost Daoguo lost her rhythm, and now she looked more flamboyant.

He walked into the kitchen silently, and Fairy Bai felt someone walking in behind her. She suddenly turned around and almost slammed into Jiang Qiao's arms.

What are you doing again!

I'll help you, I'll clean you up, it's called men's and women's matching, and it's not tiring to work.

No, you just cooked, and now I wash the dishes. This is called a clear division of labor.

In fact, she hasn't recovered from the sweet words just now, and she doesn't want to be alone with him. If Jiang Qiao opens her mouth to tease her again, she is afraid that her hands will suddenly slip, and all the dishes she washes will fall to the ground and smashed. smash.

Jiang Qiao was not used to her, so he took the bowl with a lot of oil stains in Fairy Bai's hand and put it in the sink, and turned on the faucet at the same time.

These cleaning products have heavy chemical reagents. If you wash them too much, you will hurt your hands. You are a mortal now. It's not like I was used to it since I was a child. If your skin becomes rough, I will feel distressed.

Fairy Bai watched in silence as Jiang Qiao grabbed her hand, and rinsed off the foam on the palm of her hand, the back of her hand, and between her fingers.

The pulp of her fingers slipped across her palm, creating a tingling sensation. The more nervous she was, the stronger this feeling became.

The hot water was rushing, and neither of them spoke for a minute, as if they couldn't bear to disturb the tranquility of the moment.

After a while, Fairy Bai felt that the dishonest guy started rubbing and pinching her hand, and she couldn't help but say, How long are you holding my hand to wash?

Is it okay for a lifetime? Jiang Qiao looked up at her.

Fairy White: ???

Your love words are too old-fashioned. The life of a mortal is only a hundred years. It's okay to lie to a little girl. If you want to lie to me, the 10,000-year-old ancestor still owes some heat. She couldn't help but complain.

Jiang Qiao was a little embarrassed: It's because your hands are so beautiful, they look like works of art, I can't help but want to wash them longer.

Is it a little longer?

Hey, you actually found out. He said with a blushing face and a heartbeat.

Fairy Bai felt annoyed, this guy's face is really thick enough to be able to admit it so seriously even if he was exposed in person.

She pulled out her hand and snorted softly: I'm not disabled, I don't need your help for such a simple thing!

It's okay, you wash it for me, I'm not afraid of being busy.

Jiang Qiao! Fairy Bai glared at him angrily, looking like she was not serious, she was annoyed when she saw it.

Okay, okay, I won't tease you anymore.

Jiang Qiao squeezed a little detergent into the sponge. After foaming, he rubbed the bowl with chopsticks a few times and handed it to Fairy Bai to clean it up.

The two had a clear division of labor and cooperation, and they cleaned up the kitchen in a short while.

You're done! Look, I'm just saying that men and women are matched. Isn't it tiring to work?

Fairy Bai didn't want to deal with his delusions at all, she held her hand and touched it for a long time, obviously it was faster for her to wash the dishes by herself.

She put her hands behind her back, intending to take off her apron and hang it on the wall.

Don't move, leave it to me.

Jiang Qiao walked two steps to stand behind her, stretched out his hand and pulled the slipknot of his apron, and the two thin ribbons were loosened, and his mind suddenly became crooked.

This scene is very similar to helping Fairy Bai undress. If it is a nightdress, as soon as the belt is pulled, the clothes will fall off immediately, and then you can see the skin of her bullying Sai Xue, the smooth and delicate back, and the thinness of Yingying's grasp. waist……

Cough, stop, the river crab mythical beast stared, and couldn't continue to think about it.

I haven't taken off the apron, what are you thinking about?

Oh, oh, I forgot.

Jiang Qiao was half a head taller than Fairy Bai, and the breath she exhaled hit her neck. She was inexplicably nervous, her body was slightly stiff, and a trace of crimson crept up her ears.

You...why are you still not moving... she said softly.

Jiang Qiao took a deep breath, and could clearly smell the fragrance on her body, which was completely different from others. It was elegant and fresh, and smelled very good.

He raised his hand, twisted the string of the apron hanging around his neck with his fingers, and touched her skin lightly with the pulp of his fingers.

He slowly took off the apron and hung it on the wall, still standing motionless behind her. From his angle, he could perfectly see the flushed shame on Fairy Bai's face.

Jiang Qiao felt an urge for no reason in his heart. He really wanted to just hold her waist from behind and gently hug her in this posture.

But it was foreseeable that Fairy Bai would definitely jump up like a kitten was stepped on its tail, and then give him a savage electric shock.

Oh, I forgot, the current White Fairy cannot telegraph people.

After thinking about it, Jiang Qiao still resisted the urge to hold her forcibly. It will take a long time to come to Japan, and there will be opportunities in the future.

But I really like it, how can my fairy wife be so good-looking, especially when she blushes, she is so good-looking!

Yueling, I...I think...I want to hug you. Jiang Qiao licked his dry lips, his voice hoarse.

The rapid breathing made her faint at the back of her neck, and Fairy Bai didn't dare to turn her head back, her body became more and more stiff, her mood became even more tense, and she kept jumping and jumping.

She said dryly: I didn't say I like you, why do you think I'll allow your unreasonable thoughts?

After not cultivating Taishang Wangqing, I saw fireworks in your eyes, you would be shy when I said nasty things, and the most important thing is that you don't dislike me and endure my actions against you.

If... I don't agree, what will you do?

I will find an excuse to lie to you, for example, if you get a disease that will kill you if you don't hold it, you will be forced to accept my hug. Jiang Qiao told the truth with a serious face.

Fairy Bai raised her eyebrows slightly: Like the last time you lied to me to warm your hands?

He nodded and admitted, That's right.

You rascal...

Fairy Bai closed her eyes, her eyelashes trembled slightly, and her tone was trembling and inaudible: Just for a moment...

Jiang Qiao was overjoyed, Fairy Bai... She actually accepted his unreasonable request?

Excitedly, he stretched out his arms and passed through her waist, folded his fingers in front of her flat belly, and gently hugged her waist. I can smell the white fairy's hair.

It was a completely different feeling when I was hugging Miss Heart Demon, and I just wanted to take care of her.

His body was trembling slightly, and he was so excited that even his breathing became rapid, the hot and humid breath sprayed on Fairy Bai's ears every time, and his charming thoughts became more and more strange.

Bai Yueling couldn't understand, how could his heartbeat be so fast just being held by him.

When it's done... just a moment, you... why are you still holding it? She blushed and stammered.

Just let it go, I didn't let go, so I can hold it all the time.

Jiang Qiao rested her chin on her shoulder, and the two cheeks were completely close to each other. Fairy Bai was now even more nervous and at a loss, for fear that Jiang Qiao would have more shameless behavior in the next step.

You're a fool! She was about to die of anger, this person was clearly exploiting a loophole.

In Fairy Bai's eyes, Jiang Qiao has been promoted from a shameless person to a shameless person.

If I knew I was cheating, I could hold you all the time, and I wouldn't have to bother to find all kinds of excuses.

You...I won't let you hug me! let me go! Fairy Bai blushed and struggled symbolically for a few times before she stopped moving.

Jiang Qiao smiled lightly, without exerting any force, just hugged her very lightly, with a sense of satisfaction in his heart, and finally fulfilled his long-cherished wish.

Yueling, do you know, before I asked you, I almost hugged you, in fact, just knowing that you have a good impression of me is enough for me to hug you desperately, even if you beat me hard afterwards. I would like to have one.

This guy is really... If he doesn't say such words that make people blush and heartbeat, he will die! ! !

She bit her lip: I want to kill you now!

Then... I'll call you later, and I'll never fight back.

Don't think I'll forgive you if you say that. I'll only allow you to hold it this time. Next time, if your dog's paw dares to stretch out, I'll chop it off!

Jiang Qiao smiled, blushing like a monkey's butt, could he not speak against his conscience?

He suddenly said: When I was washing the dishes just now, I kept thinking about the first love. What is love? It's like tasting green plums. Ten years later, you and I will both grow old, and when I think about it occasionally, I will be nervous and blush.

He turned his head slightly and whispered in Fairy Bai's ear, Yueling, do you feel this way?!

Her ears were caressed by the hot air over and over again, Fairy Bai shuddered, she denied it without thinking, and immediately broke away from Jiang Qiao's embrace, ran back to her room as if fleeing, and slammed the door shut.

Jiang Qiao continued to hold the hug, and only came back to his senses when he heard the sound of the door closing, his face was very strange.

What's wrong with her? I didn't have such a big reaction when I hugged just now. Is this eating green plums?

Sour to the teeth, sweet to the heart?

Jiang Qiao squeezed his fingers, closed his eyes and seriously felt the feeling of hugging just now, feeling happy.

His relationship with Fairy Bai finally went a step further.

Jiang Qiaozhi walked into the living room with satisfaction, glanced at the closed bedroom, and couldn't help showing a smile on his face.

Love is a childhood sweetheart in my heart, but I still remember my youth when I am old.


Bai Yueling patted her hot cheeks. She didn't understand why she just agreed to Jiang Qiao's hug in a daze, and she was taken into a ditch without her noticing.

It can be seen that the charming and ambiguous atmosphere can really easily affect a person.

People's emotions and desires are really strange. After giving up the way of forgetting one's feelings, all kinds of messy thoughts come one after another.

She couldn't help recalling Jiang Qiao's words, comparing love to green plums, and the sweet and sour taste was indeed like the daily fight between lovers.

Is this like it?

Her life is very long, and Jiangqiao is almost invisible in her long time, but in these short years, a wave that is enough to be remembered has been turned up.

No matter how long it has passed, just thinking of the name Jiang Qiao will make you feel throbbing, blush and heartbeat.

The aftertaste is endless, it turns out that this is the truth.


(Is there a lot of skipped subscriptions? This background subscription is outrageous. The two chapters issued on the same day can have a difference of several hundred subscriptions. Dads, can you move your fingers to get a full subscription? I want to buy a ring for the fairy .)

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