What kind of feedback is liking, and what kind of feedback is good feeling?

Jiang Qiao took her hand, feeling the smoothness and delicacy of the skin, and his heart moved.

Did you feel nothing when I hugged you today?

What...how do you feel?

Fairy Bai was inexplicably flustered. She thought of being gently embraced by Jiang Qiao at noon, and the dog's paws were clearly placed on her lower abdomen, but she was blushing and heartbeat all the time, and she couldn't be nervous.

It's just doing some intimate things with the person you like, your ears will be warm, your heart will be like a deer, shy and blushing, and your heart will be flustered. If you only have a weak favor, you will at least subconsciously reject it. For example, we are just friends, you can't do this. , but you didn't.

Jiang Qiao stood boldly in front of her, and he could vaguely feel Bai Fairy's intentions, otherwise he wouldn't let him hold it today. What he has to do now is to let her understand that feeling, face it thoroughly, and like it. I just like it, but I can't hide it.

Fairy Bai pursed her lips and didn't speak. What should I do? Could Jiang Qiao be able to read minds? The words she said were exactly the same as her mood at the time, and she felt similar even now.

Did she really fall in love with Jiang Qiao?

If you don't have an impression, I can make you feel it again.

How...how do you feel? Her mind was already confused, and she subconsciously followed Jiang Qiao's words.


Jiang Qiao smiled slightly, stepped forward, wrapped his arms around her waist, and pulled her into his arms with gentle force.

At noon, he was hugging from behind, but now he is hugging from the front. He could clearly feel Fairy Bai's body stiffening. This was the nervousness and the subconscious body feedback.

He wanted to refuse but didn't know how to refuse, so his body rigidly hugged him.

Fairy Bai's mind was disconnected for a moment, and after reconnecting, she found that Jiang Qiao had hugged her.

This person is getting more and more presumptuous, at least she will ask for her consent at noon, and now she will hug her? What do you take her for? She's not that Pikachu!

Just, what should I do now, do I want to get rid of him? There is no rejection in the subconscious, but the feeling of the deer bumping around is getting stronger and stronger.

Could it be that she really fell into the whirlpool of love?

Yueling, how do you feel now?

Jiang Qiao rested his chin on Fairy Bai's shoulder, and gently sniffed the scent of her hair. Fairy's body was soft and Fairy Peak was huge. It would be great if she could hold on like this forever.

Just as she was about to say something random, Jiang Qiao immediately blocked her mouth.

You're cultivating right now to follow your heart, you can't lie~

Fairy Bai's breathing stagnated, and she was hesitating how to speak when her stomach suddenly groaned.

You know how to flirt with girls every day, but you still can't get food!

Don't worry, the rice has not been steamed yet, and the egg custard is already cooked, and the potato pancakes will be spread soon.

After such an interruption, the restless heart gradually calmed down, and Fairy Bai slowly said, I don't feel anything.

Uh... huh?

Jiang Qiao was slightly stunned, it shouldn't be, the atmosphere and emotions have been gradually pushed to a climax by him, shouldn't Fairy Bai shyly nodded and said I like it?

Cough, Yueling, look into my eyes and say it again?

I do not!

She stepped on Jiangqiao's toes and pushed him away with a cold snort, Get some food, I'm hungry!


Sure enough, she couldn't eat hot tofu in a hurry, and the relationship has to be taken slowly. What if she was in a hurry and felt disgusted and disgusted?

What's more, the time two people get along is still too short, and it is really not too convincing to like it too casually.

After thinking about it clearly, Jiang Qiao happily cooked food, at least he had to hug her again. People, you can't be insatiable.

The first step is to heat the pot and pour the oil...

While cooking, Jiang Qiao taught Bai Xianzi the use of salt, sugar, chicken essence, soy sauce, vinegar, and other seasonings such as pepper and pepper noodles.

She watched the shredded potatoes mixed in the white batter, poured into the pan and made a screeching noise. After it was quickly shaped into a flat cake, Jiang Qiao skillfully turned it upside down and started frying the other side.

She inexplicably recalled Jiang Qiao's words just now, and was gently held in his arms by him, feeling his temperature, his breathing, nervous and flustered, and at the same time there was a strange satisfaction.

...See, that's how fried potato pancakes are. It's very simple...

He suddenly turned his head and looked at Fairy Bai without blinking.

Don't you want to learn to cook, wake up, come back to your senses.

She murmured softly, I can't go against my heart.

Jiang Qiao: ???

What is this cute little head melon seed thinking about? Shouldn't he want to beat him again?

What's on your mind?

How can I make you shut up!


Well, I was really thinking about how to beat him.

A few minutes later, the potato cakes were out of the pot, cut into small pieces of similar size, served with two bowls of lard steamed eggs, and rice, and that was today's dinner.

Try it, how about the steamed egg you made yourself, this small bowl with patterns is yours.

She leaned over and took a deep breath: It smells similar to what Aunt Xia made.

Of course, it is said to teach you all the family craftsmanship. You know, this is an exclusive secret recipe, and it will not be rumored.

Fairy Bai pursed her lips and didn't speak. This guy was beating around the bush again about giving birth to a daughter. Besides, can she control the birth of boys and girls?

No, she didn't want to give birth to this guy.

Even if you are practicing, you don't necessarily have to get married and have children.

It's obvious that tonight's dishes are simpler, why does it taste more delicious? Fairy Bai asked inexplicably.

Because you participated in the whole meal, you steamed the rice, cut the shredded potatoes, and made steamed eggs with lard independently. As we all know, the sense of participation will improve the happiness index.

Oh. Fairy Bai nodded thoughtfully.

To experience the life of a mortal, she has officially taken the first step. So far, it is not bad.

Actually, there's an extra flavor in it.


The taste of home, there is no one else, only the two of us. Even if it is a daily cleaning, as long as I am with you, I will feel happy.

Fairy Bai chewed the tender steamed egg in small mouthfuls, her expression immediately stunned, she said angrily, Eat as soon as you eat, don't talk about something or nothing all day long.

She is now worried that Jiang Qiao will pull her again and say I like you and so on. She doesn't know how to deal with it. What she said just now makes her a little messy now.

Jiang Qiao nodded cheerfully, but did not admit to being beaten to death, and liked to change the subject, which was really a textbook arrogance.

Such a fairy, when she says she likes the day, she doesn't know how much she will make up her mind. At that moment, she thinks that she is the real Shuyuehuahua?

Really looking forward to it.

What are you laughing at again?

I won't tell you~

It's definitely not a good thing! she said angrily.

You know again? What if it's a very happy thing?

Fairy Bai babbled, and rationally told her that this sentence must not be taken care of. There are only a few things that can make Jiang Qiao feel happy, but just thinking about it makes me feel ashamed.

After dinner, Jiang Qiao took the initiative to wash the dishes. Fairy Bai didn't plan to help him this time. There is a great possibility that she would be pulled into her arms by that scoundrel, making her face red and heartbeat.

She went back to her room and put her laptop on the table. Fu Lu Shouxi jumped into her arms and lay down, her belly rumbling.

Fairy Bai opened Du Niang, turned her head and glanced at the kitchen. Jiang Qiao was still washing dishes, so it shouldn't be that fast. She quickly typed a few words and then pressed the Enter key.

[Obviously caring about the other party, but pretending not to care, subconsciously self-hypnotic denial, do not want the other party to know his own thoughts...]


How Du Niang's description is the same as her inner thoughts.

She was pounding nervously.

After Jiang Qiao finished cleaning up the kitchen, he sat beside her, glanced at her subconsciously, and saw that Fairy Bai quickly closed the web page she was browsing.

He only saw a few words - what it's like to fall in love with someone...

Tsk, I dare not respond directly to various topics, but it is interesting to ask Du Niang secretly and become a fairy after being a mortal.

What did you just... see? Fairy Bai squeezed Fu Lu's belly and asked calmly.

If he saw his search content, it would be too embarrassing.

Jiang Qiao scratched his head: Actually, Yueling, if you have any questions you don't understand, just ask me directly, Du Niang is often unreliable, for example, if you ask her what to do when she is suddenly nervous, you look at it in a confused way for a long time. You'll find out you've got a heart attack, but it's just because I'm holding your hand.

She subconsciously ignored the second half of the sentence: Really?

Fairy Bai opened Du Niang's search in disbelief. After reading the answers from various doctors for a while, she closed the browser with a dark face.

Du Niang said that she not only has heart disease, but also may go into shock at any time. She must pay attention to rest and take medicine on time.

Want to play games? Jiang Qiao asked.

Don't play, I want to see the sayings of the saints in your world.

Then... the Taoist scriptures.

Jiang Qiao typed in the Tao Te Ching in his browser, and the first sentence was - Dao, Ke Dao, not Heng Dao. A name can be a name, but it is not a constant name.

This kind of mysterious and mysterious words was a big deal to him, but Fairy Bai suddenly became very interested.

No one was playing games with him, and he simply began to think about his freelancing direction again.

If you want to be a qualified up master who can support yourself, you have to be versatile or able to make a living. Coincidentally, he has neither.

After thinking about it, it is more reliable to write novels.

There is not too high a threshold. Some websites can get money from the first word. With his book years of more than ten years, it should not be difficult to imitate the current fire and write a similar book.

If the story of the white fairy can be written into a fairy tale novel...

The world background, character setting, and plot conflict of other authors need to be thought out. Readers may not buy it when they write it, but he doesn't need it!

Everything is ready-made, various characters, backgrounds, lifelike, vivid, and easy to come by. There are too many stories to write in the time span of 10,000 years, and it is estimated that they will not be able to write.

The real version of the legend of mortal cultivators?

The more Jiang Qiao thought about it, the more interesting it became. As long as he could record the deeds of Fairy Bai, it wouldn't matter even if he fled. If it's a big deal, change the pen name and start again after the eunuch.

It was snowing lightly outside the house, and the lights were bright inside. A blanket covered the legs of the two of them, showing warmth and a feeling of quiet time.

Fairy Bai looked at the Taoist scriptures with relish. It is worthy of being a Taoist classic, and there are many unique insights. If Laozi could live in Ziweixing, he might be a giant.

Jiang Qiao told Fairy Bai his plans.

What? You want to write my story into a novel?! Fairy Bai was shocked.

It's not that she hasn't read those online novels, and many descriptions of cultivation are wrong.

The golden fingers of the protagonists are also against the sky, and the old monsters who have cultivated for millions of years are as stupid as pigs.

Some even step over the cultivation stage, and the full-level gift package will be sent upon sign-in.

The system is so awesome, what kind of host do you choose, Tiandao is not an opponent.

Jiang Qiao nodded solemnly: Yes, after thinking about it, I think this is reliable, and, compared to other authors, I almost don't need to use my brain, I just need to change your story and write it out, maybe it will be popular. what?

Fairy Bai carefully looked back on what she could call a magnificent life. If she really wrote it out in the style of a novel, it seemed to be pretty good.

And Jiang Qiao is the writer who recorded all of this, and unknowingly, his cause and effect deepened a bit.

Then you can't write me as a protagonist of the crooked-mouthed God of War, Long Aotian, or the mentally handicapped type! I am peerless, and I am the best in the world!

Jiang Qiao blinked, he inexplicably remembered the scene of meeting Fairy Bai in front of the cliff of Fairy Peak on that rainy afternoon.

Ziwei Xing, Bai Yueling, who has practiced Taoism for 9,800 years, the world calls this White Emperor.

Even if this seat has no cultivation base now, and the fruit of the Tao is hidden, it is still invincible in the world!

If he added another sentence [Jiangqiao save me], he almost thought it was the reincarnation of An Lan.

It's true that the taste is too heavy.

What the fairy said is that I will try my best to describe you as an invincible queen.

She glared fiercely: Be ruthless! Who is the peak at the end of the immortal road, when he sees the White Emperor Dao becomes empty!

Jiang Qiao: ...

He held it back for a long time, and wanted to say something, Fairy, this smell is gone!

Cough, you are you, the ruthless is a ruthless person, she is a fictional character of Hong Mao, and you are the real fairy. What I want to write is your story, not a copy of the Ruthless Emperor.

Fairy Bai pondered for a moment, and found that what Jiang Qiao said had some truth.

She is a good-looking person, compared with a novel character.

Then you must write me better!

Jiang Qiao nodded frantically: That's natural.

Yueling, you just need to tell everything about you completely, and leave the rest to me and the readers.


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