Fairy, Stop Making Trouble

Chapter 162: 161. Moon Spirit's spirit?

Yue Ling, this is love.

Snowflakes fluttered on the edge of the cliff, and Bai Yueling's hand was tightly held by Jiang Qiao, which was very warm. In this freezing environment, her heart was pounding violently, and the roots of her ears were red and hot.

Under his affectionate gaze, Fairy Bai took a deep breath, the cold air entered her lungs, and her restless heart gradually calmed down.

She spread the palm of her other hand to welcome the snowflakes falling everywhere, and then blew lightly. The crystal clear snow foam was once again mixed in the wind and snow, and then turned her head to look at Jiangqiao.

You keep telling me about love, but what does love feel like?

What I said just now, if you don't have feelings for me, you will probably scold me and walk away angrily. If you have feelings for me, you are probably in a state of disarray now, and the deer is bumping around. Three points of sweetness, seven points of shyness and want to leave here. So, you are... the latter?

I don't want to leave here!

She retorted loudly, but said nothing about the confusion.

Jiang Qiao knew it in his heart, and he smiled: There is another way to clarify your heart, do you want to try it?

Do you want to hug me here again? Fairy Bai looked wary.


She hesitated slightly: Then... tell me.

With the cliff in front of him, the Fairy Stone behind him, and the snow foam falling gently all around, it seems that there are only two of them left in this vast and boundless world.

Jiang Qiao gently squeezed Fairy Bai's delicate hand. She was so frivolous today that she didn't even think about struggling to leave. He felt that the time had come.

Uh... He licked his dry lips, Would you like me to kiss you?

Seeing his glowing eyes, Fairy Bai immediately pulled out her hand, and subconsciously took a step back to distance herself from him.

If my cultivation base is still there, I will definitely kick you down now, and save you at the most critical moment, so that you can experience what it is like to live rather than die.


Was such a big reaction necessary?

Jiang Qiao held back speechlessly for a long time, then let out a long sigh.


Why are you sighing again?

I'm in a hurry. As expected, we should mention things like kisses when the time is right.

Fairy Bai showed the eyes of looking at the silly roe deer. After hugging her, she wanted to kiss her. After the kiss, did she want to sleep? This guy really didn't wake up, he knew he was daydreaming all day long.

You're still so young, how can you be so stupid? No matter how you think about it, that kind of thing is impossible!

Jiang Qiao pursed his mouth, and his ears were a little numb from her yelling. It's not like he hasn't kissed before, he can kiss several times a night, or the kind that eats his tongue, and it will make you mad if you say it.

Okay, let's go, let's go look elsewhere.

He put the hat that came with the down jacket on Fairy Bai, and patted the snow that fell on her.

where to?

Not far in front is the Songzi Guanyin Temple. Those who have just married or have been married for a long time without children like to go there. It is said to be very spiritual.

Fairy Bai was silent, she wondered if this guy had planned it long ago.

First, I took her to see the fairy stone talking about getting married, and now she went to see the Guanyin Temple. She didn't want to give birth to Jiang Qiao, so what was she going to do there.

There must be a conspiracy!

Even though he had scolded Jiang Qiao dozens of times in his heart, he still followed him leisurely, stepping on his footsteps.

Occasionally, I sneak a glance at his bowed back like a little old man, his walking posture is so ugly, how can it be so cold. Afraid that he would suddenly turn around and find out about his small movements, he felt inexplicably nervous.

Just as he was thinking wildly, Jiang Qiao suddenly stopped, and Fairy Bai bumped into his back before he could react.

Jiang Qiao: ...

What did you stop for!? Fairy Bai slapped him angrily.

It shouldn't be, you are a fairy, you should be able to react to this kind of thing easily, could it be...

Jiang Qiao showed meaningful eyes: Have you lost your mind?

I didn't miss you again!

She blurted out anxiously, but she felt something was wrong just after she finished speaking, as if she had said the wrong thing.

Ah, yes, yes, yes... Jiang Qiao joked, But I didn't say you were thinking about me.

Tsk, this is the first time I've seen a fairy who doesn't pretend to be self-proclaimed, this is too cute.

She blushed, surprisingly did not retort: ​​So, what did you stop for?

I'm afraid that I'll find you gone when I turn around. I want you to walk side by side with me. Most importantly, my hands are cold and I want to hold your hand.

Fairy Bai's heart beat faster and faster.

I'm not a three-year-old child, how could I get lost!

Jiang Qiao raised his eyebrows: You all ran here from Ziweixing for no reason, and you said you wouldn't get lost?


I want to hold hands every day, is it annoying?

She angrily gave Jiang Qiao her hand to hold it, and immediately felt a sense of warmth.

His hands were obviously warmer than his own, and he seemed to be sweating from nervousness. Does this person never blush when he tells a lie?

Jiang Qiao happily took her hand and put it in his pocket. This way, the two of them got closer.

Fairy Bai naturally noticed his small movements, she frowned slightly and then loosened her brows, without saying a word.

Going down the road, passing a small slope, she pointed to a low shrine covered with a thick layer of snow and asked, What is that?

Father of the land.

Fairy Bai glanced at it for a while and then withdrew her gaze. This kind of shrine, which doesn't have its own independent temple on the side of the road, should enshrine an insignificant little god.

What is the use?

It is also used to pray for blessings. It is the god of wealth and good fortune in people's hearts. For example, if you hope that there will be a good harvest in the coming year, you will worship in front of the land.

Hearing that it was related to money, Fairy Bai turned her gaze over again: Do you believe it?

I didn't believe it before, but now, I only believe in my fairies. Jiang Qiao smiled slightly.

As soon as she blushed, this guy started talking nonsense again, taking the opportunity to say something that would make people blush and heartbeat, shameless, really shameless.

How about...bye bye? She wriggled her lips.

Why do you worship the land father?

Didn't you say he was in charge of money? I made you out of business for so long.

Jiang Qiao looked at him in surprise: You are a majestic immortal emperor. Wouldn't you feel condescended to pay homage to a little father-in-law?

I'm Ziweixing's fairy, and I don't care about your gods! Fairy Bai plausibly said.

Jiang Qiao thought about it carefully, and it seemed to be the same.

When the Immortal Emperor came, he had to remain anonymous, not to mention that many senior traversers had come from the earth.

But the sacrifice needs sacrifices, and we didn't bring anything, which is a bit against the rules.

Fairy Bai said indifferently: Sincerity makes spirit.

The spirit of the moon spirit?



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