Fairy, Stop Making Trouble

Chapter 180 179. Why are you touching my feet!

Jiang Qiao scratched his head, and he forgot when he was playing. He controlled the ghost to return to the original resurrection point, and then resurrected after dawn.

This game is like this. It is a very primitive and wild world. If you don't have a torch at night, you will be attacked by monsters in the dark night. If your mental value is too low, you will see shadow monsters. If it rains, if you don't use an umbrella, your whole body will be attacked. It's soaking wet and cold, the health value decreases, you need to bring warm stones when you want to go out in winter, and the food will rot faster in summer... In short, as far as the setting is concerned, it is similar to reality.

Jiang Qiao's villain made a torch, an axe, and a pick and handed it to her, and continued: The resources are relatively scarce in the early stage. Do you want to come with me? I can also help you in danger.

Fairy Bai snorted softly: I have set foot in the real wilderness, how can I be afraid of this small game world?

It's okay, anyway, just open the map, pick up resources on the road, run when you encounter monsters, don't think about fighting, you can't beat them temporarily.

The two villains in the game seem to have parted ways, exploring the world of famine.

Controlling the villain to jump up and down all the way, picking up whatever she sees, there are woods, grasslands, and swamps in the map, Fairy White just thinks it's very fun.

after a little while.

Chaigou, my villain seems to be hungry.

Eat when you're hungry, any berries, carrots.

Fairy Bai nibbled at two mushrooms for the villain, and then the villain pinched his neck and fell to the ground dead. The thing he just picked up fell to the ground, and a ghost that was exactly the same as before floated from the body.

She was suddenly dumbfounded, can she survive eating?

Caigou, it's not good, my villain committed suicide!

Huh? Suicide?

Jiang Qiao felt inexplicable. He had been playing with famine for so long, and he had never heard of a villain committing suicide. Turning his head to look, Fairy Bai's villain is indeed dead.

What's the situation? Didn't you just say that the villain was hungry?

Yeah, then I gave her two mushrooms, who would have died after eating it.

What color mushrooms?

It looks like... a red mushroom.

Jiang Qiao pursed his lips: I'm sorry, I forgot to tell you just now, the mushrooms in Famine are poisonous, eating them will increase one attribute, and then reduce one attribute, such as red mushrooms, satiety +12, but health will be -20 , but roasted mushrooms are different.

Fairy Bai looked at him blankly, wanting to beat him hard: How many precautions did you not tell me?

He scratched his head: There are still a lot of things to pay attention to, but I can't remember it for a while, but well, it's okay, I'm used to it when I'm dead, and I came here back then, if you really can't make up your mind Just ask me.

She gritted her teeth, she could be resurrected if she died. It was all right, but everything would fall out. She had worked so hard to pick up so much. There were still two pieces of gold when she dug a stone just now. Oh, it's all gone now.

So angry.

Would you like to come with me? I'll pick you up and make sure you won't die. Jiang Qiao said with a smile.

The self-respecting Fairy Bai said, No, I can live on my own.

Then... let's do it. As a friendly reminder, press the M button to open the map. After resurrection, you can go to the place where you just died to pick up the drop.

Jiang Qiao shrugged. He liked this scene very much. Fairy Bai might have to die many times to make this game cruel. After all, famine does not depend on manipulation, and how to survive depends on experience.

His villain has found a suitable place to settle down, with the pig king to the north, the spider forest to the south, the grassland in the northwest corner, where a large herd of yaks live, and the resource-rich forest to the southeast.

after a little while……

Chaigou, why did my screen turn white, are those monster-like shadows a shadow monster? It bit me twice, ah, I'm dead.

Chaigou, I found the volcano. Why do I seem to hear a dog barking. I ran into a large group of dogs, chasing and biting me.

What is this, why is there an iron armored rhino, ah, I was killed.

It's night, my torch is going out, what should I do!

Jiang Qiao had already built his home in a decent manner, and he said casually, If you don't have the raw materials for torches, try to set the trees next to them on fire.

Fairy Bai did as she was told, except that after one tree was set on fire, another tree was quickly set on fire. For a while, it seemed to cause a chain reaction. More and more trees were ignited, and they soon burned. whole forest.

The time in the game is obviously still night, but her screen is bright as if it were daytime.

Fairy Bai controlled the villain to run around in the sea of ​​​​fire. After less than half a minute, the villain lay down on the ground again, and he couldn't die any longer.

Ah... cabbage, I'm dead again.

what happened?

Jiang Qiao turned her head and was instantly stunned. Her screen was full of burning or charred trees.

Did you burn the whole forest? he stroked his forehead.

Fairy Bai was a little embarrassed: It seems so, but she burned herself to death in the end.

As expected of a fairy, I just tried all the strange ways to die. Jiang Qiao joked.

You didn't tell me, how did I know that a random fire would burn the mountain! So, it's all your fault!

Jiang Qiao pursed his lips, can this be blamed on him?

I've almost finished building the house. Do you want to come to me now? I have enough food.

Fairy Bai looked at his screen. There were already some buildings on the blank land just now, neat berry bushes were planted next to it, dried meat was drying on the barbecue, food was stewing in the pot, and even the axe in her hand was Made of gold.

If her villain is still a barbarian, Jiangqiao's villain has already entered the age of civilization. You don't have to run around like a headless fly, you can already be self-sufficient.

But if he agrees, doesn't he mean that he can't live without Jiangqiao? Bah, he is obviously a rookie dog!

No! I can live on my own!

Jiang Qiao twitched the corners of his mouth, why is this girl so stubborn.

Why am I all dead? I have to run when I encounter monsters. I have never been so suffocated in Ziweixing. No, I want to kill cubs. Any monsters that chase me have to die. Do you have any ideas? ?

Jiang Qiao said carelessly: Chopping cubs, okay, you come to me, I will give you some armor and weapons, as long as the operation is good enough, it will be killing gods when encountering gods, and killing Buddhas when encountering Buddhas.

Really? Didn't lie to me?

When did I lie to you?

She pursed her lips and cheated too many times, she was simply a big liar.

But in the end, he still opened the map, revived and ran towards the camp.

Jiang Qiao gave her a pigskin hat, a ham stick, and wooden armor, and stuffed her backpack with a bunch of berries, roast meat, and a big broth.

Okay, let's go out and wave. Generally speaking, the spirit value will not decrease. Eat when you are hungry, hunt when you encounter monsters, and remember to bring back all the drops.

At this time, he was like a diligent logistician, and Fairy Bai was the one who hunted and supported the family every day.

After getting ready to go, Fairy White's villain set off in a dignified manner. As a powerful fairy, she would first show weakness when encountering wild monsters. After she figured out the attack routine, she would kill a spider in two or three strokes.

See? This is my strength!

She raised her chin arrogantly. She was bitten by a group of small spiders in the spider forest just now, but the spider silk near the spider's lair could slow down, and it turned into a ghost after a while, and now it can be considered a breath.

Jiang Qiao smiled and raised his thumb without hesitation: I saw it, I saw it, the fairy is powerful, the fairy is mighty, the fairy is domineering!

I think back then when I cut all the way from Donghuang to the southern border, whenever I came across the Demon Gate of the Demon Sect, I raised my knife and fell with my hand, and I slashed for three days and three nights without batting an eye, just this little spider, blowing Your breath can kill you.

Listening to her telling the story of the past, Jiang Qiao smiled without saying a word, but this sentence sounded so familiar.

It seems that when I say this, I want to eat bananas.

The villain with the equipment is indeed brave, and Fairy Bai is even more daring. She just ran to the crater just now and killed the hounds that were chasing her just now. This is Emperor Bai's. Combat talent?

It's so terrifying.

Jiang Qiao licked his lips and found that the woman held some grudges.

After beating all the monsters who bullied her just now, Fairy Bai felt inexplicably invincible.

I can't help but hit it at all, and I'll die if I touch it twice. Who else?

Jiang Qiao looked at the time. Autumn was almost over, and winter was coming soon. Logically speaking, the autumn boss Guanxiong was coming out soon.

You can just look for it, there should be a big guy refreshed now. If you feel the earthquake when you are walking around, you are almost there.

Fairy Bai nodded and controlled the villain to run around all over the map, but Guanxiong was refreshed near the camp and ran rampantly towards Jiangqiao.

He was suddenly numb, and the slap of the bear would destroy the building, and if it didn't work, the camp would disappear.

Don't fight, don't fight, you hold this big bear, I'll deal with it!

Fairy Bai was in high spirits, and while running to the camp, she turned her head to look at Jiang Qiao's screen, and carefully observed the attack method of the big bear.

So Jiang Qiao ran around with Guanxiong. He used to deal with this boss by pulling it into the forest to let it tear down the tree. After a while, a tree man would guard it and beat it.

As a result, when running, the computer suddenly stuck, and the villain was accidentally knocked unconscious by the slap of the big bear, and immediately turned into a ghost floating on the corpse.

Fairy Bai just turned her head to see this scene, and the corners of her mouth twitched as she found an opportunity to laugh at him.

Chip dog.


Jiang Qiao felt a toothache and laughed at her at all times.

Come over, don't let Xiong Da tear down our house.

Hearing our home, Fairy Bai narrowed her eyes slightly: Don't worry, this stupid bear is dead.

Looking at the time, Jiang Qiao didn't plan to revive anymore. When she cut down the bear, it was almost time to go to sleep.

Guanxiong was still eating the food dropped by the Jiangqiao villain after he died. Fairy Bai ran over with a ham stick and was beaten.

Since just now, she has been observing Guanxiong's attack method. Every time she hits twice, she runs, avoids the slap range and turns back to hit twice. She must be careful not to make mistakes in the middle. Once the attack rhythm is disturbed, it is easy to die. become a ghost.

After fighting like this for a while, the bear was still alive and kicking. Fairy Bai took the time to ask, Can this stupid bear be beaten to death?

It's not that it can't be killed. It has more than 6,000 blood. You only hit it twice at a time. If you want to kill it, it's still early.

Oh. After answering indifferently, Fairy Bai continued to focus on licking the bear.

Seeing that she hadn't made any mistakes, Jiang Qiao was relieved, and moved his eyes from the computer screen to Fairy Bai's face, with that concentrated expression, and wanted to... harass her.

He suddenly remembered a saying that when a person is extremely serious, no matter what others do to him, he will temporarily perfunctory, of course, the premise is the person close to him.

He suddenly wanted to try it.

Can you beat it?

It is necessary, give me a few more minutes, the big bear is dead. Fairy Bai said casually.

Jiang Qiao stared at her little feet under her buttocks and pursed her lips: I think you look good in white silk.

Well, look, she said perfunctorily.

Is that so, what you said...

Jiang Qiao secretly glanced at her still focused appearance, and boldly rolled up the fluffy loose pajama pants from her ankles, revealing her slender legs wrapped in white silk.

The over-the-knee white silk stockings are a beautiful circle of lace, which outlines a circle of soft dents, and the delicate flesh seems to overflow.

He swallowed, and suddenly felt that if he could touch it, even being beaten would be worth it.

After careful consideration of the consequences, she really stretched the dog's paw to her thigh, making Fairy Bai anxious, fearing that her third leg would be half-crippled.

Forget it, it's good to have an eye addiction.

Jiang Qiao pretended to look at the computer screen, Fairy Bai continued to fight with Xiong, and the surrounding trees were razed to the ground.

It's hard to hit. I still remember it took me more than ten minutes to hit this thing for the first time. He furtively put his hand on his little foot and touched it inch by inch.

Wow, so slippery.

Well, it's a bit difficult to fight. She looked focused, and continued to control the villain Lu Xiong.

Seeing the success of sneaking, Jiang Qiao's heart was pounding with tension. No wonder so many people like to sneak. It turned out to be really exciting.

Perfect arches, ankles that can be pinched with index fingers and thumbs, insteps so smooth that you can't feel any meridian blood vessels, and delicate and small toes, every inch is impeccable.

He caressed calmly, and the delicate touch from his fingertips caused Jiang Qiao's heart to ripple slightly.

Ah... I've finally finished playing, I'm exhausted, my fingers are almost soft, I'll just say, you're a dish...

Fairy Bai stretched and suddenly felt that something was wrong, and there was a hint of tenderness on the back of her feet.

When she looked down, she was stunned and kicked out with a conditioned reflex.

Huh? You... why are you sneaking my feet!


(It’s about 100 per order, and it’s almost a boutique. It seems… I really want women’s clothing. It’s over, family members who haven’t fully ordered yet, should I order all of them?_(:з」∠)_)

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