Back in his room, Jiang Qiao let out a sigh of relief while leaning against the door. He touched his back and found that he was soaked in cold sweat. He wondered if Fairy Bai thought about it, if he felt that his reaction just now was a little unusual.

If the secret affair between him and Miss Heart Demon is revealed, then as a result, the whole person is trembling just thinking about it.

Jiang Qiao seemed to be able to see the tragic state of his death.

Still careless, I subconsciously thought that the deity Bai Yueling would come out at night, but I ran into it today and almost had an accident on the spot.

Hearing that the door of the next bedroom was gently closed, Jiang Qiao turned off the light with a worried expression and went to bed.

As the saying goes, confession is lenient, and resistance is strict.


Let's find a chance tomorrow, lest it be exposed in the future, and Fairy Bai will return to the Immortal Emperor Realm in a fit of anger.

He was obviously very sleepy, but after what happened just now, Jiang Qiao was completely insomniac. He was thinking about how the fairy would react when he found out the truth. He was so anxious that he couldn't fall asleep.

About half an hour later, in the quiet atmosphere, the door lock of the room suddenly sounded.

Jiang Qiao shivered a little, thinking that Fairy Bai found out that she had been deceived, and now came to trouble him, but when she looked subconsciously, she saw a pair of slightly scarlet eyes lit up in the darkness.

No mistake this time.

He breathed a sigh of relief.

The warm bedside lamp turned on, Bai Yueling smiled at Jiang Qiao's bitter look.

Why are you so worried? She didn't find out.

Jiang Qiao rubbed his face vigorously: That's what I said, but after all, paper can't hold fire.

So what? You're going to be honest? Don't forget, she's cultivating goodwill now, and she's practicing the Dao of Compassion. Once you make her feel that you're not really sincere to her, the result will be even more serious than the collapse of Dao's heart that day. .

Bai Yueling just leaned against the door so gently, wearing only a bright red nightdress with suspenders, and her bare calves below the knees, which was breathtakingly beautiful.


Jiang Qiao sighed deeply: How much do you know about yourself?

Jiang Lang, you want to ask, will she be suspicious of the little episode that happened just now?

He nodded.

Bingxue is smart, and the talent is the best in the world. Although your abnormal emotions at that time were well concealed, you couldn't hide them from her eyes.

In other words, she will guess sooner or later? Jiang Qiao blurted out.

Bai Yueling smiled and continued: But... fortunately, you didn't reveal too much information. If she asks carefully, you can use other excuses to deal with it, not to mention, in her eyes, I The inner demon has already been sealed by the Dao chain, and within a hundred years, there will be no chance to appear in the world again, so there should be no doubts on my head.

Hearing this, the stone floating in Jiang Qiao's heart finally fell to the ground. As long as he is a dead duck and insists that there is no such thing as a demon, Fairy Bai can't do anything about him.

Anyway, it is impossible for two souls to appear at the same time, she can only suspect at most, but there is no evidence.

Bai Yueling swayed to the side of his bed, then raised one foot and stepped on the bed, the nightdress that only reached her thigh slipped to her waist under the action of gravity.

Jiang Qiao's eyes suddenly straightened.

Then he bit the tip of his tongue and tried his best to turn his head away from the lace pants in front of him.

One of the very important factors that he just planned to admit was that at the beginning, under her all kinds of teasing, he firmly held the bottom line and did not release the devil in his heart.

Rao Shi later accepted the setting of Bai Yueling's body, and he was just kissing her, which was too outrageous.


Bai Yueling gave him a white look and tugged at the hem of the nightgown: When I finished eating, I deliberately bent over to pick up chopsticks, and it depends on the color of the chopsticks, but now I don't dare to look at it in front of you?

It's different.

He took a deep breath, he was a vigorous young man, and he was meditating every day recently, and he was already angry, but this woman came to tease him at this time, so he was not afraid that he would swallow her alive in a while?

Jiang Lang, my legs are so slippery right now, would you like to touch them? Bai Yueling slid lightly over her legs and looked at him with a wink.

I touched it just now, but I don't want to touch it anymore. Jiang Qiao closed his eyes tightly.

Liar, don't you want to touch it, or dare you not touch it? Isn't it just an accident? Your courage has become so small?

Bai Yueling gently put his hand on his calf, and then pressed his palm tightly to prevent him from taking it away.

Jiang Lang, have you always been lucky enough to think that if the two of us didn't do anything out of the ordinary, we're still worthy of your Fairy White?

Although he really doesn't want to admit it, he really thinks so now.

You are wrong. The relationship between the two of us has been unclear since the day you accepted me, held me to sleep, and kissed my mouth. She said in a low voice.

Jiang Qiao was stunned for a while. From this strange point of view, he was indeed deceiving himself. No matter how he explained it, Fairy Bai would think that her beloved boyfriend was already unclean.

Feelings, once the object is considered cheating, his words will no longer have any credibility.

Jiang Qiao smiled wryly, admitting that what she said made sense, while Bai Yueling took his hand and slowly stroked her delicate skin.

So, Jiang Lang, if you touch it now or don't touch it, the final outcome will not change in any way, so why not enjoy it more now?

Bai Yueling looked at him affectionately: Master, I like your caress.

Jiang Qiao blushed, moved to the side of the pillow, lifted the quilt and let her get in. The two of them huddled under the quilt and couldn't see it, but it would be much better.

She squeezed into Jiang Qiao's arms very skillfully, pinched him with her bare calf, and rubbed her head against his chest. Before she knew it, only one shoulder strap remained in the loose nightdress with suspenders. Jiang Qiao could only feel Yueling in his arms, his body was soft and limp. If he hugged and slept, everything would be just fine.

Jiang Lang, in other places, do you want to touch again? She pressed against Jiang Qiao's chest and whispered into his ear with a tender smile.

Jiang Qiao naturally knew where she was talking about touching, but touching that place when she was awake would really cause an accident.

Yueling, you are here again. He said helplessly.

What do you mean by coming again? I just came here. You kissed and hugged her during the day, and you are obedient. Now that you have finally reached me, you can't do anything? It's obvious that I'm your wife too. She said angrily. , with a hint of resentment.

Jiang Qiao's breathing stagnated.

Don't talk nonsense, we're not married yet.

Huh? Do you still want me now? Bai Yueling narrowed her eyes.


Jiang Qiao pursed his lips, finding that there was a problem with how to explain it, and then squeezed her lightly with his hand, and a moist charm quickly appeared in those scarlet eyes.

Bai Yueling raised her chin slightly, and her pink lips seemed to be broken: Kiss me~

Jiang Qiao naturally would not refuse this kind of request, just like he kissed Fairy Bai, both of them became accustomed to it.

He lowered his head, pursed her fragrant lips, and the hands around her waist became tighter and tighter, as if to rub her into his body.

In the passionate kiss, one of Bai Yueling's hands suddenly sneaked down, Jiang Qiao immediately pushed her away panting, and then held her hand.


I see you're in a lot of pain.

Pain can't be...

He suddenly rolled over and got out of bed, wearing only a pair of boxer pants, he didn't dare to look at her alluring eyes again, he only had time to say a word, and then he opened the door and ran out in three or two steps.

I'm going to take a cold shower.

Seeing the back of him fleeing, Bai Yueling suddenly burst into a smile.

Even if his heart is like a rock, isn't he still moved to her as he was in his previous life?

If you hate him, you will hate him. He was a master in the previous life, and she was an apprentice. There is a difference between master and apprentice. Even if you express your heart, you can only be euphemistic, and you don't dare to do anything rash to him like now.

She suddenly covered her head with the quilt, and took a deep breath of his strong scent. Although all she could do now was to leave her scent on his bed, compared to ten thousand years ago, it was undoubtedly Much better.

Thinking of the old days, Bai Yueling put her hands on the back of her head and stared at the ceiling, her eyes suddenly becoming far-reaching...

There was a sound of water splashing in the bathroom. It was still the cold winter and the twelfth lunar month, but he was forced to take a cold shower, otherwise he would not be able to extinguish the flame that almost burned him to ashes from the bottom of his heart.

In the end, he still invited the five girls who had been in seclusion for a long time to purify the devil in his heart into a holy monk.

Jiang Qiao's complexion was complicated. After washing it thoroughly, he wiped off the water on his body, put on his pajamas again, and returned to the room.

Watching the door of the room open slowly, Bai Yueling looked at him meaningfully.

Jiang Qiao's face turned red, and he answered hesitantly, Cough, I have returned to normal.

If I had known that you would go to the bathroom to solve it, it would be better to keep a strong energy to practice. In this world where there is no spiritual energy, refining and transforming Qi is the best choice.

Bai Yueling sighed lightly, having a regret of wasting Yuan Yang.

Wait a minute, do you know that King Kong is not bad? Jiang Qiao automatically removed the redundant content in his words, and his eyes lit up.

Fairy Bai supported her cheeks with her hands, with a half-smiling smile: I can do what she can, and I can do what she can't. What do you think?

But didn't she say that the exercises are incomplete and some important things have been forgotten?

Do you believe she lied to you?


Jiang Qiao was stunned for a while, never expecting that this would be the reason why Fairy Bai didn't pass it on to him.

But why lie to him, it doesn't make sense, can lying to him benefit?

Then pass it to me now~

Jiang Qiao smiled, if she secretly practiced the Golden Man's magic trick without telling Fairy Bai, she might be startled in the future.

The body is like gold, the eyes are like glazed glass, invincible, invincible, invulnerable to all methods, and invulnerable to a hundred poisons. With my spear and the shield of an attacking child, to give birth to three children, isn't it as simple as sprinkling water?

Can't pass it.

Bai Yueling dispelled Jiang Qiao's wishful thinking in one sentence.

Why can't it be passed on? Jiang Qiao was stunned.

There is no spiritual energy in this world. Even if I recite the entire scriptures of the exercises to you, can you channel the energy into the body? Do you know what the meridians are, how to open up the sea of ​​Qi, and where is the Zifu?

Jiang Qiao drooped his head like a defeated rooster in an instant. Well, this is indeed a problem. He doesn't know how to cultivate immortals. almost.

I thought I would be able to cultivate as a little golden man, and after I became a master, I would put Fairy Bai under it and do things that I wanted to do but didn't dare to do. Now that I think about it, it's all fake and all lies.

woo woo woo...

I am not strong enough, and my wish to have three children is about to fail.

Sighing for a moment, Jiang Qiao suddenly raised his eyes to look at her: Then why did she say she can pass on me?


Bai Yueling's eyes squinted at him, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

Want to know? I'll tell you when you take off all your clothes?

Jiang Qiao: ???

Yueling, I'm a very upright person. Although I like you very much, you can't use cultivation as a bargaining chip for my body! Jiang Qiao wrapped his clothes tightly and shook his head vigorously.

Bai Yueling was happy: Don't you want me to pass it on to you? How can I pass it on to you if you don't take off your clothes?

Jiang Qiao's face was bewildered again. He still had to take off his clothes when he practiced the most masculine and virtuous practice of King Kong. It is really unheard of, this is not Yang Guo and Xiao Longnu to practice the Heart Sutra of the Jade Girl, they need to take off their clothes and practice together.

He believed in a ghost, and when he was greedy for his body, he said it straight, and it was boring to go around the bush.

You are not sincere!

Do you think I want to take advantage of you?

Isn't it? Jiang Qiao looked vigilant.

Although the two of them are used to kissing and hugging, but clothes are the bottom line, and it is really unclear if you take off your clothes.

I want to take advantage of you and want this? I've tied you up a long time ago. Maybe today next year, you'll already be a father. She rolled her eyes.

Jiang Qiao's face turned red: Then tell me the reason why you have to take off your clothes.

Why do you think she would rather make excuses than pass it on to you? It's because you don't know how to practice, and you need the help of others, starting with the perineum, refining essence and transforming qi, traveling to the various acupoints in the body, and repeating until you remember Only by living that feeling can you practice alone.

Jiang Qiao frowned. This half-word was half-said, and his head hurt when he heard it.

Can you put it more simply?

Okay. To sum up in one sentence: Use my palm to touch your body all over. If you can't remember, then touch it again until you remember it completely. Bai Yueling's eyebrows and eyes were charming.


Jiang Qiao was stunned.


(Today, I wish my fairy a happy birthday (^_-))

Thank you for the 1800 reward of [Candle Candle and Wax Moon] [Kika who does not eat fish], thank you for the 1700 reward of [Bai Shizi], thank you for the 1600 reward of [For Longevity Brother] [Like hys] [You under the Blue Sky], thank you [ The 700 rewards of the Southern Kingdom],

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