Fairy, Stop Making Trouble

Chapter 192 191. Aunt wants to have a grandson (seeking a monthly ticket)

At the gate of the complex, Fairy Bai arrogantly took out the health code that had been vaccinated once, showed it to the security guard of the community, shook it vigorously, and then walked in with her suitcase held high.

She still remembers that the last time she went home, she was stopped by the security guards on the grounds of showing her health code, and now she has one too, so stop her to have a look?

The security guard looked confused, no, just look at the health code, what's so cool about it? People who don't know think it's like a gold medal for avoiding death.

Jiang Qiao pointed at her apologetically from behind, and then pointed at his own head, meaning please don't mind, she has some brain problems, and then immediately chased after her with big bags and small bags.

Fairy Bai looked at her health code, which was green, and sighed nonchalantly: Cookie dog, you guys have so many rules.

It is the responsibility and obligation of every citizen to obey the law. That's why our country was able to restore production and social order so quickly when the epidemic abroad was devastated.

Jiang Qiao looked at the five-star red flag erected in the community, and said softly: Some countries can't manage even 10 million people, but our country can order 1.4 billion people not to go out. This kind of execution power has long been It is deeply rooted in the heart of every rabbit.

I am also a part of this country now. Fairy Bai whispered.

Jiang Qiao smiled: You have our country's resident ID card, of course.

The two looked at each other and smiled, and went upstairs with their things. Jiang Qiao took out the key from his bag and opened the door. Xia Qinghe was making lunch in the kitchen at this time. Jiang Tiancheng should still be working in the company right now. Who was that? open the door?

She frowned and poked her head out to find out.

Who is it?

Your son.

With joy on Xia Qinghe's face, she immediately turned off the fire, wiped her hands on the apron twice, walked out and looked behind her son with a smile, and saw that Bai Yueling was also there, and the two were still wearing couple outfits. Li's smile grew stronger.

Hello, Auntie.

Hello Yueling, you're back.

Xia Qinghe's face was full of smiles, and she didn't know why, but she was very happy to see her daughter-in-law, and she specially went to her boyfriend's house for the New Year, which already explained some problems.

Wait a while, I'll find slippers for you two, they've been cleaned since I left last time.

She took out two pairs of plush slippers, one large and one small, from the shoe cabinet and handed them to the two of them, then asked casually, Why didn't you notify me first when you got home?

I thought you were still in school. Jiang Qiao smiled.

I've been on vacation for a long time.

Xia Qinghe rolled her eyes and helped carry their suitcases into the house.

This big and small bag, don't you plan to go back to the mountain?

It's the Chinese New Year soon. Jiang Qiao looked into the study, Where's my dad?

He? The holiday is only on New Year's Eve.

Oh, yes.

After carrying the boxes back to their respective rooms, Jiang Qiao released Fu Lu Shou Xi from the cat bag, and prepared all the cat litter boxes, cat food and water bowls.

Going to the sofa for a comfortable trip, it is still comfortable at home.

I don't have any food at home. If you call back earlier, I can cook the ribs in advance. What do you have for lunch? Or go out?

No need, just make whatever you want, we don't choose, Jiang Qiao said.

He had just returned home and wanted to take a good rest for a while, so he had no intention of going out.

OK, then I'll go out and buy some meat stuffing and dumpling wrappers, and I'll eat dumplings at noon.

Okay, Mom.

Xia Qinghe was changing shoes at the door. She watched Bai Xianzi come out of the guest room, hesitated for a moment, and asked, Would you like to go out for a walk with me? The vegetable market is not far away, and it's about two hundred meters away from the community. arrive.

Fairy Bai suddenly looked at Jiang Qiao nervously. If she married Jiang Qiao, Xia Qinghe would be her mother-in-law. As a result, Caigou immediately returned an innocent look.

One side is my mother, and the other side is my daughter-in-law. Logically speaking, for the sake of a harmonious relationship between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law in the future, they should have more contact with each other.

Fairy Bai gave him a hard look, and then immediately smiled at Xia Qinghe with a gentle smile.

Okay auntie, I'll come as soon as I change my shoes.

The two women in the family had gone out, and the room suddenly became quiet. Jiang Qiao walked to the balcony with some toothache and looked down. The future mother-in-law and daughter-in-law seemed to be chatting and laughing, and they had a good relationship, but they didn't know that their old Mom will take this opportunity to ask something.

Hey, Teacher Xia, it's almost noon, why don't you go out now?

My son is back, let's go out and buy some food.

The middle-aged woman on the opposite side looked Bai Xianzi up and down, showing envious eyes: This is Jiang Qiao's girlfriend, right? Tsk tsk, my daughter-in-law is so handsome.

Xia Qinghe introduced to Fairy Bai with a smile on her face, Yue Ling, this is Aunt Liu who lives in the same building and grew up watching Jiang Qiao.

Hello, Aunt Liu. Fairy Bai said sensiblely.

What's it called?

Bai Yueling, Aunt Liu can just call me Yueling.

Not bad, good person, good name. Aunt Liu kept nodding.

Xia Qinghe smiled and said nothing, as long as someone praised her daughter-in-law, she would be happy.

Liu Dancui looked at Xia Qinghe: I'm happy with you, when do you plan to get married?

Hey, it's still early. Young people nowadays are not like us at that time, who dare to testify after only meeting two or three times.

Aunt Liu smiled and said, Didn't you want to take your grandson to be your grandma a long time ago? Where can I find such an excellent girl as Yueling? Let's settle it as soon as possible.

Fairy Bai blushed slightly. Why was everyone like this? She was still thinking about marrying Jiang Qiao, so why did she talk about having a baby.

Xia Qinghe glanced at her daughter-in-law secretly from the corner of her eye: Okay, okay, I won't talk to you anymore, my son is still waiting at home, I'm going to buy vegetables.

Go, go, anyway, when my nephew gets married, just don't forget to invite me.

Don't worry, I won't forget you.

After the two middle-aged women finished their daily chat, Xia Qinghe led the somewhat absent-minded Bai Xianzi out of the community, and walked towards Caishikou not far away.

She smiled apologetically: Yue Ling, Aunt Liu was joking just now, don't you take it to heart, can you? Older women are like this, they like to gossip.

Well, I know, Auntie. Fairy Bai nodded.

Xia Qinghe felt relieved, afraid that the conversation between the two of them just now would make her think wildly. After all, it was indeed too early for Jiang Qiao and Bai Yueling to talk about marriage.

Yue Ling, are you planning to stay here for the New Year this year? She asked circumstantially.

Well, otherwise I don't know where to go.

It was only then that Xia Qinghe remembered that Bai Yueling grew up in an orphanage. She was an orphan, and there was no one else in the family except her. Where else could she go if she didn't follow Jiang Qiao?

That's right, that's right, I treat this house as my own home anyway. Although that brat's career is not very good, he did one thing right this year. He brought you home and finally had a daughter. Don't mention it in my heart. What a pleasure to...

Xia Qinghe walked all the way rambling, Fairy Bai just listened quietly, occasionally answering a sentence or two, and her sense of future mother-in-law improved a lot.

By the way, Jiang Qiao didn't bully you on weekdays, did he?

No, Cai...uh, Jiang Qiao treated me very well.

Yue Ling, don't give in to him sometimes, just take care of it, if he is not convinced, just tell me, I have to let him taste what mother's love is.

Bai Xianzi thought that Jiang Qiao was eating shit at the beginning, smoking, drinking and sleeping in. Now, he has quit, but Jiang Qiao suffered a lot, and he received a lot of electric calls in those few months.

He did have a lot of bad habits before, but they have all changed.

Xia Qinghe felt a little surprised, this imperial husband seemed to be much better than her, she didn't remember her son being so obedient.

By the way, Fairy Peak is closed. What do you usually do on the mountain?

Jiang Qiao is doing his own thing. It seems to be called self-media. I have no education. I usually watch videos and learn things by myself. Fairy Bai said truthfully.

Oh, that's good. To be a human being, you must have pursuits, otherwise you will live a very tiring life.

As an excellent people's teacher, Xia Qinghe is not pedantic.

In modern society, academic qualifications are not the standard for judging whether a person is good or not. For example, if your daughter-in-law has low academic qualifications, what’s the matter?

Anyway, the more she looked at her, the more satisfied she was. She was much better than those who were obviously incompetent but full of lies. Jiang Qiao was lucky to find such a girlfriend.

Who cooks on weekdays?

In the past, he cooked and I washed the dishes. Now it's me who cooks and he washes the dishes. More often, it's two people together.

The corner of Xia Qinghe's mouth raised slightly, this sentence can tell that the relationship between the two is very good, otherwise, a girl would not cook for a man for no reason.

There aren't many things on the mountain, what should I eat?

We go to the city every once in a while to buy. We eat noodles, poached eggs, glutinous rice balls, and dumplings in the morning. We cook and stir-fry vegetables at noon and evening. Usually, we have two dishes and one soup, and sometimes we have three dishes.

Hearing this, Xia Qinghe was completely shocked, but seeing Bai Yueling's serious expression, it didn't seem like she was lying.

Life... so regular?

Fairy Bai nodded: I still exercise every morning.

Xia Qinghe pursed her lips in disbelief. This scene was a little different from what she had imagined. She knew her son's character very well.

Stay up late at night to play games, sleep late during the day, eat or not to eat breakfast depends on the mood, most of the time there are two meals a day, and lunch is eaten as breakfast.

Even if they open a shop on the mountain, they will probably just eat a few snacks and cook three meals a day, which is simply impossible.

This love story has changed so much?

Is this still his son?

It's really good, please continue to work hard.

Xia Qinghe didn't know what to say for a while, the bad habits of dating have been completely changed, the living habits have become regular, and even the body seems to have grown a lot, is this the so-called Wangfu look?

The two didn't walk for a long time. When they looked up, they had arrived at Caishikou.

We make dumplings ourselves, what flavor do you want to eat?

Auntie, I don't choose.

Then have some fillings, pork and shiitake mushrooms, tomato beef, corn and shrimp, let's cook them together, and have some of the same.


Jiang Qiao didn't wait too long in the house, and the future mother-in-law and daughter-in-law came back together.

Yue Ling, rest for a while, I'll make stuffing.

Auntie, let me help you.

Hey, no need, you go sit and watch TV for a while, I'll fix it in a while, and you will help me make the dumplings then.


Jiang Qiao looked over curiously, why did he get out of the house, and why the relationship between the two seemed to be getting closer, didn't they all say that mother-in-law and daughter-in-law are naturally at odds? This doesn't seem to apply to him.

After a while, the sound of chop, chop, chop came from the kitchen. Jiang Qiao poured a glass of water for Fairy Bai, and pulled her to sit on the sofa, feeling a little nervous.

My mother didn't make things difficult for you, did she?

Fairy Bai looked weird. Should I say that they are mother and son? One asked her Did Jiang Qiao bully you?

No, I just asked some basic questions, such as: what do I usually eat, and what to do on the mountain.

Then how did you answer?

Just answer truthfully, is this also a lie?

No, no, it's good to answer truthfully.

Jiang Qiao smiled. His current pace of life can be said to be very good. After all, he started to maintain his health at a young age. Even his own mother couldn't find any problems to make things difficult for him.

She squeezed her fingers, and her tone was a little hesitant: There is an aunt Liu who said that she really wants to hold her grandson as a grandmother, and asked when we will get married.

Just listen to this, don't talk about it, the daily chatter of the little old ladies is like this, when the children are still young, they talk about their academic performance, which school they are going to take, and when they graduate, they start urging marriage, and when the children have a partner, they want to talk about it. I wanted to hug my grandson earlier, and after I hugged my grandson, I started thinking about having a second child...

Jiang Qiao babbled, and suddenly raised his eyebrows: Which Aunt Liu?

Fairy Bai thought for a while and said: Auntie said that the one upstairs is a little fat, about forty years old, and she also said that she watched you grow up since she was a child, and it's good to see people.

Oh, I see. My mother's junior high school classmate, who is now a nurse, went to help fight the epidemic two years ago when the epidemic was severe. At that time, every household was short of masks. She gave our family a few packs, no , far away, how did you answer?

I... I didn't answer.

Fairy Bai looked at Jiang Qiao angrily: I'm still seriously considering getting married, having a baby... don't even think about it now.

He can't laugh or cry.

Yeah, think about it carefully. Anyway, I will not marry you. I will go wherever you go, cling to you, cling to you, drive me away if you have the ability, and then I smell the smell and chase after you. Hey, I've been your licking dog all my life.

Fairy Bai's eyes widened, and after holding back for a long time, she finally managed to utter three words from between her teeth.

You... scoundrel!


(Let’s write the extras tomorrow. It’s been on the shelves for two months, and I wrote 8 extras. One of them is a two-in-one, which is not too short. Finally, ask for a monthly ticket)

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