Fairy, Stop Making Trouble

Chapter 203 202. Which of your words is true and which is false?

After hesitating and explaining clearly to his mother why he went out at night, Jiang Qiao followed Bai Yueling back to his own room.

My clothes! (Delete the record after seeing it) Lying on the bed, Jiang Qiao was chatting with her about V messages on the phone.

Master, come and get it~

Traitor! What does it look like if I go to your house (the door is not locked).

After a while, Bai Yueling sneaked into his room again.

It's all your fault! If you insist on going out to play in the middle of the night, you see, my mother found out. Jiang Qiao showed a resentful look in his eyes.

Bai Yueling giggled and said, If you find out, you'll find out. There's nothing to be afraid of. At most, the mother-in-law suspects that the two of us have gone to the house. Isn't she thinking about hugging her granddaughter? She's probably having fun in her heart right now.

Jiang Qiao was speechless for a moment. As expected of you, you started calling mother-in-law?

...Only you think so, my mother only thinks eating outside is unclean.

That's not sure.

Okay, return the clothes to me, and then go back to sleep obediently.

No, I want you to hug me to sleep, otherwise I won't be able to sleep~ Bai Yueling pouted coquettishly.

Jiang Qiao turned on his phone expressionlessly and showed it to her: It's past 4 o'clock in the morning, and the sky will start to get brighter in two hours. Besides, my mother likes to get up early. If she finds out that you come out of my room If you go out, it will be even more unclear.

Wouldn't it be better to cook raw rice and cooked rice?

Okay, you big-headed ghost. Jiang Qiao gave him an angry look.

Bai Yueling pursed her lips unhappily: Then you take it off yourself.


Jiang Qiao really wanted to ask, did you add all the attribute points to how to charm a man?

No tricks!

She sniffled lightly: Either you help me take it off, or you watch me take it off, choose one.

Jiang Qiao took a deep breath and calmed down his passionate heart: Don't make trouble, no joke.


Bai Yueling snorted, and began to take off her clothes in front of Jiang Qiao. Jiang Qiao got into bed and covered his head in a tangled mood.

Logically speaking, his girlfriend's body can be seen, but looking at Fairy Bai's body like this always feels too cheap.

The clothes and pants were thrown on the bed one by one. Jiang Qiao felt the weight of his body seriously. Suddenly, a corner of the quilt was lifted, and a fiery body crawled in.

Jiang Qiao was completely dumbfounded.

You you you you...what do you want to do. He swallowed.

Bai Yueling hugged his neck tightly, leaned against his ear, and said coquettishly, I want to have a baby with you, Master, do you think I'm wearing any clothes now?

Jiang Qiao bit the tip of his tongue hard. In his mind, the righteous villain was struggling to defeat the evil villain. He said slowly and dryly, There will be opportunities in the future, and now is not the time. Be obedient, Yueling.

If you don't have children, you can't do other things?

Her voice was so coquettish that it seemed to be piercing into people's bones. As for the other things she said, she knew what it would be without even thinking about it.

No! At least not now! Jiang Qiao replied firmly.

I know, I know.

Bai Yueling pushed Jiang Qiao away with a sullen expression, and got up from the bed alone to put on her previous red dress. If she could not feel that Jiang Qiao would react, she would start to feel that she was not beautiful, otherwise she would be so beautiful. To charm him even if he doesn't even take the bait?

Bring something.

What? Jiang Qiao poked his head out of the quilt and looked at her in confusion.

Little umbrella, I know you have one. Last time you accidentally dropped it on the ground and let her pick it up. Bai Yueling chuckled.

Jiang Qiao is numb, who is this, won't he blush at all when he says these words?

Cough, I put it on the mountain.

Only the first word of this sentence is true. Bai Yueling looked at him seriously, Don't try to lie to me with such low-level lies.

No... what are you doing with that thing!

I just want to see what it looks like. I heard that there are uneven particles on it. I want to see if it is true.

Don't you like to ask Du Niang? It's all on Baidu, you can look it up yourself.

Bai Yueling became more plausible: Obviously you have ready-made ones here, why should I study pictures without temperature?

What he said made sense, but Jiang Qiao was speechless.

He was silent for a long time, and said dully: The drawer on the right side of the wardrobe contains a small drop-shaped box.

After speaking, he opened his eyes and looked at the ceiling resignedly. He hadn't even opened the little umbrella yet, but he asked his girlfriend to take it away. It sounded a bit wrong.

She was afraid that one day, with the individual package in her mouth, she would push him onto the bed when she entered the room.

Bai Yueling blinked, and after opening it, she saw several small red boxes.

Hey hey, I'll take one to play with.

Remember to clean it up, don't let her find out. Jiang Qiao said helplessly.

Don't worry, Master~

And the chat records just sent to you!

Deleted it before entering your house.

Then I'm going to bed, remember to close the door for me!


Jiang Qiao started to turn off the bedside lamp. As for the clothes on the quilt, he will tidy them up tomorrow. He is so sleepy now that he just wants to sleep.

At present, the only unstable factor is still the heart demon Yueling. Now, in order to charm him, all kinds of small tricks are being used in different ways. He doesn't know if he can hold on until the night when the two get married.


After sleeping until dawn, it seemed that she saw Jiang Qiao and Bai Yueling sneaking back to the house last night. Xia Qinghe got up early in the morning and deliberately didn't make breakfast for them. She is an experienced person and knows that after overwork, she will be particularly lethargic.

After a while, the door of the guest room opened, and Fairy Bai came out after getting dressed. She went to the kitchen to see that Xia Qinghe was cooking noodles.

Good morning, Auntie.

Xia Qinghe was stunned for a moment, then turned to look at her, her tone was a little strange: Well... Morning, Yueling, won't you sleep for a while?

I'm not going to sleep anymore, I usually wake up at this time, uh... She yawned as she spoke.

Fairy Bai suddenly realized that something was wrong. She was in a good state of mind, but her body seemed to be inexplicably tired, and her mouth had a strange taste.

Go to sleep again. You slept late last night. If you don't get enough sleep at night, it will affect your physical condition. I'll make breakfast for you after that kid wakes up later.

Fairy Bai was keenly aware that there was something wrong with Xia Qinghe's tone, but she couldn't tell where she was to blame, but she clearly went to bed early last night.

Then... Auntie, I'll go back to sleep again. She said with some embarrassment.

Go, go, Yue Ling, if you are hungry at night, you can make some supper at home, don't worry about disturbing us, there is everything in the refrigerator, eating too much food stalls outside is unhealthy.

Got it, auntie...

Fairy Bai turned back to the room expressionlessly, with no obvious emotional fluctuations on her face.

Food stalls?

No wonder she smelled a barbecue smell as soon as she opened her eyes.

There seemed to be something tricky last night.


Jiang Qiao didn't wake up until ten o'clock in the morning. Maybe it was because he slept too late last night, and the back of his head felt a little sore.

He got up and packed the clothes that Bai Yueling wore last night, took them up to his nose and sniffed, the faint smell of oily smoke sticking to the clothes hadn't dissipated completely.

This dress definitely can't be put back in the closet. I have to find a time to put it in the washing machine together with the clothes I wore last night.

Opening the bedroom door, Jiang Qiao walked out with his clothes in his arms as if nothing had happened, and saw Fairy Bai exhaling the old and new in the morning sun.

Good morning, my Moon Spirit.

Morning. She just opened her eyes and nodded, her tone uneven.

Jiang Qiao had been carefully observing the expression on her face, seeing that it was no different from usual, so he breathed a sigh of relief.

Where's my mother?

Auntie answered the phone and went out, and said she would be back later, while Uncle went to work.


Jiang Qiao knelt down and patted Fu Lu's cat's head, and was about to go to the bathroom to wash up, when Fairy Bai stopped and stood up, hugging him gently.

What's wrong?

Just want to hug you.

Fairy Bai buried her head in the socket of his neck, took a deep breath, and really smelled the same barbecue smell as her own.

Feeling her attachment, Jiang Qiao raised his hand to pat her on the back, and said with a smile, I'm hugging her every day.

Caigou, do you like me? She asked suddenly.

He froze for a moment: Of course I like it, why do you ask such stupid things.


She blushed and said, I like you too.

Suddenly there was the sound of the lock turning on the door at this moment, Fairy Bai left his embrace with a face of shame, squatted down and pretended to pet the kitten.

Son is up? Xia Qinghe came back with a basket of vegetables.

Well, Mom, why buy so many vegetables?

Given by Aunt Wang, this is the vegetable she grew herself, and it is clean and hygienic to eat.

Go and wash up, I'll make breakfast for you two, brown sugar glutinous rice balls and poached eggs?


Xia Qinghe smiled and went into the kitchen.

It took a few minutes to wash up, and then fed Fulu Shouxi cat food and shoveled feces. Xia Qinghe's breakfast was almost ready.

I don't know if she did it on purpose. There are two poached eggs for one person, and a big bowl full of small glutinous rice balls. I really think that what I eat can make up for me?

Bai Xianzi ate the glutinous rice balls silently, probably thinking about his own business, while Jiang Qiao ate each small glutinous rice ball while brushing the little loaf. In short, both of them ate a little absent-mindedly.

I'm going out to buy some new year's goods in a while, will you two go? Xia Qinghe asked.

Jiang Qiao subconsciously looked at Fairy Bai, and the two looked at each other in mid-air with a tacit understanding.

I don't want to go.

Okay, put the dishes and chopsticks in the kitchen after eating, and I'll come back to wash them.

Mom, you don't need to worry about this little thing.

Finally, after breakfast, Jiang Qiao took all the dishes and chopsticks to the kitchen to wash, and then turned to Bai Xianzi. She was lying on the railing, looking at the street not far away, watching the busy traffic.

Food dog, do you have any clothes to wash? Bai Xianzi recovered and shouted into the kitchen.

She walked into her room and threw a set of clothes that had been worn for a day into the washing machine symbolically.

Well... there are a few.

Where is it? I'll get it for you.


Jiang Qiao was cleaning the pan with a sponge cloth, and was about to say that he would take it himself, but then he thought about whether this would make the two of them too estranged, since they were already boyfriend and girlfriend, so there was no need to worry about it.

As for the barbecue smell left on the clothes, the smell is very light, if you don't smell it deliberately, you shouldn't be able to smell it. Judging by Fairy Bai's demeanor today, it is no different from the past, so there is no need to be too nervous.

You go and get it, and put it in the laundry basket. These clothes have not been worn for a long time in the closet. They have a musty smell. Wash them before wearing them.


After getting permission, Fairy Bai pushed open the door of Jiang Qiao's bedroom. After sniffing carefully, she could clearly smell the smell of barbecue that hadn't dissipated yet. As for the clothes in the laundry basket, she had already smelled them just after picking them up. .

It's exactly the same as the food stall that Aunt Xia said this morning. This guy really has something to hide from her.

Jiang Qiao wiped his hands and came out of the kitchen. He saw Bai Xianzi holding the clothes and throwing them into the washing machine, pouring in the laundry detergent, and skillfully pressing the start button to adjust the water level, just like a modern person.

Who would have thought that a few months ago, she was an alien who had just failed to overcome the catastrophe and traveled to this world?

Is it all in? Jiang Qiao asked with a smile.

Yeah, it's the ones in the laundry basket, right?


He took a shallow sip of water, and felt more relieved that there was nothing unusual about Bai Fairy's expression or tone.

Put down the water glass and look at the environment at home. Jiang Tiancheng and Xia Qinghe usually don't have extra time to clean the house carefully. There is a lot of dust on some furniture that is not commonly used, windows, balconies, and corners.

We have to get rid of the old and welcome the new during the Chinese New Year. Let's clean the house together? I used to do it by myself, but now I don't have to.

Fairy Bai nodded: What do you want me to do?

Just wipe off the visible dust with a towel. Speaking of which, do you cultivators have cleaning spells?

Well, they are all small, infamous spells. Within the range of the spells, any natural dirt will disappear and become spotless.

Hearing these few words, Jiang Qiao was dumbfounded. Sure enough, both cultivation and technology have their pros and cons. In the current era of pursuit of extreme efficiency, if he knows how to clean himself, he might be able to start a cleaning company. .

It's a pity that I can't even release such a small spell now. Fairy Bai felt a little regretful.

It's okay, it's okay, labor has the joy of labor, besides, husband and wife work together without getting tired, it's much warmer than cold spells.

Listening to his tender words, Bai Xianzi's eyes were a little complicated. Does Caigou really regard her as his girlfriend? Which of the words he said was true and which was false?

Jiang Qiao went to the bathroom to fetch a basin of water, and took an old towel and tore it into two pieces. The two of them started cleaning from their respective bedrooms, then went to the living room, balcony, and cleaned everything inside and out.


(No knife, don't worry)

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