Fairy, Stop Making Trouble

Chapter 293 293. Xiao Yu'er: So I'm Really a Goddess?

On the weekend, Jiang Qiao made an appointment with Fairy to take Xiao Yu'er to the amusement park. The family of three felt that living in the mountains every day without communicating with modern people would be very bad for the child's growth.

Thinking that it had been a long time since I got together with Wu Youcai and the white coat, I called those two families along.

Wu Youcai lost weight. It is said that he really listened to Jiang Qiao's words and ran ten kilometers every day. After more than half a year, he lost a lot of weight, his face was three-dimensional, and he looked more energetic.

Seeing Liu Sisi's radiant face, Jiang Qiao knew that the relationship between the couple must be good, full of sexual happiness, almost overflowing.

The white coat is still the same, tall and thin, with a serious tendency to baldness. He is a doctor at least, but he can't cure his hair, which sounds a bit sad.

The three men led their wives and children each, and walked from the gate to the scenic spot in a mighty manner, looking very imposing.

In this off-season of tourism, the owners of the amusement park are looking at a group of children with bright eyes, so why not experience a few more projects? Children must be accompanied by adults when they play, right? It's all money.

It was a relatively gentle merry-go-round at the beginning. The son of Bai Yu and Wu Youcai is already in the sixth grade of elementary school. It seems that he is graduating this year and has already started eating at the age of thirteen.

The two boys are classmates or at the same table, and they usually have a very good relationship. Sitting on the wooden horse, they start gesticulating in the air, pretending to hold a sword in their hands, and dubbing themselves, just like in TV dramas, two people have a man The horse battle between them was very enjoyable.

The children are still happy now. Look at what we could play with at that time. You can play with a hoop for a day, and then get your clothes dirty, and you will be beaten by your parents when you go home. Wu Youcai sighed and expressed emotion.

Are you willing to beat the child?

Hey, I can't bear it, the palms and backs of my hands are full of meat.

Three men chatted on the fence outside the carousel, and the women each brought their own children.

Old man, is your daughter growing too fast, why is she a little bigger than my daughter?

Wu Youcai was very puzzled. His youngest daughter, Wu Chenxi, just turned 6 years old. At this moment, Liu Sisi had to accompany her on the merry-go-round, but Xiao Yuer was not afraid at all, and played vigorously by herself.

Big horse, drive! Xiao Yu'er's voice was very cheerful.

Isn't this normal? Jiang Qiao laughed. If this guy knew that Xiao Yu'er ran around the yard, climbed trees, and flew high when he was one year old, he might lose his teeth in shock.

Normal fart!

Wu Youcai was so depressed that he didn't want to deal with this guy, it seemed like he had lost compared to his daughter.

But Bai Yu said something fair at this time: Mr. Qian, don't you even look at it. Your daughter has been spoiled and spoiled since she was a child, and Xiao Yuer runs around all over the mountains and plains every day. Can you compare?

That's true. Wu Youcai immediately felt better.

Seeing Bai Yu scratching his head when nothing happened, Jiang Qiao wondered if this guy scratched himself bald with his hands.

White coat, I will ask Yueling to send you a prescription in a while, take it according to that, and then pay attention to conditioning your body, don't stress too much, and you should not continue to lose your hair.

Bai Yu shook his head: I've taken a lot of traditional Chinese medicine, but it still doesn't work. You know, people can't help themselves when they reach middle age. You should take it or you have to take it.

Could the prescription given by my wife be an ordinary prescription? Jiang Qiao sneered. The fairy can see through the deficiencies in all aspects of the human body at a glance and prescribe the right medicine.

In the past, these were treasures that could be passed down to the family. A single prescription can create a family of genius doctors, and countless people will praise the medicine cures the disease, and the hand rejuvenates.

Bai Yu thought about it carefully, and it seems that this is the reason. Many things given by Fairy Yueling seem to be illogical, but they are actually very effective.

No, your wife doesn't even have a doctor's certificate, so why are there so many weird prescriptions? The white coat finally asked the question that had haunted him for a long time.

Fairy Yueling is just like a robot cat, if you have any troubles, you can find her to solve them for you.

It's a family tradition, you don't understand. Jiang Qiao said mysteriously.

Didn't you say before that your wife is an orphan?

Is that so? I forgot, my wife seems to be a fairy who descended from the sky.

The white coat sneered, he didn't believe it at all, so pretend again?

I'm going to buy water, what do you want to drink? Wei Chuxia felt a little distressed when he saw Yan Qi was sweating profusely.

mineral water.

Mineral water X2.

Mineral water X3.

Then buy mineral water.

Wei Chuxia nodded, and went to the store to buy water with Fairy Bai.

Looking at the backs of the two leaving, and looking back, the music of the carousel is coming to an end.

I still remember when I came to the amusement park with Yueling, and I ran into you and Sisi on a date. I didn't expect that the child would be so big in a blink of an eye. Jiang Qiao said with a smile.

Yeah, time flies. Looking back, I thought it was yesterday. Wu Youcai looked at his wife and children who were sitting on the merry-go-round, feeling deeply moved.

Waiting for the next cycle, has he already become a bad old man with white hair?

Thinking of this, Wu Youcai looked at Jiang Qiao enviously. He and the white coat were both old, and one could tell at a glance that he was a greasy middle-aged man, but this girl and the white fairy were still young, and there was not even a trace of wrinkles in the corners of their eyes. No.

It's outrageous.

In a few years, when we gather together, others will regard you as my son. Wu Youcai joked with a smile.

Get out, you're getting old fast, why don't you allow others to get younger?

Bai Yu looked very hurt in the middle. Because of his baldness, he looked more miserable than Wu Youcai.

Seriously, old man, how do you take care of it? Tell me about your method.

It's just a very simple way to keep in good health. Simple tea and light meals, planting vegetables and flowers, and being optimistic, will naturally age slowly.

I understand what you said, but that's just aging slowly, but you and the fairy are not old at all. Did you secretly take some panacea?

Wu Youcai was very puzzled. Liu Sisi had never stopped using those expensive skin care products, but compared with Fairy Yueling, the vitality of her skin was like heaven and earth.

Jiang Qiao said angrily, If I have that panacea, I will apply for a patent myself, and then one million pills will be sold exclusively to rich people like you.


In fact, the secret of not looking old is that he followed the fairy to practice immortality, his body is full of vitality, his life is long, and he naturally looks young.

But he couldn't say that, and he couldn't find another person in the whole world who could follow the fairy to cultivate immortality.

A few minutes passed, the carousel stopped, and Fairy Bai came back with a bag of mineral water.

After resting for a while, everyone went to ride the Ferris wheel again. Each family had a cockpit, and the small space was slowly filled with warmth.

Little Yu'er, is it fun to ride a big horse? Jiang Qiao patted Jiang Xiaoyu's head.

Jiang Xiaoyu pulled his finger, hesitantly said: Xiao Yu'er thinks it's usually fun.

What is normal?

It's better to ride the brain axe!

Have you ever ridden?

Little Yu'er wants to ride because he has never ridden before. Jiang Xiaoyu fantasized for a while, the wooden horse is dead, but the brain ax is alive, if he can ride on it, it will be so majestic.

Then Mom and Dad will take you to the zoo next time.

Can Xiao Yuer ride a brain axe! Jiang Xiaoyu opened his eyes wide, looking very excited.

No, the Brain Ax in the zoo can only be watched but not ridden. Jiang Qiao said with a smile.

Jiang Xiaoyu's face suddenly sullen.

She walked to the window. The cockpit of the ferris wheel had automatic locking doors. Jiang Qiao was not worried that Xiao Yu'er would suddenly open the door and be blown down by the wind.

Wow, it's so tall now, taller than the big tree in front of the house, and the people below have turned into ants. Jiang Xiaoyu scratched the glass window and looked out curiously.

Jiang Qiao held Fairy Bai's hand, thinking of his past experience. She punched him the first time he sat on the Ferris wheel with Fairy. As a result, he was lying on the bench and Fairy gave him a massage.

While Xiao Yu'er wasn't paying attention, he quickly kissed the fairy's tender lips.

Turning around, he looked at Xiao Yu'er covering his face with his hands, spreading his fingers apart, and his eyes were wide open.

It's over, dad wants to spank mom here again, but there are so many people outside, what if someone sees it later.

She hugged her father's waist in the past, and yelled: Papa, don't hit me here, you have to go back to the bed, Xiao Yuer... Xiao Yuer, I promise not to peek.

Jiang Qiao: ???

What the hell is this kid talking about.

Moreover, she seems to have peeked at it more than once?

No, when he was in love with the fairy, he was always secretive, and the door of the room would be closed on purpose. Could it be before sleeping in separate beds?

But Xiao Yuer was only a little older then! Then understand?

Fairy Bai blushed and glared at him, then looked out of the window by herself, hum, let this vegetable dog explain himself!

Hey, Xiao Yuer, isn't dad beating mom? That's... that's... Jiang Qiao suddenly got stuck and thought for two seconds before saying, Mom is sometimes very tired from doing housework, and dad is giving her a massage. .”


Fairy Bai blushed and thought for a while, and her face turned even redder immediately.

Really? Xiao Yu'er remembers that Ma Ma moaned and cried several times.

Fairy Bai: ...

Jiang Qiao rubbed his face, and said in a weak voice, That's because Mom is homesick, and Dad is comforting me.

Oh! Xiao Yu'er nodded.

The thing that had troubled her for a long time finally figured it out.

It turned out that Papa Mama didn't fight.

When the Ferris wheel landed, Xiao Yuer clamored to ride the most exciting roller coaster. Both Bai Yanqi and Wu Chengan were stunned. They raised their heads to see the carriage passing by, swooping down and turning in circles. The group of people above screamed in fright, and they knew it was dangerous at a glance.

But Xiao Yuer dared to sit? How old is she, isn't she afraid of casting a shadow in her heart?

You guys go, Cheng An and I won't go. Liu Sisi swallowed, feeling terrified in her heart, and the two children turned pale with fright.

I'm not going to my house either. Wei Chuxia shook her head and said.

As a result, Fairy Bai took Xiao Yuer up to sit, and Wu Youcai glanced at Jiang Qiao wonderingly: This thing is so dangerous, why are you so relieved of their mother and son? Anyway...

It's okay. Jiang Qiao said with a relaxed face.

Xiao Yu'er has inherited the excellent genes of the fairy, even courageous, isn't it just a roller coaster ride, there is nothing to be afraid of, maybe you will have to fly with the sword in the future, there is no harm in experiencing it in advance now.

Then why don't you go?

Save face for both of you.

Wu Youcai and the white coat: ...

This person can't speak.

After a while, the mother and daughter got off the roller coaster. Xiao Yu'er looked excited and seemed a little unsatisfied. It really seemed to be flying in the sky, which was much more interesting than riding a merry-go-round.

You guys, what else do you want to play?

Xiao Yuer rolled his eyes, pointed at the children's haunted house in the corner of the amusement park, and said, Papa, I'm going to kill demons!

Everyone: ...

At this moment, the other two families found out that Xiao Yu'er was really brave because he was young.

Why don't we go play together? It's just a children's haunted house, and it shouldn't be too scary inside. Wu Youcai suggested when he saw some parents brought their children in.

Besides, with so many people in their three families, they are not afraid of anything scary.


Wu Chengan and Bai Yanqi looked at each other and nodded vigorously.

They didn't dare to go on the roller coaster, and they couldn't even be afraid of children's haunted houses. They were not as courageous as a girl who just started kindergarten, which made them feel very uncomfortable.

You guys go, Chen Xi and I are waiting outside. Liu Sisi held her six-year-old daughter by the hand, but felt that even a children's haunted house was too early for a child of only a few years old.

In the end, it was decided that all three mothers would stay outside, and three fathers would take their children inside.

Unlike the horror houses played by adults, the children’s haunted house is not so dark in tone, and there is no scary background music. The graffiti on the wall are some cartoon ghosts, and in the corner are dolls that use springs as ghosts with long necks.

The adults even wanted to laugh when they saw it, but the three children all looked dignified and full of guard.

How about letting the three of them play by themselves? Jiang Qiao suggested.

It's... okay, this haunted house is not big, and letting them take risks on their own is just a good way to practice their courage.

Wu Youcai glanced at his son, then at Xiao Yu'er, two boys couldn't even compare to a little girl, right?

Thus, the three little ones began to take risks in the haunted house.

Along the way, Xiao Yu'er walked very fast. She was not interested in these immobile children's ghosts. When she passed a corner, seeing the bloody clown popping up in front of her, the three little fish were startled.

Wu Chengan and Bai Yanqi went back to find their father, crying and shouting, leaving Xiao Yu'er standing alone with his pupils wide open, looking as if he had been frightened stupid.

She suddenly yelled, the space seemed to stand still, and some scary-looking plastic props were suspended in the air.

Following her thoughts, these props and the bloody clown flew around.

Xiao Yuer blinked curiously.

She seems to be a little different from other children.

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