The two of them were killed, and the two were buried.

Nagato and Yahiko fled to a cave.

With red eyes, Konan helped Nagato bandage his legs.

Nagato's legs were burned too badly, and because of the forced manipulation of the Outer Path Demon Statue, Nagato was now overdrawn and skinny.

Nagato stared blankly ahead, his eyes filled with inextricable grief.

Konan's tears kept falling.

All this happened too suddenly.

The Salamander Hanzo, whom they regarded as a companion and whom they respected, betrayed them, killed their companions in the Akatsuki organization, and forced Nagato to kill Yahiko himself.

Now even Yahiko's body is gone.

At the same time, Xiaonan was extremely confused about the future and didn't know how to go on.

Nagato's hoarse voice came: "Don't cry, Xiaonan, we have to go on, inherit Yahiko's will, I want to become a god, only God can bring peace to this desperate world.

People who don't know pain don't know what peace is, so if you want to break this vortex and let this world feel real pain, the horror of this pain can suppress the war and bring the world to a stable and peaceful place.

I am now in the pain of infinite existence, and I have grown beyond mortals, and I have the qualifications to become a god.

So, Xiaonan, come with me, let us fulfill Yahiko's wish and lead this broken world to peace."

Xiaonan wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes, her eyes full of hatred and heartache for Nagato.

"Nagato, I will always be by your side!"

Nagato nodded slightly, and after a moment of silence, he said: "Konan, although there are only two of us left in Akatsuki, I will not give up Akatsuki because it was founded by Yahiko.

My legs can no longer walk, and next I will use the Samsara Eye to create six corpse puppets to act on my behalf, so I need you to help me find a qualified corpse first.

Once I have created six puppets, I will kill Hanzo, seize the power of Yuyin Village, and dominate Yuyin Village.

Then we will recruit S-level rebels from various ninja villages, strengthen Akatsuki, and realize Yahiko's ideal."

Konan's expression was full of determination. Yahiko was dead, and she only had Nagato left, so she had to protect Nagato.

At the same time, Konan also hoped that Yahiko's ideal could be realized.

Xiaonan agreed, "Okay, I will start looking for a suitable corpse as a puppet right away!"


After Chiyu and Danzo returned to Konoha, Sarutobi Hiruzen immediately sent the Anbu to ask Chiyu and Danzo to go to the Hokage Building.

Chiyu and Danzo arrived at the Hokage Building and saw Sarutobi Hiruzen. Sarutobi Hiruzen asked with a sullen face, "Danzo, where did you take the Root ninjas?"

Danzo replied calmly, "I just took people to clean up an organization that might threaten our Konoha."

Sarutobi Hiruzen slapped the table, "Can an organization far away in the Hidden Rain Village threaten Konoha?!"

Danzo still replied calmly, "I would rather kill someone by mistake than let him go. As long as there is a threat to Konoha, I will eradicate it. This is also the reason for the existence of the Root."

Sarutobi Hiruzen stared at Danzo.

Danzo looked nonchalant and ignored Sarutobi Hiruzen's eyes.

Finally, Sarutobi Hiruzen compromised and sighed heavily: "Danzo, the situation is uncertain now. The Hidden Rain Village is located at the junction of the Rock, Fire, and Wind regions, and its strategic position is very important.

If you rashly go to the Hidden Rain Village, it will give other ninja villages the impression that we, Konoha, are going to attack the Hidden Rain Village and want to occupy the important strategic position of the Rain Country, which will accelerate the progress of the war.

The current situation is that the Hidden Sand Village can't take care of itself, and the Hidden Rock Village has not benefited for such a long time and can't hold on, not to mention the Hidden Cloud Village.

Maybe after a while, everyone can sit at the negotiation table to negotiate and end the war."

Danzo snorted coldly: "End the war through negotiations? Hiruzen, are you okay? This war will never end like this. You should know how much our Konoha has lost.

If the war ends like this, our losses will never be made up. The current situation is very good for Konoha, and the initiative is gradually in our hands.

As long as the war continues, our losses can be made up. If this war must be negotiated to end, it must be done when we can

Only after getting enough benefits! "

Sarutobi Hiruzen frowned: "Danzo, if the war continues, our Konoha can't bear such losses. Our ninjas are getting fewer and fewer. If it goes on like this, it will be difficult for us to recover in a short time. "

Danzo calmly analyzed and replied: "If it ends like this, after the war, it will be difficult for us to recover in a short time because we don't have enough resources.

But if we have enough resources, at least we don't have to worry about resources. It is better to train ninjas easily than to be tight.

And Hiruzen, do you really think that other ninja villages will negotiate with us?

Don't be silly, the war has already reached this stage, and it is no longer a negotiation.

They must have the same idea as me now. Now it depends on who will show a decline. As long as the decline is exposed, other ninja villages will rush up like jackals.

Whoever proposes peace talks first means that he can't hold on. So, Hiruzen, if you want peace talks, it is equivalent to putting our Konoha in danger! "

Sarutobi Hiruzen took a puff of his pipe, thinking about Danzo's analysis.

Danzo's analysis made sense, but Konoha's daily losses in the war also made Sarutobi Hiruzen feel painful.

Now Konoha has almost spent all its resources to fight.

Sarutobi Hiruzen sighed and said, "Let's not talk about this for now, Chiyu, why are you following Danzo? Aren't you in the Land of Hot Water?"

Chiyu replied, "I received a transfer order from Danzo and rushed back to Konoha from the Land of Hot Water."

Danzo said to Sarutobi Hiruzen, "Huruzen, I have already told Chiyu that Chiyu has agreed to the Uchiha ninja matter, and he has also joined the Root and become my subordinate.

The time has come, so... Next, Hiruzen, it's time to suppress the arrogance of the Uchiha clan. "

Sarutobi Hiruzen's eyes flashed, and he nodded and said, "It is indeed time. "

Sarutobi Hiruzen asked: "Danzo, what are you going to do with the Uchiha clan?"

Danzo said sinisterly: "Is the Hidden Mist Village biting people everywhere like a mad dog now? Let Chiyu go to the Land of Waves, and at the same time transfer a large number of Uchiha ninjas to the Land of Waves, and let Chiyu lead them to fight! Chiyu has experience in leading Uchiha ninjas!"

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