The old man was very happy.

Qianyu felt a little strange when she heard the white snake say that the white snake fairy should know that Yahiko was in Longdi Cave.

According to what Qianyu knew, the white snake fairy was eccentric, tricky, moody, difficult to serve, and had a bad heart.

Qianyu was actually prepared to be reversed and sent back to Longdi Cave at any time.

If Qianyu's conditions were really not suitable at that time, Qianyu would not let the white snake take Yahiko to Longdi Cave.

Since the white snake fairy knew, could it allow Yahiko to stay in Longdi Cave without a contract?

It's a bit strange.

However, Qianyu did not think much about it and said to the white snake: "Thank you for your hard work. I won't bother you next time. Spit him out."

Yahiko was spit out by the white snake again.

"Okay, Master Qianyu, don't forget our agreement. I'll go back to Longchi Cave first."

Qianyu nodded and said, "Well, I won't forget it. You go back."

The white snake turned into smoke and disappeared on the spot.

Qianyu squatted beside Yahiko, frowned at Yahiko who was sticky and smelled very fishy, ​​and was a little disgusted.

Qianyu checked Yahiko's body. He was still very weak, but he was not in danger of life.

Qianyu wanted to lift Yahiko's clothes to see the condition of his wound.

Suddenly, Yahiko woke up and grabbed Qianyu's hand who had lifted his clothes.

The two looked at each other, and Yahiko looked at Chiyu blankly: "What are you doing?"

Chiyu expressionlessly let go of Yahiko's clothes and replied: "Nothing."

Yahiko looked around: "Where is this place? Where is the messenger of God?"

Chiyu's eyes twitched.

Did Yahiko really regard the white snake as the messenger of God?

Chiyu explained: "That snake is not a messenger of God, it is my summoned beast."

Yahiko's eyes widened and he said in disbelief: "Summoned beast?! Then..."

Chiyu continued: "Yes, you are still alive, not dead."

Yahiko suddenly looked at Chiyu steadily.

The next second, Yahiko swung his fist directly at Chiyu's face.

Chiyu raised his hand and easily grabbed Yahiko's fist, and subdued Yahiko with his backhand.

Yahiko struggled angrily: "I know you! You are the one who stood next to Danzo that day!"

Qianyu scratched his cheek, feeling troubled: "Hey, I saved you."

Yahiko said angrily: "Saved me? You captured me!"

Qianyu said helplessly: "It's just like what Baishe said, you are a fool, capture you? What value do you have for me to capture now? And if I hadn't let you go, Nagato and Konan would have died on the spot.

You think that if you commit suicide, Hanzo of the Salamander will let them go. Hanzo of the Salamander never intended to let any of you three go from the beginning to the end."

Yahiko stopped struggling and frowned and asked: "What exactly is going on?!"

Qianyu told Yahiko what happened at that time.

Seeing that Yahiko was not going to resist, Qianyu let go of his hand.

Yahiko covered his head and looked very painful: "Why? Why is it like this? Why did Hanzo, who obviously hoped for peace in the ninja world, betray us?"

Qianyu sat on the chair and said to Yahiko: "Because your Akatsuki organization has violated the interests of most people."

Yahiko looked at Qianyu blankly: "Violated...interests? But isn't peace in the ninja world in the interests of most people?"

Qianyu sneered: "Hey, you are the leader of an organization, are you so naive?

Indeed, peace in the ninja world is in the interests of most people, but you have to know that most people are ruled under the control of that small group of people.

You violated the interests of that group of people, which means that you have violated the majority of people under their rule."

Yahiko's eyes were still filled with confusion.

After thinking for a while, Qianyu explained to Yahiko: "Let me first explain to you why Hanzo wants to get rid of you. He is the easiest to understand, because the existence of your Akatsuki organization affects his ruling power."

Yahiko didn't understand: "We didn't even think about ruling power."

Qianyu smiled: "You didn't think about it, but your actions stimulated him and made him think about it. An uncontrolled organization appeared in the Hidden Rain Village, which is unbearable for any ruler.

Your Akatsuki organization is growing stronger and stronger, and a large part of them are ninjas from the Hidden Rain Village. These ninjas were originally from the Hidden Rain Village.

The subordinates of Hanzo are now accepted by you into the organization. In Hanzo's eyes, these ninjas have betrayed him.

You tell me yourself, how could Hanzo tolerate you? Really, he didn't attack you from the beginning, which is a good temper of his. "

Yahiko opened his mouth, and finally could only mutter in a low voice: "We really don't mean that..."

Qiyu ignored Yahiko's muttering and continued: "Now I will tell you why Konoha will cooperate with Hanzo. Now the Ninja World War has been started for many years.

Because of various situations, the current situation is somewhat deadlocked, but one thing is certain, the losses of the five major countries are not small, and no ninja village has benefited from this war.

You should also know why this war was fought?

Konoha is too rich, and the Hidden Rock Village and the Hidden Cloud Village joined forces to tear meat from Konoha.

But now it is obvious that the Hidden Rock Village and the Hidden Cloud Village have failed, and the situation in Konoha has improved.

Konoha was under so much pressure and suffered so much loss before. The situation has finally improved. How can it not fight this war? Konoha must want to gain benefits from the next war to make up for the previous losses.

If there is peace now, how can this loss be made up? So for you, the uncertain factor committed to peace, Konoha must eliminate it. "

Chiyu glanced at Yahiko who was already stunned, took a sip of water from the cup, and helped Yahiko summarize: "In fact, even if it is not Konoha, even if you really start the peace talks, the final result will only be failure.

As one of the initiators of the war, how can the Hidden Rock Village agree to peace without achieving its goal?

Now the Third Kazekage of the Hidden Sand Village is missing. If you mention peace talks at this time, those guys are likely to think that your Akatsuki organization killed the Third Kazekage and wanted to start peace talks.

So no matter what, as long as your Akatsuki organization wants to start peace talks, the final outcome will only be destruction! "

Yahiko was dumbfounded now. He thought that as long as everyone was willing to sit down and talk and eliminate their conflicts, they would be able to move towards peace.

In his opinion, no one likes war.

But now after listening to Chiyu's explanation, Yahiko felt that his worldview was shattered, as if after he mentioned the peace talks, their Akatsuki organization would have no way out.

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