The snow was falling, and the ground was covered with frost.

Snowflakes were flying, and frost covered the ground. A steaming train was shuttling through the silvery white snowfield. There were only a few passengers on the train. Obviously, few people visited this kind of place, and Kalfa was one of them.

Kalfa, who had just woken up from his sleep, looked at the vast expanse of white outside the window, a little dazed. A few wisps of fireworks in the distance showed that the train had finally left the no-man's land.

After dozens of minutes, the train finally stopped in a village covered with ice and snow. Kalfa put on the down jacket he had prepared early and got off the train quickly.

There were few houses in this village, only a dozen, all made of wood, and there were less than ten street lights. The village was not large and could be walked through in a few minutes.

"Hello, Excuse me, where is the village chief now?"

Kalfa asked a random passerby on the roadside

"If you want to find the village chief, he is in the house with a fence made of black wood. That's his home."

The passerby pointed to a house not far away

"Young man, are you from outside? It's really strange..."

Kalfa nodded and thanked him, and immediately went to the village chief's house. When he was about to knock on the door, an old voice came from the grass next to him

"I'm here, young man."

Kalfa turned his head and saw an old man with white hair and a hoe in his hand standing in front of the greenhouse and waved to him

Kalfa walked over, and the old man took Karfa into the greenhouse. The vegetable patch in the shed is very small, not enough to last for long

The old man poured a pot of hot water for Kalfa and asked slowly

"Young man, are you a wizard who has accepted a mission? Otherwise, you would have nothing to do and come to this kind of ghost place."

Kalfa nodded

"Yes, you are right, I am a wizard of Fairy Tail, and I am here to solve the commission."

The old man motioned Kalfa to sit down, and he took out a few green vegetables from the basket beside him

"What is...?"

Kalfa looked at the green vegetables that the old man put on the table, which looked very listless, and was a little confused

"This is the vegetable grown by me, which is already considered good."

The old man sighed and said slowly

"In fact, before, not far south of this village, There is a large field, and the soil there is very good for growing vegetables..."

"But recently, because of wild animal attacks, the villagers dare not go to farm?"

Karfa asked

"Wild animal attacks... Actually, there are attacks every year at this time, and we can solve them ourselves in the village."

The old man shook his head and continued

"But for some reason, there are more and more wild animals this time than before, and they are more ferocious. At first, the villagers didn't think it was a big deal, until later the wild animals appeared more and more frequently, and even casualties occurred..."

The old man took out a map from the drawer and pointed out a circle on it

"It's here, our vegetable field..."

Karfa nodded

"Not far... Can I go and see the situation?"

The old man nodded

"Of course, do you need a few people to follow you?"

Karfa shook his head

"No, but can you lend me this map temporarily?"

The old man rolled up the map and handed it to Karfa

"Take it, and let me know if you need anything else. "

Kalfa waved his hand, took the map and walked out. After leaving the village, he checked the map, groped for the direction bit by bit, and moved towards the fields.

The snow kept falling along the way, freezing Karlfa's face red and purple. The vast snowfield had no end in sight, but he saw a few snow piles moving slowly.

Kalfa suspected that he was dazzled, and squinted his eyes and looked hard. Only then did he find that they were a few white bears ready to go.

The white bears seemed to have discovered Karlfa, and immediately turned around and rushed towards Karlfa.

Kalfa saw this and immediately summoned his sword to counterattack the white bears.

"Qingyue Liu, Fierce Tiger Hunting!"

A cold light flashed, and the three white bears instantly spurted blood from their chests, but they were thick-skinned and did not die in one blow.

"Qingyue Liu, Yanxia Gui! "

Kalfa turned around and swung his sword. Three sword energies fell from the sky and landed on three white bears.

Looking at the snow on the ground stained red with blood, in order to avoid attracting more wild animals, Karfa also quickened his pace. What was strange was that these white bears were much thinner than Karfa had imagined.

After a while, Karfa came to the field marked in red on the map.

, the surprising scene was that more than a dozen ferocious carnivorous beasts were eating wild grass with their heads down

Suddenly, the beasts looked at Kalfa, and when Kalfa lowered his head, he found that his trouser legs were soaked with blood

The beasts' eyes turned red and they pounced on Kalfa frantically. Kalfa took a step forward with a knife in both hands

"Qingyue Style, Python·Hunting!"

Under Kalfa's winding and bizarre steps, only a few beasts died suddenly on the blade in an instant, and just when Kalfa was about to fight the remaining beasts, he found that the beasts actually ran away with wild grass in their mouths

After the group of beasts dug out the beasts, they did not Instead of eating it, he carefully protected it.

Kalfa's doubts in his heart became heavier. He turned his head to look at the corpses of several wild animals around him. They were also very thin.

Seeing that there were still a few leaves of grass dropped by wild animals in the snow, Karfa picked them up. As soon as he got them in his hands, he smelled a pungent smell of medicine.

Kalfa picked up the grass leaves and looked at them for a while, then carefully put them in his pocket and returned to the village.

After Karfa returned to the village, the first thing he did was to find the village chief and ask some questions.

"Old man, is this plant a herb?"

Kalfa handed the grass leaves in his pocket to the village chief, who took them up, smelled them, and looked at them.

" Yes, that piece of farmland will grow this kind of herb. "

Kalfa nodded and asked

" said that there would be a lot of wild animals at this time in previous years?"

The village chief nodded

"Yes, after all, at this time, wild animals need to store food, but this year's wild animals seem to be particularly crazy..."

Kalfa thought about it again

"Then...were the wild animals you encountered in your village strong in previous years?"

The village chief nodded repeatedly

"Strong, of course not! They robbed us of food every day!"

Kalfa heard this and asked in confusion

"So were the wild animals you encountered so strong in this incident?"

The village chief replied After thinking for a while

"It seems... a little thinner than before? I don't know, I was so busy this time that I didn't have time to pay attention to their weight~"

Kalfa nodded and sighed

"Old man, is there an empty house in the village? It's getting late today, I plan to continue tomorrow."

The village chief smiled

"Okay, no problem, I just arranged a house for you, I'll take you there now!"

Kalfa followed the village chief and came to the residence

"Okay, call me anytime if anything happens in the village."

The village chief smiled and nodded

"Okay, you should have a good rest too, our village depends on you, young man."

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