Kakashi asked Namikaze Minato whether Katsuhiko Takehiro's punishment could be to let him die.

Namikaze Minato said in a deep voice: "Kakashi, the dead are gone. It is true that Takei Katsuhiko did something unforgivable, but I hope to give him a chance, a chance to atone for his sins!"

Kakashi suddenly He laughed: "Namikaze Minato, you really disgust me now. If you give him a chance, who will give Obito a chance? He is your subordinate, but Obito is not?"

Kakashi Turning to look at Qianyu: "Teacher, I am still the captain, right?"

Qianyu looked at Minato Namikaze, who looked a little unhappy, and said with a smile: "Yes, the fact that you are the captain was decided by Minato Namikaze and me together So your captaincy needs our mutual consent to be revoked, and I do not agree to revoke your captaincy!"

Kakashi instantly condensed Chidori and mercilessly attacked Takei Katsu Pressed on Kakashi's chest.

Namikaze Minato quickly grabbed Kakashi's arm: "Kakashi, don't do this!"

Takei Katsuhiko was frightened again.

Qianyu slightly unsheathed the ninja sword at her waist: "Namikaze Minato, do you want to prevent Kakashi from dealing with the traitor?"

Namikaze Minato asked: "Qianyu, why can't you listen to me for once?" Qian Yu sneered: "Listen to you? Why should I listen to you? You really disgust me. You choose to protect a guy who betrayed his companions. You can't feel the pain unless the real thing happens to you.

I really Uchiha Obito feels it's not worth it to have a teacher like you.

I tell you, what Kakashi is going to do now is in accordance with the rules, and you have no right to interfere.

If you want to intervene forcefully, then Namikaze Minato, I We will treat you as a traitor for attacking Kakashi!"

Minato Namikaze's face turned pale, and finally he slowly let go of Kakashi's hand.

Because Chiba was right, Kakashi was the captain, and he Appointed jointly with Chiba, he cannot unilaterally revoke Kakashi's captaincy.

And Takei Katsuhiko did leak important information and killed Uchiha Obito.

Now in wartime, as the captain, Kakashi has the right to deal with Takei Katsuhiko alone.

The moment Namikaze Minato let go, Kakashi Kakashi's Chidori stabbed directly into Takei Katsuhiko's chest.

Blood splattered on Kakashi's face.

Kakashi's expression was as cold as ice, without a trace of emotion.

Namikaze Minato turned his head away and didn't look at this. A scene.

Nohara Lin burst into tears. In just one day, the drastic changes that happened were beyond her expectations. Her heart ached.


Night fell.

Kakashi sat alone on the stone, staring blankly at the night sky.Qianyu sat next to Kakashi, also looking at the night sky, and asked: "What do you see?"

Kakashi's voice was a little confused: "I can't see anything, just darkness, teacher... I am really desperate about Konoha..."

Qianyu asked: "I have been desperate about Konoha since the moment I entered Konoha, and you have experienced it twice, which is also Now you understand what kind of existence Konoha is, right? "

Kakashi lowered his head and whispered: "Cold, hypocritical, mean, ugly, stubborn, jealous, corrupt..."

Qianyu Hearing Kakashi's comments on Konoha, he smiled and said, "That's a very fitting comment. OK, Kakashi, let me tell you about the Sharingan now."

Qianyu's expression was very serious .

Kakashi also looked at Chiyu, waiting for her to speak.

Qianyu said: "You should be able to feel it, right? This Sharingan is consuming your chakra all the time."

Kakashi nodded.

Moreover, the amount of chakra consumed by this Sharingan is not small. .

Qianyu continued: "In fact, with your strength and my teaching, you don't need the Sharingan at all. The Sharingan will only become a burden to you, so my suggestion is to remove the Sharingan.. ”

Kakashi trembled all over and his heart tightened.

Qianyu sighed and said: "But I think you will definitely not give up this Sharingan, so I will find a way to help you solve this problem. ”

Kakashi He immediately relaxed and thanked Qianyu gratefully: "Thank you, teacher." Qianyu rubbed Kakashi's head and said: "Why are you so distant with your teacher?

You are my beloved disciple. "

Kakashi, whose head was rubbed by Chiyu, felt a little better after losing Uchiha Obito.

Chiyu explained to Kakashi: "Sharingan has powerful abilities such as observation, copying, and hypnosis. Because you can't close Sharingan now, when you look at things, some abilities will be automatically turned on, such as observation and copying.

And using these abilities will accelerate the consumption of your chakra, so when you don't use Sharingan, cover your eyes to avoid accelerated consumption of chakra, understand?"

Kakashi nodded, pulled down the forehead protector on his forehead, and covered Sharingan.

Then Chiyu's expression became serious: "But the real trouble is not from Sharingan, but from the Uchiha clan. I think you know what kind of people the Uchiha clan is. They will never allow Sharingan to be lost to people outside the Uchiha clan.

Even if it was given to you by Uchiha Obito, they will definitely find ways to take the Sharingan back, and may even put pressure on the Third Hokage for this.

So the pressure you will encounter next will be very great, you must be prepared. "

Kakashi covered his left eye with his hand, and said with a firm look: "I will never give up this Sharingan, this is given to me by Obito, I will not give it to anyone!"

Qianyu's eyes flashed with cold light: "Don't worry, I will help you with this matter. Those Uchiha guys want to touch you, I want to see if their necks are hard enough, I don't mind breaking the Uchiha's spine! "

After chatting with Kakashi for a few words, Qianyu came to the place where Uchiha Obito was buried alone.

Qianyu squinted and looked ahead.

Uchiha Madara's tunnel was near Uchiha Obito who was crushed by the boulder.

By now, Uchiha Madara should have saved Uchiha Obito, used Hashirama's cells to fill the right half of Uchiha Obito's body that was crushed, and then began to instill the idea of ​​the Moon Eye into Uchiha Obito, and was ready to make Uchiha Obito fall into despair.

Qianyu felt a little regretful that most of these could not be witnessed, and lost a witness point income.

However... it seems that there is not no way at all. The current Uchiha Madara... should be very weak.

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