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Afterwards, Kalfa decided to form a temporary team with Shiroi and Yaka, and on Kalfa's recommendation, Shiroi and Yaka rented a house upstairs from Kalfa's house. On the street, the guild members formed a circle. Standing in the circle were Kalfa and Shiloi. Before starting the mission, the two decided to compete. "Are you ready?"

Kalfa raised his hand. Swinging, he summoned the sharp sword "Deep Scar" and held it in his hand. "I am always ready to strike!"

Shiloy grinned, and a magic circle emerged from behind Shiloy, accompanied by a burst of rapid running With a sound, the tall horse man rushed out of the magic circle. "Wuma, are you ready too?"

Wuma Holding a heavy bow in hand and carrying a quiver on his back, "My hunting bow is always fully drawn, ready to fight for you at any time."

Yaka stood between the two men, waved her hand, and announced the start of the battle. "Forgive me." I am sorry for my disrespect!"

Wuma picked up a bow and arrow, pulled the bowstring to its full length, and shot it out like a gust of wind. "Hurricane bow, swallowtail arrow!"

The bow and arrow shot straight at Kalfa, who slid and dodged. Arrow "Qingyue Flow! Tiger Hunting!"

Wuma lightly jumped back and jumped a few meters away. In mid-air, Wuma recharged the bowstring again, "Hurricane Bow, Spinning Arrow!"

A high-speed spinning arrow, A huge whirlwind of arrows flew straight at him, and Kalfa threw out a barrier to block the arrows. Screen!"

Wuma took out an arrow from his quiver again and put it on the bowstring. "Bow of Fire, Explosive Arrow!"

This time the arrow was burning with blazing flames, and it exploded instantly when it hit the Qingfeng Screen. A large flame appeared, and the flame became more and more fierce under the fanning of the remaining wind. "Qingyue Liu! Mingyue!"

A white crescent-shaped sword energy cut through the flames and went straight to Wu Ma. Wu Ma blocked it with his hunting bow. Slashing, Kalfa had quietly jumped behind Wu Ma. "Qingyue Style! Python·Hunting!"

Kalfa twisted his body and left a long and winding cut on Wu Ma. "Sorry, I heard from Shiloi that you wouldn't die, so I was a little heavy-handed. Please don't blame me!"

Wuma shook his head. He didn't care about the knife wound on his body, and quickly pulled the bowstring again. "It's a normal martial arts exchange, how can you blame me!" After that, an arrow with cold air shot out. "Frost bow, frozen arrow!" The arrow was dodged by Kalfa and hit the ground, which instantly froze into a layer of ice. Seeing this, Kalfa slid on the ice and rushed towards Shiloy. "Catch the thief first!"

Shiloy Roy dodged Kalfa's attack by bending down, and grabbed Kalfa's arm with his backhand, trying to throw Kalfa away. Kalfa broke free from Shiroi and stepped back. "I'm sorry, although I counted on my My friends are fighting, but I am not powerless either~”

Shiroi took a stance and waved his hand, “Come on! Please teach me!”

Wuma stood behind Shiroi and pulled the bowstring to its full length. , a flaming arrow was placed on the bow. "Is this a two-on-one fight? "

Kalfa smiled lightly, took a step and rushed forward, the blue gem on the knife flashed slightly "Qingyue Liu~"

Kalfa swung the knife while running, Shiloy dodged backwards, Wu Ma shot an arrow, and the blazing The fire started up again. Kalfa jumped back and avoided the flames. Seeing this, Shiloy immediately chased after him. "Explosion! "

Kalfa shouted loudly and gently tapped the gem on the back of the knife, making a crisp sound. In an instant, the knife marks that Karfa had just drawn in the air with his sword were instantly detonated. Wu Ma immediately put down his hunting bow , a sprint brought Shiloy out of the dangerous area. Then, Kalfa gently stroked the back of the knife, and the blade of "Deep Mark" was covered with a layer of hazy white. With a ding, the knife marks on Wu Ma were also Detonated, hitting Shiloy together. "How is it?"

Carfa asked softly, "My strength didn't disappoint you, did it?"

"Of course not!"

Shiloy shook his head, covered his wound and laughed a few times "Wuma, you just need to attack with bows and arrows from a distance, and leave the close combat to me!"

Wuma nodded and said, "I understand, you should be careful!"

After that, Shiloi rushed up quickly , rushed to Kalfa, and

With a palm swing, Kalfa raised the back of his knife to block, but was still knocked several meters away.

"Thunder bow, thunder arrow!"

Wuma took advantage of Kalfa's inability to dodge in the air and released an arrow that was ready to be fired.

Kalfa held the sword and swung it in the air, then immediately detonated the sword mark, using the shock to stagger himself and the bow and arrow, and the bow and arrow shot on the ground and released violent lightning.

Kalfa inserted the blade into the ground overflowing with lightning, allowing the lightning to flow through the sword.

Shiroi took this opportunity to rush to Kalfa's head, raised his right leg high, ready to fall at any time.

Kalfa turned around and swung a sword. The sword energy from this sword was mixed with lightning, causing the lightning to spread rapidly through the sword energy, forming a lightning net.

Shiroi swung multiple palms in succession, and the air waves swung He shattered a corner of the lightning net and used it to avoid the lightning

Carfa looked at the blue gem on his knife

"I never thought that such a gem could have so many abilities..."

"The newcomers are really energetic~"

At this time, Gildarts walked out of the guild slowly and smiled at the two people who were fighting fiercely

"You are both quite strong~ It seems that the guild has a few more candidates for the next S-class wizard~"

After saying that, Gildarts put on his backpack and left while laughing

"I have to go on a mission again, don't miss me~"

Along the way, I don't know how many buildings Gildarts destroyed

"Okay! Stop making trouble, and clean up the streets for me!"

Makalo The husband screamed with a headache, and everyone immediately began to clean up the mess obediently. Shiroi also sent Wu Ma back.

"Are you not injured?"

Kalfa stepped forward and asked with concern.

"Don't worry, I'm fine~ At most, I can ask Weiyang to help treat it."

Shiroi waved his hand and put his hands in his trouser pockets.

"Then let's call it a draw this time~"

Yaka and Mirajane came over from the side.

"Kalfa! You fought well. How did you learn so many new moves when you went out?"

Mirajane rushed to Kalfa and said with a smile.

"Both of you are very powerful!"

Yaka handed a bottle of water to the two of them and praised.

"Kalfa's swordsmanship is really superb! It's not something that can be imitated casually. ~"

Kalfa waved his hands quickly

"No, no, no~ Yaka is too flattering. My swordsmanship is just taught by others, and I adapted it according to my own habits."

Shiroi put his hand on Calfa's shoulder and patted him

"Okay, we are all friends, so there is no need to be so humble~ Yaka and I are going to choose commissions, do you want to come and see?"

Kalfa shook his head

"No, this is your first commission, so choose it yourself!"

Miraje pulled Calfa's arm

"Hey, if you have nothing to do now... accompany me to walk on the street~ Otherwise, you have to leave again tomorrow..."

Kalfa nodded happily

"Okay, where are you going? I'll go with you!"

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