The two of them were in a state of panic, and the two were in a state of panic.

Inside the Konoha Defense Force.

Chiba and Uchiha Shisui sat in their seats, and there were 50 ninjas standing in front of them.

30 Root ninjas, 20 Anbu ninjas.

Qianyu said slowly: "Deputy Captain, it's time to group them and arrange them to patrol Konoha. Do you have any opinions?"

Uchiha Shisui immediately said: "Since there are exactly 50 people, let's divide them into ten groups, five people in each group, and patrol Konoha in two groups. What do you think, Qianyu?"

Qianyu chuckled and said: "Since we are in the Konoha Defense Force, let's call each other by our respective positions, deputy captain."

Uchiha Shisui frowned slightly. Do we have to care about such a small matter?

Uchiha Shisui still said: "I know, captain."

Qianyu continued: "The deputy captain's grouping proposal is very good, I think it's okay."

Uchiha Shisui looked at Qianyu in surprise.

Just now Qianyu emphasized the title, and Uchiha Shisui thought he would reject his proposal.

However, in Qianyu's eyes, Uchiha Shisui is too immature now.

Now Uchiha Shisui is suppressed by him, so he is eager to show himself.

But what's so good about assigning tasks?

But it's normal for Uchiha Shisui to behave like this.

The vice-captain of the Konoha Defense Force is Uchiha Shisui's first leadership position, and his purpose is very clear, which is to be the spy of Namikaze Minato and help the Uchiha clan who are about to be targeted.

Uchiha Shisui realized that he would have no say in the Konoha Defense Force, so he wanted to show himself.

But it was too late.

If the roles were reversed, and Uchiha Shisui announced the new rules before, Chiyu would have rejected it directly without mercy.

And no matter what the attitudes of Sarutobi Hiruzen and Namikaze Minato were, he would have rejected it first, even if the rule was beneficial to Chiyu.

Qianyu continued, "Five people in a team, then your ninja and I will divide it equally, three ninjas here, two ninjas there, to form a five-person team, what do you think?"

Uchiha Shisui nodded and said, "Okay, let's divide it like this."

Qianyu announced, "Next, according to your positions, three root ninjas and two Anbu ninjas will form a five-person team, and we will form teams in this order, and patrol Konoha from tomorrow.

Once you find any criminal behavior or any criminal behavior that may be about to happen, you will arrest them directly!

At the same time, I remind you that except for me and the vice-captain, , no one can command you. If someone interferes with your patrol mission, you can do it directly without mercy!

Okay, you can divide into groups now. "

When 50 ninjas began to divide into groups, Qianyu asked Uchiha Shisui: "Deputy Captain, do you think there is a need to set up a captain in the team?"

Uchiha Shisui shook his head and said: "I don't think it is necessary now. There are still few people and everyone is not familiar with each other. Let's consider setting up a team captain after running in for a while."

Uchiha Shisui knew that if a team captain was set up, then most of the captains of the 10 teams must be Qianyu's root ninjas.

There is no way. The Anbu ninjas given to him by Namikaze Minato are not comparable to Qianyu's root ninjas.

If a team captain is set up now, not only will he be suppressed by Qianyu, but these Anbu ninjas will also be suppressed by the root ninjas.

This is what Uchiha Shisui absolutely does not want to see.

Qianyu nodded and said, "What the vice-captain said makes sense. Let's talk about the establishment of the team leader later. Does the vice-captain have anything to add?"

Uchiha Shisui said, "Regarding the recruitment of ninjas..."

Qianyu waved his hand and said, "I have already started recruiting ninjas. The vice-captain can also send people to continue recruiting."

Uchiha Shisui's face sank. Qianyu skipped him about recruiting people.

So it seems that the ninjas recruited by Qianyu belong to Qianyu.

Then he has to recruit people too. The Konoha Defense Force cannot be full of Qianyu's people.

Uchiha Shisui nodded and said, "Well, I will send people to recruit ninjas myself later."

Qianyu stood up from his seat: "Then let's do this today, because it has just started, and there are some problems that have not been discovered. After the problems are discovered, we will discuss how to solve them. Tomorrow, the Konoha Defense Force will officially start

Carry out the mission, disband. "

Chiyu's Root Ninja left directly without any hesitation, while Uchiha Shisui's Anbu Ninja stayed where he was, looking at Uchiha Shisui.

Uchiha Shisui also said: "Disband, gather on time tomorrow."

After the Anbu Ninjas dispersed, Chiyu also left the Konoha Defense Force.

Chiyu did not go home directly, but came to the Root Base.

The thirty Root Ninjas who had just dispersed are now standing neatly in the Root Hall.

Danzo is also there.

Seeing Chiyu coming, Danzo asked: "Is everything going well?"

Chiyu nodded and replied: "Very well, Uchiha Shisui will become a marginal figure and will not pose any threat to me."

Danzo sneered: "Namikaze Minato is still too young. He actually chose such a young boy as the vice-captain to restrain you. It's really a fantasy. Uchiha Fugaku is barely qualified. "

Qianyu said to Danzo: "Danzo, I may need to trouble you next."

Danzo nodded and said: "Just tell me."

Qianyu said: "Next, when our people are patrolling, please send someone to provoke those Uchiha ninjas, provoke their anger, so that we have a reason to arrest them. Of course, we must not be found out that we did it on purpose.

I think as long as some ordinary villagers say something bad about the Uchiha clan, I think those Uchiha ninjas will not be able to stand it. Even if they refute, we can arrest them for having criminal tendencies. "

Danzo agreed directly: "No problem, I will arrange this matter, and you only need to arrest people next. I have plenty of ways to make them lose their composure. Qianyu, just do it according to your own ideas. "

The next day.

The Konoha Defense Force began its first day of patrol.

At this time, three Uchiha ninjas were also on patrol.

One of the Uchiha ninjas complained: "It's really too aggrieved. The Konoha Defense Force is completely targeting us. Why did the clan leader agree to hand over the two most important powers?"

Another Uchiha ninja also complained: "Yes, there is no comparison between Clan Leader Fugaku and Clan Leader Masaki. Clan Leader Fugaku is a little too weak..."

The third Uchiha ninja stopped them and said: "Okay, stop talking. It's already like this. What else can we do?"

Just when the three of them were patrolling and passing through an alley, they heard some special sounds.

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