The two of them were in a state of panic, and the two of them were in a state of panic.

Chiyu announced to the Konoha Defense Force that Kakashi would be his acting captain.

Uchiha Shisui lowered his head slightly and said nothing.

Uchiha Shisui wanted Chiyu to leave quickly, the longer the better.

This way, his clansmen could relax for a while, and they didn't have to be so cautious when going out, for fear that they would be caught by the patrol team.

Qianyu asked with a smile: "Vice-captain, please take good care of my disciples during my absence."

Uchiha Shisui nodded and said, "I know."

Qianyu patted Kakashi on the shoulder and said, "Okay, Kakashi, do your best, and I'll leave."

Kakashi agreed, "I will do my best, Mr. Qianyu."

Qianyu left the Konoha Defense Force, and then came to the outside of Konoha Village to summon the white snake directly.

As soon as the white snake appeared, it showed a pitiful expression to Qianyu: "Master Qianyu, you haven't summoned me for a long time."

Qianyu said, "Don't look at me with such a disgusting look. Now that the war is over, the number of times you are summoned will naturally decrease. White snake, do you know the art of reverse spiritualism?"

The white snake asked in confusion: "Reverse spiritualism? Master Qianyu, are you going to Longdi Cave?"

Qianyu nodded and said, "Yes, I am going to Longdi Cave to practice the Sage Mode."

The white snake opened his eyes wide: "Master Qianyu, why are you so depressed and want to die?!"

Qian Yu said with a dark face: "You talk too much nonsense. If you know how to do it, hurry up!"

The white snake wrapped around Qianyu and anxiously dissuaded him: "No, Lord Qianyu, only lunatics who are bent on seeking power will go to Longdi Cave to practice the Sage Mode. Up to now, not a single person who has practiced the Sage Mode in Longdi Cave has succeeded. They have all been swallowed by the White Snake Sage or his confidants.

Lord Qianyu, if you go, there is no possibility of survival. I will never be able to eat people with you again. And even if you fail, Lord Qianyu, it will not be my turn to eat!"

The corners of Qianyu's mouth twitched.

It seems that it is so anxious because it can't eat itself.

Qianyu pulled the white snake off his body and threw it on the ground, staring at the white snake with dead fish eyes: "Are you going to do it or not? If you don't, there are plenty of snakes who will!"

The white snake said gloomily: "Since Lord Qianyu is so persistent, then okay, I will go back to Longdi Cave to summon you, Lord Qianyu."

The white snake turned into smoke and returned to Longdi Cave.

The white snake returned to Longdi Cave and used the contract scroll to perform the reverse spiritual communication technique, directly communicating Qianyu to Longdi Cave.

Qianyu looked around.

There was a large forest around, which was very dark and smoky, and looked very eerie and strange.

The white snake looked around with some fear and whispered: "Master Qianyu, only those who visit sincerely can see the White Snake Immortal. For those who come to practice, the White Snake Immortal will send his trusted confidants, Tianxin Shenji, Ichijimaji, and Tanjinji, to screen those who enter the Longdi Cave for practice.

Only those who pass the practice trial will be injected with natural energy by the White Snake Immortal with his fangs, and taught to learn the Longdi Cave Immortal Mode. For those who fail the trial, the White Snake Immortal will let the three adults eat those whose bodies cannot withstand the snake transformation before they are completely petrified.

Master Qianyu, the White Snake Immortal must have known that you came to Longdi Cave, so I will slip away first, but don't die, Master Qianyu."

Qianyu assured the white snake: "Don't worry, I have a tough life and I won't die so easily."

After the white snake said "good luck", it disappeared into the forest.

Because he didn't know the direction, Qianyu walked forward.

When Qianyu left, three figures floated above the trees where Qianyu was originally located.

These three figures were Tianxin Shenji, Ichikijimaji, and Tanzuji who had already paid attention to Qianyu.

"They are the people summoned by the reverse summoning technique."

"It seems that they came to the Ryuchi Cave to seek power."

"I don't know who it will be. Since it is a reverse summoning technique, it should be someone who has a contract with the Ryuchi Cave. Could it be him?"

"Then just confirm it. Anyway, no matter who it is, they have to pass the trial of the Ryuchi Cave to see the White Snake Immortal."


While Tianxin Shenji, Ichikijimaji, and Tanzuji were discussing, Qianyu smiled slightly.

He glanced at the position of the three people without noticing.

When Qianyu arrived at the Ryuchi Cave, he activated his Observation Haki and sensed the presence of the three people.

And through his Observation Haki, Qianyu also felt that these three people were not human beings.

They were people disguised as snakes.

Both Orochimaru and White Snake told him that he had to go through trials before he could see the White Snake Immortal.

So the three people disguised as snakes that he sensed should be the snakes that were going to give him the trial.

Qianyu walked forward for a while and saw a little light.

After approaching, Qianyu saw a very gorgeous palace.

On the plaque of the palace were written the three words "Ryuchi Cave".

At this time, the door of the palace opened automatically.

A girl with long green hair and a golden crown with a golden ball on top appeared at the door and bowed to Qianyu, saying, "I have been waiting for you for a long time. Welcome to Longdi Cave. I am Tian Xin Shen Ji. You must be tired. Please have a good rest. I have prepared a lot of delicious food for you."

Qianyu followed Tian Xin Shen Ji into the palace and looked at the decoration of the palace. There were a lot of delicious-looking food on the table, and they smelled delicious.

Qianyu's eyes fell on Tianxin Shenji, and he said indifferently: "I came to learn immortal arts from the White Snake Immortal. You came to test me, right? Don't beat around the bush, just come directly."

Tianxin Shenji still had a smile on her face, and replied: "The White Snake Immortal is waiting for you in the temple deep in the Longdi Cave, and is also observing you. Since you know about the trial, then allow me to prepare. Before the trial begins, please have a meal."

"Thunder Breathing·One Form·Thunderbolt Flash!"

Qianyu burst out with lightning and swung a knife at Tianxin Shenji at a high speed.

Tian Xin Shen Ji quickly floated into the air, dodging the slash, and looked at Qian Yu below in confusion: "Why did you suddenly take action?"

Qian Yu opened the three-magatama Sharingan and looked at Tian Xin Shen Ji in the air and said: "You emphasized food twice, which made me very alert. Although I am not sure whether the food you prepared is problematic, if I kill you, no matter what trial you prepare for me, if you die, it should be considered that I have passed, right?"

Tian Xin Shen Ji stared at Qian Yu blankly.

Kill her, pass the trial, this logic... a bit crazy!

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