I'm going to school, but I'm going to have to wait until 10:30 every day. I get home at 11 o'clock. I don't have much time. The fastest update is once a week. Please understand. After waking up, Kalfa rested in Polyusica's cabin for a while. After calming down Milaje, he returned to the guild. "Kalfa! You're awake!" Shiloi excitedly went forward to greet him. "When Yaka and I rushed over, you fainted in the ruins and didn't move. We were almost scared to death!" Kalfa smiled embarrassedly, Asked

"Are you all right? Where's Aka? Why didn't she come?"

Shiroi waved her hand

"Don't worry, we're all fine. Aka just had a minor leg injury. She'll be fine after a few days of rest at home."

Shiroi laughed a few times and pointed behind Kalfa

"Are you going to comfort the two little ones behind you?"

Kalfa looked back and saw Lisanna and Elfman looking at him with tears in their eyes

"Ah! Lisanna and Elfman are here too! I didn't notice you two just now. I'm so sorry!"

" Brother Kalfa!"

The two of them grabbed Kalfa's legs and burst into tears. Kalfa gently stroked their heads.

"Are you recovering well, Kalfa?"

Kalfa followed the voice and saw Makarov sitting on the second floor of the guild, looking at him with a smile.

"I heard that both the commission and the unexpected incident were solved brilliantly!"

Makarov jumped down from the second floor and touched his beard.

"The cadres of the Gate of Hades... I didn't expect such a powerful enemy to appear and put you in danger. , this is my negligence as the president, I am really sorry...."

"That's not the case!"

Kalfa quickly denied

"Such an emergency situation is unexpected, how can it be the president's fault!"

Just when Makarov was relieved, a familiar voice sounded from the door, and a fireball broke through the door and rushed in.

"Kalfa! Come and duel with me!"

Makarov swung his huge fist and knocked Natsu out

"Let Kalfa have a good rest!"

Then, Kalfa was in Makarov At the strong request of her husband, she accompanied the three children of Mirajane back home early.

"Great! Brother Calfa is finally home!"

Lisanna jumped up and down, very happy

"I can eat the food made by Brother Calfa again! The food made by Sister Mira is not as delicious as that made by Brother Calfa~!"

Mirajane patted Lisanna's head.

"Calfa is so tired, let him have a good rest!"

Calfa smiled, gently put his hand on Mirajane's head, and rubbed it gently

"Okay, it's okay, Lisanna praised me so much "I'm so embarrassed, how can I not show off my skills?"

Miraje covered her head, her face was red and hot, and she couldn't walk

Lisanna stood beside Miraje's legs, covering her mouth and grinning

"There's a relationship~"

Miraje's face suddenly became even redder

"You, don't talk nonsense! Who likes him!"

Elfman glanced at Miraje and said

"Lisanna didn't say you like Calfa..."

Miraje blushed, hit Lisanna and Elfman on the head, looked up, Calfa had gone far away

"Wait, wait a minute!"

Miraje quickly caught up with Calfa and walked beside him

"Hey... Calfa, don't you notice that I'm different from before!"

Calfa was slightly stunned and looked at Miraje carefully

"Uh...Is my hair longer? My face is rounder? Or..."

Calfa spoke hesitantly, Miraje pouted and stared at Calfa with dissatisfaction, interrupting Calfa

"It's not these insignificant things!"

Miraje stretched out her two white and tender hands, A proud face

"Look! I learned how to use magic! My hands are back!"

Carfa smiled in surprise and held Mirajane's hand

"Oh~ Really! I didn't expect you to learn it so quickly~ You are worthy of being Mirajane! I told you that you will be fine!"

Mirajane shyly withdrew her hand and asked Carfa

"It's so obvious, but I couldn't see it after looking at it for a long time..."

Carfa smiled gently and comforted him softly

"That's because in my eyes, Mirajane's hands have always been the same as those of ordinary girls! That's why I didn't notice it~"

Calfa looked at Mirajane, who was blushing, and smiled with his hands covering his mouth.

"Is it my illusion? Mirajane, you are more talkative than before!"

"It's definitely an illusion! Let's go home quickly!"

Mirajane lowered her blushing face and walked quickly in front.

"Let's hurry up too~, be careful not to be locked out by Mirajane~"

Calfa turned his head and said to Lisanna and Elfman who were eating melons, and quickly took the two to catch up with Mirajane and went home.

In the evening, Calfa showed his skills and filled a table with sumptuous dishes.

"Calfa, since I have learned magic, according to the previous agreement, should you take us on the mission?"

Mirajane asked Calfa with expectation on her face.

"Now that you say that... it is true~"

Calfa nodded and replied thoughtfully.

"But before that, I need to think about it again~"

Miraja pouted unhappily after hearing this.

"What are you doing? We've already agreed on this... big liar Calfa!"

Lisanna also pulled Calfa's arm, looking aggrieved

"Brother Calfa, don't lie! We agreed on this before!"

Calfa sighed and explained helplessly

"I know, I know, but I'm afraid you guys are too reluctant, after all, you just learned magic."

Miraja thought about it unwillingly for a while

"Right! Let's just have a fight! As long as we beat you to your heart's content, there won't be any problem!"

Elfman also followed suit

"Yes! Brother Calfa, don't underestimate us!"

Calfa smiled bitterly and sighed

"Have you been led astray by Natsu... There's no other way, let's do it tomorrow morning!"


Miraja and the other two smiled at each other and cheered together

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