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One evening, Kalfa and Mirajane were sitting around a fire, while Lisanna and Elfman had fallen asleep under a tree. "When will I be able to master magic?"

Mi Raj studied magic for a whole day with great enthusiasm, but the progress was still unsatisfactory, which also caused Mirajane to lose a lot of enthusiasm. He lay on the ground exhausted and said, "Of course, magic is not so easy to learn. Don't be discouraged so early."

Kalfa sat beside Mirajane, carefully maintaining his sword, and encouraged the tired Mirajane, "And think about it, the more difficult it is to control the power, the more The stronger it gets, isn't it? "

Miraje was silent for a while, then slowly spoke, "It doesn't matter whether it's strong or not... …Anyway, I don’t plan to use any demonic power, I just want to live like an ordinary person.”

Miraje looked at Kalfa wiping his sword, and asked with some curiosity and confusion, “By the way, Kalfa , you can live like an ordinary person now, why do you still wander around..."

Kalfa stopped wiping the blade and thought for a while, "Because I haven't fully mastered the monster in my body yet. All I did was suppress Him and prevent Him from controlling my body. Maybe I am just a stubborn person, always thinking, "Since you like to control others so much, then I must let you have a taste of being controlled." Things like the feeling of control...

Or maybe it's because I've been wandering around for a long time, and I've gradually understood that in this world , how terrible it would be if there was no power..."

After listening to Kalfa's words, Mirajane sighed slightly and sat up again. "So do you have any plans for the future? You can't just keep wandering like this. ? "

"If I were to... I've actually been looking for a place that can accommodate me for a long time, but where can I put a 'time bomb' like me?"

Karlfa's determined eyes suddenly flashed with A fleeting sadness and loneliness "Yes!"

This moment of sadness happened to be seen by Mirajane, who pursed his lips and said to Calfa very firmly, "It will definitely happen!" ! Karlfa is a gentle and strong person. There must be a place that will accept Karlfa! "

Karlfa was slightly stunned after hearing this. God, looked at Mirajane, Mirajane blinked, suddenly felt a little embarrassed, and whispered, "But before that, you have to teach me magic first!"


Carfa looked at Miraja smiled and said, "Because it's Mira, so... it will definitely work!"

Miraja's fatigue was swept away by Calfa's words, and hope and fighting spirit were rekindled. "Yes! It will definitely work!"

Miraja Raj smiled at Kalfa, hugged his bent knees with both hands, and leaned against the tree trunk. Suddenly, a cry for help came from not far away. The sound was so loud that it woke up Lisanna and Al who were sleeping. Even the Elfman started to quarrel. Kalfa stood up suddenly and clenched the sword in his hand. "Mira, go and take care of Lisanna and Elfman. Something is coming! "

After hearing this, Milajie quickly pulled the two of them to hide behind a nearby tree trunk. The air around them was silent, and only the sound of the burning fire could be heard... and the shouts and roars that were getting closer and closer. "Help! Don't ...Don't eat me!"

A woman with tears on her face rushed out from the dense tall grass in a panic. In an instant, Kalfa rushed up with a sword in his hand, stepped over the woman in two steps, and stared at her. In the bush behind him, Karlfa quickly swung out his sword. With a ding, the blade collided with the claws of a huge gray-white demon wolf, making a crisp sound, "Super A-level..."

Karlfa frowned and turned his head. The body swung out the sword "Qingyue Style, Ghost Dance! "

Three more knife marks instantly appeared on the claws of the demon wolf, but it was obvious that these were only superficial injuries. The demon wolf quickly retreated and jumped onto a tall tree nearby, roaring at Kalfa, who half-crouched. The two sides were in a stalemate for a while. Finally, the magic wolf roared and ran into the depths of the forest. Seeing that the magic wolf's breath had disappeared, Kalfa put down his sword with confidence and turned around. Raj wrapped his arms in his cloak and was comforting the frightened woman with Lisanna and Elfman. "Thank you."

, thank you..."

The woman was still shaking, her face was pale and bloodless

"Are you okay?"

Kalfa walked over slowly, leaned over and asked

"The monster shouldn't live here? What happened?"

The woman was stunned and didn't speak. It seemed that she hadn't recovered from the shock just now. Mirajane shook her head helplessly

"Let her relax for a while... Elfman, check your bag to see if there is any water."

Elfman nodded, took out a bottle of water from his bag and handed it to the woman. After a while, the woman seemed to calm down gradually

"Can you tell us what happened? Why did the monster chase you? "

The woman nodded and said slowly

"I was originally a merchant in a caravan, transporting goods with a few partners to a nearby village to rest for a while... Suddenly, the monster rushed out and tore several people into pieces with one claw

The few of us who were alive at the time were all scared, but there were a few fools who wanted to take some more goods and escape, but they died before they could touch the goods

I am timid and not so greedy, so I ran away without thinking about it... Otherwise, I might not have lived to meet you young heroes!"

"You are almost eaten by wolves, and you are still thinking about money!"

Mirage said

"By the way, what are you transporting? Meat? It can attract such a big wolf..."

"It's not meat."

The woman shook her head and said

"It's a very precious ore, otherwise those guys wouldn't risk their lives just for a piece of meat, right? "

"That's right..."

Carlfa said slowly

"Although the monster just now was ferocious, it didn't like to eat meat, but fed on ore. It should live in the mine cave..."

"By the way, there seems to be an abandoned mine cave not far from here! Did it run out from there?"

The woman said

"Just go south from here, about a thousand meters away."

Carlfa hesitated for a while and nodded

"It should be not far from the village, right? You should go to the village to rest!"

The woman looked at Carlfa in confusion, and then looked at Milajie and the others

"Young men... what are you going to do?"

Carlfa smiled and shook his head


The woman was stunned for a moment, and quickly stood up, thanked the few people again, and left the place quickly

Then, Elfman pulled Carlfa's trouser leg

"Brother Carlfa, we are not going to find that big wolf, are we? "

Miraje knocked Elfman's head and said with a little dissatisfaction

"Hey, why are you so cowardly?"

Lisanna also looked relaxed and grabbed Calfa's wrist

"Yes! With big brother here, wolves and tigers are no problem!"

Elfman looked at Calfa and sighed

"Okay then..."

Calfa smiled and touched Elfman's head

"Don't worry, it's okay."

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