After the S-class exam, Makarov led the exhausted people on the magic cruise ship and returned to Fairy Tail.

At this time, the town and the Fairy Tail Guild were also very lively.

"It's really lively~"

Carfa looked at the people on the road, talking and laughing, and buying all kinds of things.

"It can't be because of the S-class exam, right?"

Eluza smiled.

"No, how can an exam of our guild be so important? It's so lively because the harvest festival is coming soon."

Carfa asked puzzledly.

"Harvest Festival? What is that?"

Makarov explained.

"The harvest festival is a celebration held by people to celebrate the annual grain harvest. Every year, the harvest festival "Our guild is going to organize a magic parade!"

Speaking of this, Makarov glanced in the direction of Laxus

"The so-called magic parade means that the wizards of our guild will sit in a train that parades around the town and perform a grand magic show! At that time, not only our town, but also many other foreign tourists will come to watch, it will be very lively~"

Carfa exclaimed with a look of novelty

"So we have such a grand festival here! Should I go buy some things first?"

Makarov held Carfa

"Why are you in such a hurry? There are still some days! The most urgent thing now is to celebrate your return to the guild!"

"That's right!"

Makao and Wakaba, one on the left and one on the right, He put his arm around Kalfa's shoulders

"We have to have a good drink later, and you must not spoil the fun!"

Makarov pulled Makao and Wakaba apart

"Let's go! Those little brats in the guild can't wait!"


After a while, several people hurried back to the guild. When the people in the guild saw the people who participated in the S-level exam coming back, they quickly surrounded them

"Who won! Who won!"

Makarov squeezed through the crowd, jumped to the second floor, and clapped his hands vigorously

"Okay! Everyone, be quiet!"

Makarov shouted

"Fairy Tail's S-level exam this year is over! As a matter of course, our guild, Fairy's There is another S-class wizard in Fairy Tail!"

Makarov patted the railing on the second floor

"From now on, the third person who can enter the sacred area of ​​the second floor, in addition to Gildarts and me, has appeared!"

Makarov looked at Calfa and smiled slightly

"Don't keep us in suspense! Old man!"

Natsu and Gray shouted impatiently

"Speak now!"

Makarov covered his mouth and laughed

"Then please come~"

After that, Calfa stood up from the chair, and under the gaze of everyone, he strode up the stairs to the second floor

The guild suddenly became quiet, watching Calfa climb the stairs quietly until Calfa stepped into the second floor and stood with Makarov

"Let us congratulate! Calfa passed the S-class exam and became the second S-class wizard of Fairy Tail!"

"Oh oh oh oh! "

The guild was boiling all of a sudden, full of noises of envy and admiration

Makarov patted Kalfa on the shoulder and smiled

"How does it feel to be on the second floor?"

Kalfa was at a high place, looking down at everyone in the guild

"What a great view!"

Makarov laughed happily, took out two bottles of wine from his collection, and handed one to Kalfa

"Come on! Kids! Let's toast to Kalfa's becoming an S-class wizard!"

Makarov and Kalfa raised their glasses, leading everyone in the guild to raise their glasses together


Makarov shouted

"Let's have a party! ”


Everyone cheered and jumped for joy, all happy for Calfa’s promotion. The banquet lasted until the evening, until everyone in the guild had almost made a fuss and the guild was almost dismantled, and then they gradually began to go to various homes.

And Calfa, who was a little drunk, returned home with the help of Mirajane.

“Sister, why did you and brother Calfa come back so late?”

Elfman rubbed his eyes, walked out of the house, and looked at Mirajane and Calfa who had just returned home.

“Lisanna and I are both asleep”

Mirajane waved her hand

"Be good, you and Lisanna go to bed quickly, Calfa is a little drunk, let him take it easy first"

Elfman looked at Calfa with red cheeks, nodded, and went back to the room

Miraje helped Calfa to sit down on the sofa, went to the kitchen to get Calfa a glass of water, and fed him to drink

"Really, I'm so tired..."

Miraje twisted his shoulders and sighed tiredly


Calfa slumped on the sofa with a red face, humming softly all the time

Miraje swallowed his saliva, leaned down, got close to Calfa, and listened to Calfa's humming quietly

"It turns out that Calfa can also have such a cute one "Noodles..."

Miraje smiled and stretched out her sinful little hand, but hesitated and stopped in mid-air. Seeing Calfa's dazed look, she put her hands on Calfa's face and rubbed it.

"It's surprisingly soft..."

Miraje pinched Calfa's face and just as she stood up and prepared to leave, she was pulled back by Calfa and sat on Calfa's lap.

"Don't go..."

Miraje was held tightly in Calfa's arms, and their bodies were tightly pressed together. Calfa put his head on Miraje's neck and said in a coquettish tone.

Miraje's face instantly turned red, feeling the warmth coming from Calfa. The temperature and the hot breath of Calfa

"Let me go~"

Miraje patted Calfa's hand gently, but Calfa didn't let go, but hugged him tighter

"Don't go..."

Miraje felt itchy in her heart when she heard Calfa's coquettish tone, and she was more reluctant to leave


Calfa hummed softly again, and Miraje pulled out an arm and gently touched Calfa's head

After being touched on the head by Miraje, Calfa shrank back and rubbed his head against Miraje's neck, like a clingy puppy

Looking at Calfa who was so defenseless, Miraje gritted his teeth and slowly raised his Calfa's chin

Miraje's face was red as blood, and Calfa didn't even open his eyes, but he still didn't dare to look at Calfa

Miraje mustered up the courage and finally slowly moved his face closer to Calfa. Calfa's hot breath blew on Miraje's face. At this time, Miraje's heartbeat kept accelerating, and he pursed his lips, at a loss

Looking at Calfa's defenseless lips, Miraje gritted his teeth hesitantly, and finally made up his mind. He kissed Calfa's cheek lightly, like a dragonfly touching the water

"Sure enough..."

Miraje breathed a sigh of relief, leaned in Calfa's arms, and shrank back

"But this is also good~"

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