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Makarov captured the boys in the guild again, dismantled the previously assembled "train", and reassembled it according to the instructions. They worked until very late before returning home. "Ah~ I'm so tired!" ..."

Elfman collapsed on the sofa at home. "Brother Karlfa, why did you run away alone!"

Karlfa smiled calmly. "I'm not alone. Shiloi also ran away~"

"So what are you pretending to be? What has it become? "

Miraje asked curiously, "Um... this is hard to say..."

Carfa smiled awkwardly, "It's just that there is something extra... unnecessary part~"

" For example?"

Miraja looked at Calfa's indescribable expression and became more interested. "For example... arms? Head?"

Miraje was speechless for a while, "Are you installing a train or a robot..."

Carfa shrugged, "Who knows... Anyway, what are you guys going to do with the magic parade?" What should we do?"

Carfa asked, "Brother Elfman and I are planning to perform with Levi, Natsu and the others in the guild!"

Lisanna was very active and was the first to speak, "But to be honest... ...We haven't figured out what we can perform yet..."

Elfman smiled, "As for me...I don't know."

Miraje sighed and looked at Kalfa, "Kalfa, are you going? "

Carfa leaned on the sofa, raised his head and thought for a while. I have to go... but I don't know what to perform."

Lisanna suddenly had an idea. "Brother Karlfa, how about you just perform a sword dance up there?"

"Sword dance... wouldn't it be a bit boring?" Calfa thought for a moment, "Just watching a grown man swinging a sword and a knife... it's better to let Erza go, at least there's something to watch~"

Miraja was stunned for a second or two, raised A pillow was pressed on Karlfa's head. "What on earth are you looking at?"

Karlfa begged for mercy. "I was just kidding! I was just kidding!"

"When did Brother Karlfa start joking like this... "

Elfman and Lisanna looked at Calfa and said, "He has become unruly and has been led astray..."

Calfa took a breath and said, "Hey, who are you two whispering about over there!"

Miraje pressed Calfa and pouted, "Don't interrupt!"

Calfa looked at Miraje who was pressing on him, helpless He smiled and said, "Don't be angry, I'm just kidding~"

Miraje turned his head away, and Calfa sighed, "Hey~ How about we both perform together in this magical parade?"

Miraje turned back Looking at Calfa, "What are you going to show?"

Calfa shook his head and smiled slightly, "I don't know yet...you decide~"

Miraje rolled his eyes and thought, Calfa smiled slightly and muttered, " So easy to coax..."

Mirajah grabbed Calfa's arm and said, "Oh, yeah, I have an idea! How about we make our magic into a dance?"

Calfa asked, "Will you and me The magic of choreography? "

Miraje nodded and said, "Yes, in the stage play I watched before, there were two people who danced by fighting each other. I want to try it too!"

Carfa thought about it in his mind and said, "It feels good. ~"

Miraja nodded with a smile, "Right, right~ Then who in our guild knows more about this kind of drama and stage play...?"

Carfa held his chin and thought for a while, "Erza Let's go... Let's go! Let's go ask her~"

Kalfa stood up and walked towards the door. Mirajane was stunned. Lisanna and Elfman lay on the side and looked at Mirajane. Wow~ Shura Field, sister Mira, you should have a sense of crisis~"

"Sister, if you don't leave now... Brother Calfa will leave"

Mirajie gritted her teeth and ran over quickly, "Wait a minute Son of me! "

Carfa was startled. "Why are you shouting so loudly again?"

Miraje slammed the door shut and yelled "It's okay!"

…………………………………………………… ………

Afterwards, Calfa and Mirajane found Erza and told her their idea, "Stage play?"

Erza tilted her head in confusion, "No big deal~ I

I have several books on designing stage play movements at home!"

Carlfa clasped his hands together and smiled

"Then I'll leave it to you~ We'll return it to you after we use it!"

Eluza continued to ask

"But don't you need costumes? Since you are going to perform a stage play, you must change into costumes that match the role, right?"

Carlfa scratched his head

"Actually... is it necessary?"

Eluza said firmly

"Of course! Trust me again this time! It is absolutely very important! I also have costumes and other things at home, you can come and get them anytime you need them!"

Carlfa nodded gratefully

"You helped a lot, thank you so much, Erza!"

Eluza shook her head

"No way, we are all one family in the guild, it's too formal!"

Carlfa smiled, Erza tilted her head and saw Mirajane behind Carlfa, who was as angry as a pufferfish, and asked puzzledly

"Um...Mira, what's wrong with you? "

Miraja shook her head

"It's okay..."

Calfa smiled bitterly and shrugged helplessly

"I don't know, it's been like this since just now... It's getting late, you should go home quickly!"

Erusa nodded

"Okay, I'll send you books tomorrow~"

Miraja was angry and glared at Erza and Calfa who were walking away

Calfa felt a chill coming from behind him and looked back

"Mira... What's wrong with you?"

Seeing Miraja looking at him with dissatisfaction, Calfa couldn't help feeling a little guilty

Miraja turned his head and was silent for a while

"Calfa! You, what do you like about her...?"

Calfa was slightly stunned and quickly retorted

"It's really a misunderstanding! Don't listen to what Lisanna and Elfman say! "

Mirajah looked at Calfa angrily

"But what's the matter with you saying Erza has a good figure at home just now?"

"You are really good at remembering this kind of thing..."

Calfa complained

"I said it all, it was just a joke! Besides, a twelve or thirteen-year-old girl, how good can her figure be..."

Mirajah continued to stare at Calfa

"Me too..."

Calfa swallowed and smiled awkwardly

"No, no, no, our Mira has a good figure, she is the most beautiful girl in Fairy Tail~"

Mirajah was more and more proud of Calfa's praise

"Are you serious...?"

"Really, really!"

Calfa nodded repeatedly and agreed

"It's really easy to coax..."

Mirajah wiped the tip of her nose and proudly puffed out her chest

"Well, then I forgive you first, let's go!"

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