The water dragon was blown away, and the water dragon was blown away.

Qianyu used the Five Types: Heat Realm Thunder to make his water dragon have the characteristics of lightning.

After canceling out the water dragon of the soup ninja leader, water drops with lightning characteristics fell from the air.

The soup ninja leader immediately made a seal to deal with it.

"Wind escape! Big breakthrough!"

The soup ninja leader spit out a whirlwind from his mouth, and after generating a storm, he blew away the water drops that were about to fall on his body.

However, even though the soup ninja leader's reaction speed was already very fast, some water drops were still inevitably touched on his body.

These water drops made the soup ninja leader's body numb, and the places that directly touched the skin were burned.

But fortunately, the water drops were dispersed in time, and there were not many water drops on his body, which did not affect him.

While the leader of the soup ninja was dealing with the water droplets, Qianyu had already taken action again.

"Fire Style: Great Dragon Fire Technique!"

Qianyu spewed out a huge fire dragon from his mouth and attacked the leader of the soup ninja.

The leader of the soup ninja also quickly counterattacked.

"Water Style: Great Waterfall Technique!"

The leader of the soup ninja gathered chakra behind his throat and spewed a huge water ball from his mouth to the front.

The fire dragon and the water ball came into contact, evaporating a large amount of water vapor, making the surroundings shrouded in fog.

Qianyu made a seal again and separated a shadow clone.

Qianyu and the shadow clone sheathed the ninja sword at the same time, slightly arched their bodies, and stared at the direction of the soup ninja leader.

"Thunder Breathing: One Form: Thunderbolt Flash! Double Flash!"

Qianyu and the shadow clone burst out in one breath, like thunder tearing through the air, breaking through the thick fog produced by water vapor at high speed, approaching the leader of the soup ninja, and slashing with swords at an extremely fast speed.

The hairs of the soup ninja leader stood up, and he had been on guard against Qianyu's extremely fast thunderbolt flash.

When he personally felt Qianyu's move, he was still shocked.

"Wind escape! Vacuum Jade!"

Wind escape Vacuum Jade only needs three seals, but when the soup ninja leader finished the seal, Qianyu and the shadow clone had already drawn the ninja sword and slashed at his neck.

The soup ninja leader took a deep breath, sprayed several wind balls, and hit one of Qianyu.

But unfortunately, the soup ninja leader hit Qianyu's shadow clone.

Qianyu's shadow clone turned into smoke and disappeared.

The soup ninja leader also felt that his neck had not been cut yet, but it was already slightly stinging.

The soup ninja leader's head immediately tilted to the position where Qianyu's shadow clone disappeared, and then immediately retreated.

Qianyu frowned slightly, looking at the distant leader of the soup ninja and muttered: "Tsk, the reaction is really fast."

The leader of the soup ninja covered his neck and looked at Qianyu solemnly.

A trace of blood flowed out from the fingers of the leader of the soup ninja.

Qianyu's sword slash still hurt him.

But fortunately, Qianyu's sword slash only scratched the skin on his neck and did not hurt the artery.

The leader of the soup ninja looked at Qianyu with difficulty.

Qianyu guessed that he would use water ninjutsu to deal with his fire ninjutsu, using the water vapor generated by each other to cover his vision, and then approached him at high speed and slashed him with a sword.

And in order to ensure that he could kill him, he also split a shadow clone to act at the same time.

If he hadn't made the most correct response in a short time, he might not die but be seriously injured. Even so, he was slightly injured.

The leader of the soup ninja was amazed at Qianyu's combat IQ in his heart.

Qianyu took out a handful of soldiers' ration pills from the ninja bag and swallowed them.

Qianyu's chakra was already running low, and with the shadow clone just now, his few chakras were almost exhausted.

Unexpectedly, the leader of the soup ninja still dodged such an attack.

Qianyu had taken the Bingliang Pill before, and the effect of taking the Bingliang Pill again in a short period of time was not great.

Only a little chakra was restored.

Qianyu did not think about using the witness point to directly restore the full chakra.

But after thinking about it, Qianyu decided to give up.

The system provides him with a way to become stronger, and Qianyu does not want to rely too much on the system.

Only being strong is truly strong.

It is far from the time of despair.

Qianyu looked at the leader of the soup ninja with a firm look.

An elite jonin, and the leader of a ninja village, is fully qualified to be a stepping stone for him to become stronger!

The leader of the soup ninja also felt Qianyu's fighting spirit and put down his hand covering his neck.

The experience of the leader of the soup ninja told him that Qianyu's next attack would be his strongest attack and the last one.

The leader of the soup ninja had never

He had underestimated Chiyu, but now he became more cautious and alert to Chiyu's actions.

The battle here has attracted the attention of many ninjas.

This includes Minato Namikaze.

Watching Chiyu's battle, Minato Namikaze became more and more frightened, and the more he watched, the greater the gap between him and Chiyu.

Obviously, he accepted the teachings of Jiraiya, one of the three ninjas, earlier than Chiyu, and came to the battlefield to train earlier.

Why is Chiyu's progress so much greater than his?

Is he... really a genius?

This time, the leader of the soup ninja took the lead.

"Wind Style: Vacuum Jade!"

The leader of the soup ninja fired the chakra accumulated in his mouth at Chiyu like a bullet.

Chiyu jumped left and right to avoid and adjusted his breathing.

During the adjustment process, Chiyu was scratched several times by the fast and dense wind balls.

But Chiyu ignored it, and adjusted his breathing with all his heart and soul, and had entered a state of full concentration.

This was the first time Chiyu used this move in battle.

Although he had learned it, Qianyu had tried it several times during training, and the probability of failure was very high.

But this time, Qianyu felt that he could do it.

Qianyu closed his eyes in a state of concentration, and his body's senses seemed to become more sensitive.

Qianyu was scratched by the wind balls just now, but now these wind balls can no longer touch his body.

Qianyu put the ninja sword back into the sheath and opened his eyes suddenly.

In an instant, Qianyu's body was surging with lightning, and the double magatama in both eyes of the Sharingan was spinning rapidly.

Qianyu slightly arched his body.

The eyes of the soup ninja leader condensed. Is it the move of "Thunderbolt Flash" again?

However, although Qianyu's starting style is the same as "Thunderbolt Flash", the feeling given to the soup ninja leader is very different.

The soup ninja leader has already formed a seal in advance and started to move his feet to prepare for evasion.

"Thunder Breathing·Seventh Form·Fire Thunder God!"

Qianyu rushed forward at a speed that could not be detected by the naked eye. During the process, the lightning on Qianyu's body turned into a thunder dragon, and the trajectory was like a thunder dragon flying, and its direction could not be grasped at all.

The pupils of the leader of the soup ninja shrank suddenly.

The speed was faster than "Thunder Flash", which could not be captured by the eyes, and just by looking at the deep marks left on the ground along the trajectory, one could feel how powerful this move was.

The body could not react in time and there was no time to dodge.

But the seal had been formed in advance, and he had to be stopped!

"Wind escape! Vacuum Big Ball!"

The leader of the soup ninja sprayed several high-pressure wind balls at Qianyu, trying to stop Qianyu's steps.

Fire Thunder God did not have the weakness of only being able to rush in a straight line like Thunder Flash.

Although it felt like Qianyu was moving in a straight line, the high-pressure wind balls bombarding the ground in the distance meant that Qianyu had dodged them all.

The leader of the soup ninjas thought rapidly, made a decision, and finally spit out a high-pressure wind ball.

At the moment of spitting out the high-pressure wind ball, Qianyu also slashed with a knife.

A loud explosion sounded, and the dust covered Qianyu and the leader of the soup ninjas, making it difficult for others to see the situation.

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