Although the two sides have been busy, the two sides have not been busy.

Qianyu and Uchiha Kyosuke have found the target of the mission. The team of cloud ninjas are temporarily stationed by a river and seem to be resting.

Qianyu said to Uchiha Kyosuke and the other four: "When you are ready, you can act."

Uchiha Keiichi said with a bitter face: "Captain, Jinno's wrist and leg are still injured. It's really impossible for the four of us to attack that team of ninjas."

Qianyu said calmly: "First of all, this is an order. Secondly, if you want to blame someone, blame Uchiha Kazuo. If he didn't provoke me, I wouldn't bother to bother with you.

But unfortunately, he provoked me. I am very angry now, so you know."

Uchiha Kyosuke and the other four were all black.

Do they understand?

They don't want to understand!

It was Uchiha Kazuo who made you angry. There is a reason for every grievance. Is it really okay to vent your anger on them so nakedly?

Qianyu has already used the instant body technique to disappear.

Uchiha Kyosuke and the other four sighed together.

What else can we do? We can only bite the bullet and do it.

Uchiha Kyosuke and his four companions began to quietly move towards the resting Cloud Ninja team.

Qianyu stood on the trunk of a tree, looking down at Uchiha Kyosuke and his four companions who had already sneaked over not far away.

Although he was indeed taking his anger out on them, Qianyu could not let them die here.

Moreover, he not only had to keep Uchiha Kyosuke and his four companions alive, but also tried to prevent them from being seriously injured in the battle.

Because giving them a hard time and taking revenge are two different things.

So he could only scare Uchiha Kyosuke and his four companions and not let them get into trouble.

Otherwise, not only would he be in trouble, but Orochimaru would be in trouble too.


Uchiha Kyosuke and his four companions successfully approached the Cloud Ninja team through the river.

And the Cloud Ninja team did not feel anything unusual and was still resting.

The four Uchiha Kyosuke lurking in the water looked at each other and began to act.

Uchiha Kyosuke suddenly jumped out of the water and shot several kunai and shurikens at the Kumo Ninja.

Uchiha Keiichi and Uchiha Ryuhei formed seals with their hands: "Fire Style: Great Fireball Technique!"

Two fireballs exploded in the Kumo Ninja.

The success of the sneak attack was quite good.

The two Genin among the Kumo Ninjas were unable to dodge and were stabbed by several kunai and shurikens. At the same time, the two fireballs exploded, directly killing the two.

Another Chuunin was injured.

This sneak attack directly reduced two people.

The Kumo Ninjas also quickly adjusted and attacked Uchiha Kyosuke and the other two.

Uchiha Kyosuke pulled with his bare hands, and several transparent silk threads were tightened, with detonating talismans hanging on the silk threads.

The kunai and shurikens thrown by Uchiha Kyosuke just now were all wrapped with silk threads.

Seeing the detonating talisman burning on the silk thread, the Cloud Ninjas were startled and retreated quickly.

The detonating talisman exploded, and smoke and dust rose up.

Another Genin among the Cloud Ninjas died in the explosion of the detonating talisman.

At this time, Uchiha Jinno, who had been hiding, appeared in front of a Cloud Ninja Chunin, and the Sharingan magatama in both eyes rotated quickly.

"Magic·Jaghang Jutsu!"

This is a kind of illusion performed through the unique visual illusion of the Sharingan.

The enemy captured by the spiritual world constructed by the caster will feel that his body is nailed by a huge iron nail and cannot move freely.

This Chunin Cloud Ninja was captured by the illusion and could not move on the spot.

Uchiha Jinno took out a kunai with his backhand and stabbed it into the heart of the Chunin Cloud Ninja.

After the smoke dissipated, the Cloud Ninjas stood on one side, and Uchiha Kyosuke and the other four stood on the other side.

In this sneak attack, it can be said that the effect was remarkable.

The opponent lost three Genin and one Chunin, and now there are only seven people left.

Uchiha Kyosuke and his four companions were not injured.

But the sneak attack was over. Now in a head-on confrontation, Uchiha Kyosuke and his four companions did not have any advantage and were still at a disadvantage.

After all, the opponent still had four Chunins, two Genin, and one Special Jonin.

The Special Jonin saw the eyes of Uchiha Kyosuke and his four companions and was extremely surprised: "Four Uchiha?! Go together! Kill them! Be careful not to look into their eyes!"

The seven Cloud Ninjas rushed towards Uchiha Kyosuke and his four companions at once.

Uchiha Kyosuke and his four companions dispersed in tacit understanding.

Now gathering together would be a big disadvantage. After separating, forcing the opponent to disperse would relieve a lot of pressure.

Uchiha Keiichi and Uchiha Jinno acted together.

Although all four were Chunin, Uchiha Keiichi was the weakest and Uchiha Jinno was injured, so the two acted together.

The two attracted several Kumo Ninjas.

Uchiha Ryuhei also attracted several Kumo Ninjas to chase him.

The three fought and retreated.

The strongest Uchiha Kyosuke encountered the Kumo Ninja's Special Jonin alone.

"Kumoryu Shōryū!"

The Special Jonin held a short blade and rushed forward quickly, and used his elbow to hit Uchiha Kyosuke's head.

Uchiha Kyosuke blocked with his hands crossed.

But the Special Jonin quickly changed his moves, holding the short blade in his hand backwards, and stabbed Uchiha Kyosuke's chest.

Uchiha Kyosuke kicked forward, but was blocked by the Special Jonin's left arm, but he also successfully kicked the Special Jonin back a step.

But Uchiha Kyosuke's chest was also pierced by the tip of the short blade. If he hadn't kicked the special jonin away in time, his chest might have been pierced.

"Fire Style: Dragon Fire Technique!"

Uchiha Kyosuke quickly released the ninjutsu, releasing a straight line of high-speed flames, shooting at the special jonin.

The special jonin used the substitute technique to avoid Uchiha Kyosuke's flames.

Uchiha Kyosuke's Sharingan captured the figure of the special jonin, and instantly bent down to avoid the slash of the special jonin behind him, and tried to keep a distance.

"Cloud Flow: Flying Blade!"

The special jonin jumped back and swung the ninja sword, forming a lightning blade to attack Uchiha Kyosuke.

Uchiha Kyosuke used a kunai to resist the lightning blade, but the characteristics of lightning paralyzed Uchiha Kyosuke's arm instantly.

At the moment when Uchiha Kyosuke showed signs of weakness, the special jonin kept on attacking him at a very fast pace, making him breathless.

At the same time, the situation of Uchiha Ryuhei, Keiichi and Jinno was not optimistic, and they all fell into a state of weakness.

In addition to the sneak attack that reduced the number of members of this team of cloud ninjas, so far, among the remaining seven cloud ninjas, only the remaining two genin and three mid-level ninjas suffered some injuries that would not affect their actions, and the other two were not injured.

On the contrary, Uchiha Kyosuke and his four companions were more or less injured.

Under the pressure of the cloud ninjas, the four were forced to gather together.

"What should we do? The gap in numbers and strength is too big!"

"Did he really abandon us?"

"Why is this... He is really going too far!"

"Is this the end?"

Until now, Chiyu has not appeared. Looking at the cloud ninjas approaching them, Uchiha Kyosuke and his four companions are somewhat desperate.

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