Ishgar Continent.

Fiore Kingdom.

Hualuo Village is a remote village located in the southeast of the kingdom. In the Fiore Kingdom with a huge population of 17 million, a small village like Hualuo Village with just over a hundred people seems inconspicuous. Even more than 90% of people don’t know that such a village exists.

However, such an inconspicuous village is facing a disaster that will destroy the village.


A strong tornado blew in Hualuo Village. Under the ravages of the tornado, the houses in the village, which were almost all made of wooden materials, were as brittle as paper and were torn into pieces by the tornado. At the same time, the lives of the villagers of Hualuo Village were harvested one by one.

In the sky above Hualuo Village, a naked man with blue stripes on his body and only a black cloak on his upper body laughed wildly at this scene. A strong wind magic was surging around him. It was this wind magic that allowed him to stand in the sky as if he were walking on flat ground.


At the front of Hualuo Village, which was completely destroyed by the tornado, a sturdy middle-aged man looked at everything with red eyes and shouted angrily. There was bright red blood flowing all over his body, but he seemed to be unaware of the pain in his body, because at this moment, his heart was more painful than his body.

In his right hand, the sturdy man was holding a silver-white samurai sword. This samurai sword was longer than ordinary samurai swords, and at this moment, the silver-white blade was stained with a lot of bright red blood.

"Why?" Eligore heard the sturdy man's angry roar, but he showed disdain and said with a teasing smile,"There are not so many whys in this world. Do you need a reason to kill some ants?"

"Just because I'm bored, I'm looking for some fun."

"If I want to blame someone, I should blame your village, which happened to be on my way back home and became my tool to relieve my boredom!"

Just because of boredom!?

The sturdy man gritted his teeth, his face became ugly, boredom, just because of such a crappy reason, his most cherished village was destroyed, how could he accept this

"You will be punished. The wizards of the regular guild will not let you go, and the Council will also execute you, the trash of the dark guild......"The sturdy man gritted his teeth and said

"Ha ha ha ha....."

Eligore laughed as if he had heard a big joke. He sneered,"As for those old antiques in the Council, you actually count on them. What else can they do except come out to clean up the mess after the matter is over? As for those flies in the regular guild, even if they don't come, I will do it to them."

When mentioning the regular guild, Eligore's eyes flashed with strong disgust and murderous intent. Not only him, but most of the members of the dark guild hated the regular guild very much, otherwise they would not fall into darkness.

Behind the sturdy man, there stood a 15 or 16-year-old boy.

The boy's eyebrows were like swords and his eyes were like stars.

Although there was a lot of dust on his cheeks, it could still be seen that he was an extremely handsome boy.

The boy's name was Charlotte, and he was the son of the sturdy man.

He grew up with his father in Hualuo Village since he was a child.

The people of Hualuo Village were simple and honest, and every household treated him very well, so he had been living a carefree life since he was a child.

And this kind of life, until today, was completely shattered by the tornado that seemed like the end of the world.

The villagers who treated him like a family member, the friends who played happily together in the past, fell one by one under this ruthless tornado. The innocent smiling faces turned into faces of fear before death. All this happened just because of the man standing in the void, just because of his boredom, because he happened to pass by!

Because of boredom?....

Because I just happened to be passing by?....

"No....."Charlotte shook his head and cried in his heart,"It's not because of these, but because I'm too weak!"

At this moment, Charlotte clearly understood that the real cause of the disaster in Hualuo Village was not the above reasons, but because it was too weak. Weakness was the original sin! At this moment, Charlotte regretted why he didn't pay attention when his father taught him magic when he was a child. When he was a child, his father told him that magic comes from the heart. If you use your heart to feel the world, you can awaken the real magic and become a great magician.

But at that time, he didn't care. He was carefree in the village and had no concept of learning magic. He didn't think about what would change if he became a magician. He just knew that he was happy in the village.

Charlotte clenched his fists tightly. From childhood to adulthood, he had never longed for power as much as he did at this moment.

But soon, his fists loosened, and he laughed at himself, and the whole person became decadent. What's the use of him longing for power now? It was too late. Now, he and his father were the only two people alive in Hualuo Village. Soon, they would both die. What kind of power could they talk about? Unless time could go back......

However, what even Charlotte himself did not realize was that when he was craving for strength from the bottom of his heart, a tiny blue light flashed in the depths of his eyes..............

"Xiao Luo....."

At this moment, the burly man suddenly turned around and looked at Charlotte. His eyes softened, and he said with a trace of self-blame on his bloodstained face,"It's Dad's fault that he can't protect the village and you. I wanted to wait until you were an adult to take you to those big cities to see the world and let you see the powerful wizards of those big guilds. But now it seems that we father and son don't have that opportunity.....sorry....Xiao Luo....."

The sturdy man's eyes were red and tearful. Charlotte was stunned. He had never thought that his father, who was always so majestic, would show such tenderness to him. Moreover, his father, who had shaped him into a tall and majestic image since he was a child, actually shed tears at this moment.

Was it because he blamed himself for not protecting the village and him?....

As the only magician in Hualuo Village, the sturdy man has tried his best to protect the village in this disaster. However, he is just an ordinary magic swordsman, while the other party is a magician with a great reputation in the dark guild. What can he do with such a huge gap in strength? Even now, even if he is exhausted, he can only wait for death............

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