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"The Phantom Guild has disappeared......"

Cana, who was known as a drunkard, held a card in her hand, looking at the Spectre members exposed in front of her within her field of vision, muttering to herself, her eyes full of disbelief. Not only her, but also the people around her from Fairy Tail had the same expression.

The Super Magic Titan that had shocked their eyes a minute ago, just now began to collapse in front of their eyes, and finally disappeared completely, as if it had never appeared at all.

This scene was too weird in their eyes.

Compared to them, Erza was undoubtedly much calmer. She just glanced at the exposed Spectre members, and then asked Mira calmly,"Do you know what Charlotte's magic is!?"

Although she also saw some clues, she could not be completely sure.

"It's time!" Mira nodded and said softly.

Time is different from ice, wind, water, fire and other elemental abilities that can be understood at a glance. It is invisible and intangible. Even if Charlotte uses the time ability, ordinary people can hardly see what ability he is using.

Only those magicians who have made high achievements in magic and have had some contact with Charlotte's magic can guess it from certain characteristics.

Of course, there is a special case, that is, people who also master time magic can determine Charlotte's magic type at a glance, such as-Urutia.

Mira, as the first person to contact Charlotte among the group, also masters good magic, so he can be sure that what Charlotte masters is the legendary time magic.

"Is it really time?"

After getting the answer from Mira, Erza's eyes flashed with understanding. Obviously, she had guessed this from her original guess about Charlotte's magic. After all, her achievements in magic were not inferior to Mira's at all, but she had been in contact with Charlotte for a shorter time, so she was not as sure as Mira.

"Accelerate the flow of time, causing the Phantom Guild to age, decay and disappear in the passage of time."Erusa thought secretly,"Our guild did the same thing before, turning back time, so the originally destroyed guild was restored to its original state. Is this the power of time?"

After understanding Charlotte's ability, Erza naturally understood how Charlotte restored their guild before.

However, except for her and Mira, the others present were still confused about Charlotte's magic........

On the other side.

After the guild disappeared, Joseph fell to the ground.

At this moment, he seemed to be covered by a layer of dark clouds, and his heart seemed to be suppressed by a volcano. Lightning and thunderstorms could fall at any time above the dark clouds, and the suppressed volcano could erupt at any time!

In Joseph's body, a nauseating evil magic power slowly dissipated, and when he looked at Charlotte, his eyes were full of murderous intent without any concealment.

"You're not going to protect Fairy Tail’..Now let's see how you can protect them alone!"

Joseph's voice became hoarse, and his face was even more gloomy.

It was because of Charlotte that this invasion, which was originally safe, had not yet gained anything, but he had already lost the guild castle he had built with a lot of money. It was ridiculous that a guild had lost its base camp. There was madness in his eyes. If he could destroy Fairy Tail and become the real first guild in the kingdom, then any price would be worth it!

"Go ahead, destroy them at all costs!"Joseph roared.

Nearly half of the Phantom members behind him were still in shock of the disappearance of the guild. After Joseph's roar, they came to their senses and rushed towards Fairy Tail under the leadership of several cadres.

Swish, swish, swish, swish!!!

At the same time, the evil magic power of the Phantom burst out, and countless ghost lights flew out of his body and fell to the ground to form"ghost soldiers" emitting evil breath.

In a moment, the ground was filled with countless ghost soldiers.

"Charlotte, let me see how you can resist my"ghost soldiers" by yourself. I want to make all the people of Fairy Tail die in the hands of my army one by one.

Joseph said with a face full of resentment.

"Playing a group battle! ?"

Seeing this, Charlotte smiled coldly.

His mind moved slightly, and soon, he saw the blue light in his left eye constantly changing and spreading, forming a pattern in his eye.

It was a pattern like a clock.

The azure pointer in his eye suddenly turned, and Charlotte muttered in his heart:

"The City of Eating Time!"

As the hands turned, the power symbolizing time radiated in all directions, escaping into the void and changing the rules of the universe..........

"Yoshi, it's my turn to go on stage!"

On the Fairy Tail side, seeing the members of the Phantom and countless Phantom Soldiers rushing over, Natsu was not afraid at all. Instead, he wiped his nose with excitement and laughed.

"But didn't Charlotte tell us not to take action? Gray beside him said so, and a cold magic power surged out of his body.

"How can Charlotte handle so many people alone?" Natsu said as a matter of course, and at the same time, his eyes were fixed on a person,"Leave that iron dragon to me! Let me teach him what dragon-killing magic is!"

Not only Natsu and Gray, but also many people, after seeing so many ghost soldiers appear, did not think that Charlotte could handle it alone. It was not that they did not believe in Charlotte's strength. Charlotte's several attacks just now had proved his great strength. Now it was just because the enemy was outnumbered.

"Look at this....."

When the members of Fairy Tail were ready to make a move, Lisanna suddenly pointed forward and shouted.

Everyone looked over.

Then they saw that Charlotte was emitting a faint blue light, and above the sky, a barrier that was the same color as the blue sky appeared. Both the members of the Phantom and the countless Phantom Soldiers were shrouded in this barrier.

In their sight, this barrier that appeared out of thin air looked like an illusory city at first glance, but only a few people could feel that in that illusory city, there was a mysterious wave operating.

But they didn't know that it was the wave of rules, or in other words, the wave of mystery!.......


This City of Time is somewhat similar to Kurumi's, but also somewhat different. Everything is based on this book......

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