"Everyone, although I can't help much in the battle, I will definitely assist you with my heart."

Feeling the change in everyone's attitude towards her, Wendy's uneasy mood gradually relaxed, and at the same time she was even more grateful to Charlotte. Although she was young, it didn't mean she didn't know anything. She knew very well that the reason why everyone's attitude towards her changed so quickly was largely due to Charlotte's words.

"Feel sorry....We were just a little surprised just now, nothing else." Erza came to Wendy, looked at her with a smile and said,"Please take care of me, Wendy."

"Wow, it's Miss Erza herself, so gentle." Wendy showed the admiration of a fan seeing her idol. It was obvious that she was also a fan of the Queen who had heard a lot about Erza.

"Don't worry, Miss Wendy, we will definitely protect you in the battle."

"She is so cute now, she will definitely be a beauty in the future."

The Blue Pegasus trio, who had been defeated in the previous battle with Natsu and others, regained their original gentlemanly demeanor and greeted Wendy enthusiastically.

However, the most enthusiastic one was Natsu, who was also a dragon slayer.

""Wendy, did the dragon teach you magic? Can you show me its power?" Natsu pushed the three Pegasus savagely away and asked excitedly.

"Grandine suddenly disappeared seven years ago. Wendy said sadly. Grandine was the dragon who taught her the magic of killing dragons.

"Did it disappear too?"

"Brother Natsu, the dragon who taught you magic is also missing?"


Natsu's answer made Wendy feel disappointed. The reason why she joined such a dangerous coalition this time was to hope to get some clues about Grandine from Natsu....

Although Natsu was also disappointed, he was much better than Wendy, because when he asked this question, he had actually thought of this answer in his heart, but he still had a little fantasy.

Fire Dragon Igner, Iron Dragon Medalikana and Sky Dragon Grandine.

He now knew that three dragons disappeared, and they all disappeared on the same day.

This is definitely not a coincidence, but Natsu didn't know the reason.

Not only Natsu, but also the other non-dragon slayers present were curious about this.

In this era, dragons have always been the synonyms of power and mystery. From the conversation between Natsu and Wendy just now, they all knew that the dragons that raised and taught them dragon slayer magic disappeared on one day seven years ago, and it seemed that they disappeared on the same day. Such a mystery made them curious. It was just that they were limited by their strength, and they knew too little about this world.

If one day one of them could reach the top of this world, they might be able to solve this mystery and truly understand the secrets of this world.

Of course, there are also people who don’t care about these things, such as....


When Natsu found Wendy, the little cat, Happy, quietly moved to Charlotte's feet and pulled her trouser legs.

"What's wrong?" Charlotte looked down at Habby.

"Go give her my fish, please."

Harpy's blue cat showed a rare shy expression on his face, and took out a beloved dried fish from his small bag with great care. This was something he had been reluctant to eat on the road, but now he resolutely took it out in order to"pick up girls".

Charlotte was immediately amused, and he was also wondering why Harpy was so shy. It turned out that he had taken a fancy to Xia Lulu and wanted him to act as a matchmaker.


Although the time that Charlotte and Xia Lulu had been in contact was very short, he could see clearly that this little white cat was a complete tsundere girl, and she seemed to have some secrets in her heart.

She was far from being comparable to Habby, a greedy cat who only knew how to complain all day.

It would be as difficult for Habby to catch up with Xia Lulu as it would be for a poor loser to catch up with a beautiful, rich woman.

Of course, compared with Habby, Habby had a big advantage, that is, so far, there were only two cats who could talk and fly, so Habby had no competitors at all.

""Harpy, you are a boy, boys should take the initiative to chase girls, you know that." Charlotte began to impart her experience shamelessly. Harpy held the dried fish in his two cat paws, with confusion written all over his face, and muttered:"But Charlotte, you are a boy, and Lucy is a girl, why did Lucy come to you without you doing anything?"

I don't know where he saw it from, he even knew about the concept of" coming after someone".

"Ahem." Charlotte looked embarrassed, thinking that the harpy really had a keen eye.

On the side, Lucy, who was originally laughing at the harpy for falling in love with the little white cat, suddenly froze. The truth was revealed. She was so ashamed and angry that she grabbed the harpy and ravaged its cat face:"What nonsense are you talking about, you dead cat!!"

"I'm just telling the truth!" wailed the harpy......

After a while of noise, everyone gradually quieted down.

"Now that everyone is here, I will tell you about the battle plan."Yiye said.

The reason why Yiye was the one to tell you about the battle techniques was not because they were the host, but because Xiang, one of the three members of the Blue Pegasus, had mastered the special magic of"Ancient Documents". The information they had was far more than that of other guilds.

However, just when everyone was ready to listen carefully, Yiye suddenly covered his stomach in a very obscene manner.

"Sorry everyone, I'm going to go smell the toilet first"


Everyone was speechless.

Come on, just go to the toilet, is it necessary to say it so"fresh and refined"!

Even the Blue Pegasus trio, who were already familiar with their boss's behavior, felt embarrassed when faced with everyone's strange looks.

Fortunately, this situation did not last long, and Yi Ye returned.

Not caring about the strange looks of the crowd, Yi Ye continued his previous story

"Going north from here, there is a large forest. The ancients sealed a powerful magic in the forest. This magic is called——"



Please order the whole thing!!! Please order your own item!!!

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