Leon stared at Charlotte's dazzling afterimage with his eyes wide open, his throat rolled, he swallowed his saliva and said,"Good...So strong!"

When Charlotte attacked Lisa, he wanted to tell Charlotte several times about the weakness of Lisa that he had deduced before, but before he could say it, he found that Charlotte had already learned it himself, and directly burst out in Lisa's physical field, far exceeding the latter's speed.

Before Charlotte arrived, according to his original idea, he was going to hold Lisa back, and then let Gray take the opportunity to run to a place outside Lisa's physical field, and then give him a fatal blow from a distance.

Although this plan is a bit difficult to implement, once it succeeds, there is definitely hope of defeating Lisa.

For those who can Leon felt that he was pretty good, as he was able to find the flaws of the Six Demon Lightning in such a short time and formulate a strategy against him. But at this moment, Leon realized that he was wrong. Relying on strategies to win is the behavior of the weak. Because you are weaker than the opponent, you can only choose to use tricks.

And the real strong will always crush the opponent directly in the front, and even stronger ones are like Charlotte at this moment.

Not only must you crush your opponent, but you must also crush him in the aspect that his opponent is best at.

All along, Leon has remained absolutely calm in battle. This is also the habit of most ice wizards, but at this moment, Leon felt that the blood in his body was boiling. Looking at the countless afterimages of Charlotte in front of him, his eyes were full of fire!

One day, I will become such a strong man!!

From childhood to adulthood, Master Uru has always been Leon's goal. Even after Uru's death, he did not give up this goal. Otherwise, he would not have spent three years accumulating the Moon Drop to melt the eternal ice that Uru had turned into. The purpose was to release the demon Deliora who killed Uru, and then defeat it to prove that he has surpassed Surpassing Uru has been his only obsession for a long time.

Even though he had let go of the incident on Karna Island, this obsession was buried deep in his heart and never disappeared.

Just now, the target in his heart quietly changed. Maybe he didn't know how strong his new target was. It might be an existence that he could never reach in his life, but maybe he already understood this, just to have someone to pursue. As long as the other party was stronger than him, he would be able to keep the motivation to become stronger.....

"Damn it, how can it be so fast!"

Lissa's face was livid. His speed, which he was most proud of, was suppressed by someone. One can imagine how he felt at the moment.

But Charlotte didn't care about his mood.


A heavy punch hit Lisa. Lisa didn't even see where Charlotte came from and how he attacked, and was knocked out by a punch.


Before Lisa landed on the ground, countless afterimages appeared behind him and knocked him away again. Bang

, bang, bang, bang!!

In the following time, you can see that Lisa's body was like a ball, being toyed with by Charlotte. The key point is that this scene fell into the eyes of Leon Gray and others who were watching the battle. They could only see countless afterimages of Charlotte beating Lisa, but they could not see where Charlotte's real body was.


Suddenly, countless afterimages converged into one place, revealing Charlotte's true form. He stared at Lisa, who had been beaten badly, and said indifferently.

Lisa didn't say anything, but his resentful eyes were enough to tell everything.

"There are even more desperate ones!"

Under Lisa's resentful gaze, Charlotte's figure disappeared directly on the spot, and then appeared beside the former as if teleporting, kicking him up.

Flash time!!

Flash time under ten times time acceleration, no further explanation is needed

"This is too scary...."

Even Gray, who was in the same guild as Charlotte, didn't know how to describe his feelings.

If Charlotte had only shown a speed far beyond that of an ordinary person before, they could only see Charlotte's afterimage at high speed, but at least they knew Charlotte was there. But now, facing Charlotte when he used flash, they couldn't tell how Charlotte moved at all. Could it really be space magic teleportation! ?


Without any warning, Charlotte appeared in front of Gray and the others.

""Keep searching for Nirvana!" Charlotte stepped forward and took Wendy's hand, then said to Leon and the others. The little white cat Xia Lulu flapped her wings and naturally landed on Charlotte's shoulder.

As for Lisa, she was now breathing more than she was breathing, and could only barely survive.


Gray and the other two answered loudly.

Charlotte glanced at Leon, with a slight smile on his face. He could clearly feel that compared to before, the latter's eyes looking at him now were obviously more admiring and respectful. As for the reason, he knew it without thinking.

At the same time, deep in the sea of trees,

Brian felt that after Angel, another stripe on his face disappeared, and his face could not help but sink.

"Did the lightning fall too?"

Brian took a deep breath, but when he looked at the towering trees in front of him, a smile suddenly appeared on his gloomy face.

The towering tree in front of him was much larger than the other trees in the sea of trees, and there were many chains formed by magic power on the surface of the tree to bind it. Magic runes kept appearing on the chains, revealing the ancient origin of this magic.


Brian walked towards the towering tree sealed by ancient magic step by step. With every step, the enthusiasm in his eyes became stronger.....

After learning that Charlotte had defeated the Lightning of the Six Demons, Xiang was overjoyed and gave the former a round of unfeigned flattery.

"Charlotte Senior..."

After a while, Xiang suddenly shouted, and compared with the previous time, Xiang's voice this time was a little hesitant.

"What's wrong?" Charlotte asked in confusion.

"Senior Charlotte, I have a very important message for you, about Nirvana."As if he had made a decision, Xiang's answer was particularly firm. Before

Charlotte could reply, he felt a piece of information pop up in his head.

"This is...."

Looking at the content of the message, Charlotte was slightly surprised.

This message turned out to be the complete content of Nirvana.

【The transition between light and dark——‘Nirvana’】.....


Please order the whole thing!!! Please order your own item!!!

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