As Charlotte activated his new power, 'Past Mode x2', his combat power instantly doubled, which meant that he succeeded in creating magic this time.

From the various strange phenomena that appeared between heaven and earth when Charlotte created this magic, and the powerful ability displayed by this magic, it can definitely be defined as a super magic.

However, this super magic is completely Charlotte's super magic, because in the whole world, except for him, no one else can awaken the 'Eye of Time' and control the power of time. Without this ability, even if you know the principle of this magic from Charlotte and have enough mental strength, it is impossible to perform it.

Moreover, judging from the ability displayed by this super magic, it definitely has infinite potential. As long as Charlotte's mental will as the original body is stronger, the value that this super magic can bring to him will also be greater.

In fact, this magic still has more amazing development space, but Charlotte is temporarily unable to perform it............

The strange phenomenon in the surrounding heaven and earth disappeared, but the shock in the hearts of the two sisters Mira had not disappeared at all, but was even more severe than before.

"How is this possible?....."

Mira stared blankly at the domineering figure on the top of the mountain, her beautiful eyes widened and her mouth slightly opened, as if she couldn't believe that such magic existed in the world.

Although she was at a distance from Charlotte, she could still feel the huge changes that occurred in Charlotte before and after the strange phenomenon disappeared.

The magic power that naturally emanated from Charlotte's body made her slightly shocked. She had no doubt that Charlotte's magic power at this moment was definitely several times more than before.

This kind of magic that directly increased one's own strength by several times was something she had never heard of before.

"Is this Charlotte's super magic?....."Mira murmured softly, looking at Charlotte with a somewhat inexplicable look. How many secrets does this mysterious wandering wizard hide? She was really curious......

Charlotte didn't know that a woman began to have a strong curiosity about him. At this moment, he was immersed in the explosive and terrifying power in his body. At a time, so much power surged in his body. While enjoying this power, Charlotte actually had a kind of"nouveau riche" thought in his heart, that is, to vent this powerful power well. As for the object of venting, it naturally fell on the"Elfman" in the body of the beast king.

His eyes, like a sharp sword, locked on the"Elfman" not far away.

After the strange phenomenon of heaven and earth disappeared, without the huge pressure of the sky-high eyes in the sky,"Elfman" also returned to normal, but as long as he thought of the fascinating feeling just now, he would still unconsciously feel fear.

When Charlotte's eyes locked on him, he suddenly felt a chill on his back and instinctively roared. If he was in a normal human form at this time, he would definitely be sweating and feel like sitting on pins and needles.


The huge magic power in Charlotte's body suddenly burst out, and his whole body seemed to be burning with a layer of blue flames. He stomped his feet, and the whole person became blurred, and then disappeared on the spot. At the same time, the mountaintop, which was already full of cracks, immediately shattered completely, turning into broken rocks all over the sky, and completely collapsed.

Charlotte's body soared into the sky, with a blue flame tail behind him. His speed was not fast, but he seemed particularly light. He jumped between the rocks completely relying on his amazing jumping ability. Every time he stepped over a rock, the rock would shatter like the previous mountaintop.

This scene looked spectacular.

Not long after, Charlotte came close to Elfman, and jumped up again. The whole person came to the sky above Elfman, with a blue light flashing in his eyes, holding the knife in both hands, without any fancy movements, he swung the knife straight down


With a shout,

Charlotte's huge magic power roared out in an instant, and the sword burst into a dazzling light. At this moment, a sword pressure that was unrivaled in the world came down with a bang, as if carrying the power of heaven and earth, sweeping towards Elfman. (I hope everyone will not get stuck in the horns of sword pressure.......)

Roar, roar, roar!!!

The sword pressure, with its unparalleled sharpness, washed over the beast king body of Elfman frantically. The latter also had a strong magic power rushing up, competing with the sharpness of the sword pressure.

However, this time, under the unparalleled sword pressure, Elfman was covered with scars all over his body, which was shocking. His powerful self-healing ability that had been invincible before did not work as well as before.

Because his self-healing speed was far behind the speed of injury.

In this regard, Elfman could only roar in anger, but he was powerless. He had already consumed a lot of magic power when fighting Charlotte before. Now facing the"Past Charlotte" whose strength had doubled, it was even more impossible for him to be his opponent.

He even couldn't even fight back.

Fortunately, the sword pressure did not last long.

After the sword pressure disappeared, the whole body of Elfman was covered with blood.

Even the ground under his feet was turned into countless powders under the sword pressure, and the whole area sank.

Charlotte was very satisfied with his"masterpiece".

He did not use any moves just now.

He just used the magic power of the absolute sword to crush him.

The reason why Elfman performed so badly was that his current magic power was completely incomparable to Charlotte.

If it was the ordinary Charlotte before, he would not be able to achieve this level with the same method. He would even be able to use too much magic power at one time, which would give Elfman an opportunity to take advantage of him.

After Charlotte entered the"past mode", the two were no longer in the same order of magnitude. After experiencing the powerful power in this mode, Charlotte had a good time and understood the power of the magic he created, so he lost interest in the beast king's body of Elfman.

So, let's end this battle.........


Please collect and flowers........

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