In the Beast King Mountains, it was quiet and peaceful. In the blink of an eye, a night passed.


Charlotte opened her eyes, stood up and stretched her arms, then took a deep breath, feeling extremely refreshed all over her body, and even more refreshed mentally.

""Brother Charlotte, you're awake!"

A clear voice came from the side.

Charlotte turned his head and saw Lisanna and Mira standing beside him. Both pairs of beautiful eyes were constantly looking at Charlotte, and there was a little surprise on their pretty faces.

The reason for the surprise was that Charlotte now looked full of energy, his eyes were bright, and his condition was even better. There was no trace of the weak and sluggish look of yesterday.

This made them quickly understand that what Charlotte said yesterday,"It will be fine after a good sleep", really did not lie to them, it really will be fine after a good sleep.....

Charlotte saw what the two were thinking at the moment, and he just shrugged and said,"Good morning!"

""Brother Charlotte, it's getting late now!" Lisana pointed to the sky and said,"The sun is about to burn our butts."

Charlotte looked up and saw a red sun hanging high in the sky. Judging from the heat it was emitting, it was almost noon.

Charlotte had gone to bed early yesterday, and now he woke up almost at noon. This was the first time in the past six months that he had slept for such a long time.

However, Charlotte also knew that the most serious problem he had yesterday was the depletion of his mental energy, and the fastest and most convenient way for him to restore his mental energy was to rely on sleep. This time he slept for such a long time, it seemed that his mental energy was really exhausted yesterday.....

"Since it's almost noon....."Charlotte retracted his gaze and looked at the two sisters again, saying,"Then I will treat you to lunch. Your mission this time is over. After lunch, let's go back to Loran Town. Your brother Elfman needs to be treated properly."

The two were stunned at first, and then their eyes lit up. Obviously, they guessed what Charlotte was talking about lunch.

Thinking of the delicious barbecue the night before, the two couldn't help swallowing their saliva. They didn't feel very hungry at first, but at this moment, their stomachs were growling.

The three of them moved quickly, dragging Elfman, who was tied up like a mummy, and stepped out of the deepest part of the mountain range........

Three days later.

Luolan Town.

In a small restaurant, two men and two women were sitting by the window. On the table, there was a large amount of rich food. One of the four people, a rough man with white hair, was reaching out quickly, constantly picking up various kinds of food and stuffing them into his mouth frantically.

Compared with the ugly eating appearance of the rough man who was wolfing down, the eating appearance of the other three people was much more elegant.

These four people were the Mira trio and Charlotte who returned to Luolan Town from the Beast King Mountains three days ago.

The one who ate the craziest was naturally Elfman, who had been in a coma for three days and only woke up today.

For three days, he had not taken any food into his stomach. Even though he had been in a coma, after waking up, Elfman was still very hungry. Look, he started eating like crazy as soon as the dishes were served.

Elfman still had a lot of bandages wrapped around his body, but compared to the"mummy" look he had that day, he was already in great shape. It was just that Charlotte had hit him too hard that day. Although Charlotte had held back, after some medical treatment, Elfman woke up, but the magic power in his body could not be mobilized at all, and it was obvious that he had not fully recovered.

According to Charlotte's speculation, Elfman would need to rest for at least ten days and a half months before he could recover and use magic again.

However, it is worth mentioning that although Elfman's operation of forcibly receiving the Beast King in the Beast King Mountains was a bit reckless, judging from the current results, it was a blessing in disguise.

Because of Charlotte's move, Elfman was not completely attacked by the Beast King, but was completely transformed into the Beast King's soul and became a part of Elfman's receiving magic.

However, as I said before, Elfman is too weak. Even if he gets the Beast King Soul, he doesn't have enough magic power to receive it in a short time. If he receives it by force, the scene in the Beast King Mountain Range will inevitably be repeated. I believe that Elfman, who has learned a lesson, should not be so stupid.

Therefore, no matter how much he covets the power of the Beast King Soul in his body, Elfman can only endure it until he has enough magic power to control this power before he can receive it..........

The meal took a long time, and no one said much during this time. The atmosphere between them seemed a little weird.

As for the reason, they all knew it, because this meal was not just an ordinary lunch, but also their farewell meal!

From the moment they entered the restaurant, the little girl Lisanna kept frowning her cute little face, and she ate in small bites. This was not because of her ladylike nature, but simply because she had no appetite. Even Mira, although not as obvious as Lisanna, had a somewhat unnatural look on her face, and she would glance at Charlotte from time to time, with a special light flashing in her eyes. Charlotte

, on the other hand, always looked indifferent, eating the food in the bowl by herself, and was not affected by the emotions of the two girls at all, at least on the surface......

As for Elfman, let's not talk about him..............


This plot is almost over here. Considering that many people want to see the plot, I thought about it and decided to satisfy you.......The official plot will soon begin, so please look forward to it! It's burning!

By the way, please add some collections, flowers, etc.....

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