In the year X782 in the Kingdom of Fiore, a sixteen-year-old boy named Charlotte Gert walked out of the small village of Navalo and embarked on his own path as a wizard. A legend began...........

A small town in the south, Loran.

On the wide streets, pedestrians from all over the kingdom shuttled through.

On the left side of the street, a man in a loose black robe was walking slowly. Nearly one-third of the man's face was covered by the black robe, leaving only the face below the eyes.

Because of this, even the pedestrians who passed by him on the street could not see his complete appearance, but from the exposed parts, they could roughly infer that this man in black robe should be a young boy.

Behind the man, there was a long object wrapped completely in black cloth. From the appearance alone, it was impossible to tell what was inside the black cloth.

The man walked all the way and came directly to a hotel on the east side of the town.

In a room on the second floor of the hotel, the man pushed the door open, then took off the long object behind him, and casually pulled off his black robe, revealing the black short sleeves inside, as well as his complete face.

His eyebrows were like swords, his eyes were like stars, and even though his face had no expression, he still looked very handsome. This look was definitely Charlotte.

Charlotte came to the desk, took out a magazine, put it on the desk, and then flipped through it carefully.

After about half a quarter of an hour, Charlotte turned over the last page of the magazine, snapped it shut, and threw it to the corner of the desk, where there was a thick stack of magazines of the same type that was half an inch high.

Charlotte shook his head and said to himself,"There is still no useful information, but as expected, Fairy Tail is in trouble again. What an interesting guild!" What he just read was the very popular Magic Weekly published in the Kingdom of Fiore. Magic Weekly mainly published the big and small news happening in the major magic guilds of the kingdom, which allowed citizens all over the world in the kingdom to learn about the latest situation of those guilds at the fastest speed.

Not only that, in the second half of this Magic Weekly, there were also many rankings of the characters of each guild.

There are many kinds of these lists, and their main purpose is to satisfy consumers' strong desire for gossip. It is also because of these lists that the newspaper that publishes this magic weekly has made a lot of money.

Now it has been a month since Charlotte left Hualuo Village.

After leaving Hualuo Village, Charlotte was not in a hurry to find Eligore for revenge, because although his awakened magic was very powerful, he was still just a magic rookie who had just started to learn magic.

What he needed most now was to grow up in the shortest time.

From childhood to adulthood, Charlotte had not left Hualuo Village many times, and his understanding of the entire Fiore magic world was even less.

The only information he knew was from his father's occasional sighs.

He was now alone outside, and it was necessary to understand some necessary information, and the fastest way to understand this information was to rely on these magic weekly.

A week ago, Charlotte arrived in the town of Loran, which was only considered medium-sized but well-known in the Kingdom of Fiore. The first thing he did was to buy all the magic weekly magazines in the past two years at the local newspaper office.

He just went out and bought the latest issue of the magic weekly magazine.

Through these magic weekly magazines, Charlotte also had a preliminary understanding of the magic guilds in the Kingdom of Fiore. At least he basically remembered those famous regular guilds and some famous people in these guilds.

However, the one that impressed him the most was a guild called"Fairy Tail".

The reason why this guild impressed Charlotte so much was not only because there were many powerful wizards in this guild, but also because the wizards of this guild were too active. All the tasks they performed, no matter how big or small, would cause certain damage to the local area. It was precisely because of this that the wizards of this guild could be seen in almost every issue of the magic weekly magazine.

In this way, it was difficult for Charlotte not to be impressed!

Through the window, Charlotte looked at the sky outside, then jumped directly onto the bed and lay down flat.

It was still daytime, and Charlotte was lying on the bed, not sleeping.

A blue light flashed in Charlotte's eyes, and then he felt a flicker of spirit, and then his consciousness escaped into his eyes, and then he entered a dark and empty space.

In the space, at a glance, it was all dark. The only light was a river formed by the convergence of blue light spots in the center of the space. Countless light spots kept flashing, just as gorgeous and beautiful as the Milky Way in the sky.

Beside this blue river, a light and shadow condensed, it was Charlotte, to be precise, it was Charlotte's consciousness.

And this space is the time space bred in his magic"Eye of Time".

Charlotte also discovered by chance during a practice half a month ago that there was a world in his eyes. At first, he was a little overwhelmed when he accidentally entered this space, but after he came here several times in a row and discovered some functions of this space, this confusion was completely transformed into excitement.

The beautiful river formed by the blue light spots beside him was named the River of Time by Charlotte. As for whether it is related to the legendary"River of Time", it is unknown...........


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