A few days later.

In the port city of Hargeon.

In front of the dock, a group of two people and a cat appeared. The boy with cherry-colored hair, the beautiful girl with a golden ponytail, and the cute blue kitten were Natsu, Lucy, and Happy.

"No, what if the boatmen hear that we are going to Karna Island and are unwilling to take us there?"

After asking around at the dock and getting the same answer, Lucy said helplessly. Especially when she thought of the horrified expressions on the boatmen's faces when they heard about Karna Island, Lucy couldn't help but feel a little scared and said:

"Will we also be cursed if we go to that island? Why don’t we go back?"

"No way!" Hearing Lucy's words of retreat, Natsu immediately said,"I must complete this task this time and let those guys in the guild know my strength!"

"But we can't find the boat at all!" said Lucy.

"I've made up my mind!" Natsu's face suddenly became serious and he said,"Let's go swimming!"

"I'll ask again......"Hearing what Natsu said, Lucy turned her head and faced him with the back of her head. Swimming across the sea, such an unreliable method could only be thought of by a seasick guy like Natsu!

"Oh, right!" Just as Lucy was about to try her luck at the dock again, an idea suddenly flashed in her mind, and she said with joy,"I almost forgot, when Charlotte left last time, he said that he would stay in Hargeon for some time. Why don't we go find him? Maybe he has some solution!""

"Charlotte!?" Natsu tilted his head and thought for a moment, then a smile appeared on his face and he laughed loudly,"Charlotte should treat us to a meal!"

"Is this all you remember?....."Lucy was confused. It turned out that Natsu only remembered the last time when Charlotte treated him at Hargeon......

"But we don't know where Charlotte lives."The kitten Habby flapped his wings and flew aside and said

"That’s right! It’s really a headache!" Lucy said with a disappointed look on her face.

"Finally found you!"

At this moment, a familiar voice suddenly sounded behind the two people and the cat.


Turning around and seeing the person behind them, the two men and the cat were all startled. Natsu asked in surprise,"Why are you here!"

The man who suddenly appeared behind them was none other than Gray, one of their strongest team members!

"The old man specially sent me to take you all back." Gray looked at Natsu and said,"You are really bold and reckless. You actually dared to secretly accept an S-level mission. Don't you know the consequences! ?"

"Were we discovered so soon?"Natsu held his head in disbelief.

"If you go back now, you might not be expelled from the guild!" Gray narrowed his eyes and said to the two people and the cat in a somewhat alarmist tone.

"Expel the guild!?" Lucy was immediately frightened by these words. She had joined the guild with great difficulty!

"I won't go back, I must complete the S-rank mission no matter what!" Natsu said loudly

"It is impossible to complete an S-level mission with your strength, and......"Gray taunted Natsu, and then his tone suddenly became low,"Aren't you afraid that Erza will find out about this?.....Hehe, I guess I don’t need to remind you of the result!"


The expressions of the two people and the cat finally changed drastically after hearing the name. Lucy's face turned pale. She didn't really have much experience of how terrifying Erza was, but since she joined the guild, both Natsu and Gray's fear of Erza made her always have a deep sense of awe for the strongest female wizard in Fairy Tail.....

"Gray, you have to save me!"

The kitten Habby flapped its wings and flew to Gray's shoulder, asking for help with a very aggrieved look on its cute little face,"I was brought here by force by these two ignorant guys, I was forced!"

""Oh! You traitor cat!" Seeing that the little cat had chosen to betray so decisively, Lucy roared immediately, but in her heart, she actually had some thoughts of"rebellion", because that was Erza.....

"I will never back down this time. Even if it's Erza, as long as I complete this S-level mission, she will definitely look at me with new eyes!"

What surprised Gray was that Natsu was particularly stubborn this time. Even if he brought up Erza, he couldn't break his determination for this S-level mission. It seemed that what happened after Laxus appeared in the guild yesterday had a big impact on him!


"This is the president's order!" Gray said,"I have to drag you back even if I have to."


The two of them were very tough and were about to use magic to duel here, but at this moment, the little cat Habby lying on Gray's shoulder suddenly lit up his eyes, pointed with his claws, and shouted:

""Naz, I think I saw Charlotte!"

Hearing what Habib said, the three of them were stunned, and then looked in the direction Habib pointed. Sure enough, they saw a very handsome boy talking and laughing with a middle-aged uncle at a pier in front of them. When talking about interesting things, the middle-aged uncle laughed heartily from time to time.

That handsome boy, isn't it Charlotte?.........


First update!!! All kinds of requests!!!

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